Ok Wichura I ll just ask you a simple question to make you understand my point. Try to be sincere ok ?
You gave me a link where Kilgore told me that devs did a bit of advertisement and that quickly the server had up to 460 players ! Wow, great, awesome.
My question is this : Where are they now ?
Ahh now we are around 100 ? Even last season we had more players. Don't you think going from 460 players to 100 is a failure in a sense ? So but in your opinion it is not ? Everything is fine ?
Now to come back at what Kilgore said about the fact that this season is a test. I don't think it is an acceptable argument honestly, but you have the right to think the opposite. I don't think it is because 2238 was also a test I mean it was a beta, game was always in beta.
And wanting to make advertisement again to attract completely new players is not a bad thing in my opinion, but why we did not try to keep the players we got from the previous advertisement ?
A very important thing I wanted to say about this is that Kilgore changed the core of the game. Interactions between players, including stealing, looting, xping, farming etc..
And for example no one talks about xping and farming BUT what I noticed is that in this reloaded server a of new quests were about talking to a npc, the npc gives a special location that ONLY your character can see. You go there, you kill the things and report back to the npc : Mutant quest, rodent quests, Centaurs quest, telltales etc.. The bad thing about this is that you can farm completely
ISOLATED from players. The thing that was good before, is that your PvE could quickly change to PvP because you would go in the worldmap to hunt things like ammos, weapons, armors etc. And you could meet players everywhere, in RT and even in TB. Now it's like everyone is in his own quest...
Edit : I forgot about
caravans while typing my messages

which is the apogee of this.
Also I think that is a bit pretentious to say that anytime we could get more people by advertising, I mean get them playing for a bit is thing. Keeping them is another thing.
In my opinion advertisement by word of mouth is the best advertisement and is good enough if your game is good ( for the size of a FOnline server).
I agree with Sam6321 because at least he recognize that there are problems, and ask us to be patient since devs solve it. No problems, we will wait, it takes time I agree.
I have problems about people that are saying that there are NO PROBLEMS and everything is fine now, wake up please. We lost 360 players since the beginning of reloaded.