No drop is the worst
idea ever
APPLIED to this game ( FO). How can you ruin a game so much...
Even if I was an enemy of this game, a person that really hated this game and wanted to destroy it. I think I would not even dare to be so cruel and apply this outrage.
I am an old player of FO, I have a good memory of the bad ideas and things. But here we are attacking the CORE of the game. Ruining PvP was not enough. It is never enough as I can see.
-Shitty implants were not enough !!!
-Having to level up to lvl 130 if you want good snipers is not enough !!! At the beginning the idea of being able to level up more than 24 was to prevent alts. Ok np it was a good idea. Same for the no cooldown in crafting, but the fact that you continue to gain skill points and that you can PUT these skill points to combat skills ruined everything.
-Nerfing snipers and making them unable to fight in one versus one in PvP + making them shitty for PvE compared to bursters was not enough. And don't tell me that it has always been like that ( bursters > snipers/cripplers in PvE). Because in 2238 when you had to go hunt San fransisco patrols to loot LSW, you were happy when you had a guy being able to cripple the strong arms Npcs or knocking them out. But sorry last season when you wanted to farm, it was ONLY enclave patrols because it was the best thing to do ( and NCR army for armors..). How to kill them ? Start in TB and one hex them with burst weapon. Good job.... Cool. And of course they don't react when you got closer since
Karma is deleted. Nice one.
-What about crafting abuse like deagles extended capacity during all last season. That was fine ? In previous season to level up you SHOULD NOT go farm for xp. WHY ? It was 20 times faster to collect junks in multi logging.
- One hexing disabled

, it was funny and skilled. Hex bots sorry ? People were banned for using that. People created bots for mining, should we delete mining ? People created bots for collecting ressources, should we delete ressources ?
If you want to do something good, increase a
little bit damage from bursts when you get closer and closer to enemies ( it's more realistic and not a bad idea) and LET the one hex mechanics.
Cause right now people will not move anymore in combats, wtf, they ll just stay and shoot cause when you move action points does not regenerates !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Tesla Helmet, yes it was op, yes it is shitty, yes it was another indirect nerf of snipers because you can crit on it for 4 hit points with plasma rifle if you don't bypass. BUT WAAAAIT nooo, I see you coming saying that it is supposed to counter energy attacks so it do it well. But ALSO against small guns it is VERY OP because of drugs that adds damage resistance and the toughness perks and due to the fact that small guns damage are less than energy dmg which makes it a better overall helmet.
-T4 ! Enemies that you can't fight at all because they camped magic lockers for years because they don't have lives and were not able to use everything before wipe

. Nice frustration.
-Best of the best, the no drop. Ah, you are now creative in your destruction ! No more adrenaline in PvE and PvP, you just have to care about ammunitions and have high repair now. Everything are for the newbies now ? Tell us please. And the worst thing is that now the newbies will not even enjoy the beginning of the game, which is supposed to be exciting, to be hard.
-No stealing

, you are altering the original universe.
Players who spent all these years on FO didn't understand what FO is(in the mind of players) and should be. I lost faith in these people, no one can help them anymore.
Kilgore...You said something, and you lied. You lied on this webpage :https://www.fonline-reloaded.net
In the part features you said : FEATURES
"FOnline: Reloaded expands on the well-known and liked gameplay mechanics of FOnline: 2238 while simultaneously doing away with the elements of the previous game that weren’t really popular with the players."
So full loot was not considered popular by the players of 2238 ?( and players of last season ) Players had problems with full loot ? Who ? 2 lost idiots ?
Stealing skill on players was considered as a big problem by players of 2238 ? ( and players of last season)
The truth is that we are all playing a server directed by ONE GUY, in 2238 it was a team of devs called the rotators with 7 people :
Grzegorz "Atom" Jagiella.
Markus "Ghosthack" Öberg.
Stefan "Lexx" Keßner.
Slaven "Lisac2k" Ostojic.
Bartosz "scypior" Przygoda.
Ben "SlimCharles" Jenkins.
Tom "Solar" Jones.
Kilgore, ask people to help you with choices please. Build yourself a team of true old veterans that know this game very well. Your own vision is not the vision of the majority as we noticed many many times. It's
OVERPROUD to want to do this work of balancing, and implementing new features just by yourself and asking 2 guys one evening on a teamspeak !
Last thing, we waited years for this wipe. Years with xp exploits, with map bugs like in the north spawn of junktown where your fucking screen is stuck against the scroll blockers. And now in your release of third season you tell us that it could have new exploits/bugs and all ?
But wait, how long this season will last ? Because if there is an exploit and players are using it at the beginning of the season, even if you correct it after it's too
LATE. It already gave an unfair advantage to them for all the rest of the season, and if it last 6 years again, please imagine the frustration about that. The first teams to take towns will have caps, better gear and all and they ll be able to recruit players more easily etc..
This is very important and can ruin a season so consider this problem please. I don't know, try to take a group of 10 players and test your server for one week or something.
The words are : Shameful, hideous, ugly, bad, sad after all

My goal is not to say, OK guys lets leave this shitty game. Understand me please, my goal is to make things changes for the better. I hope that bad features will be deleted. And there are some good features and quests too I have to admit.
About the new sneak system I don't know if it is good or not, tell me please..