makes no sense to combine kamikaze with finesse at all
you reduce your damage by alot by finesse and then you increase that small remaining damage by 10% (by almost nothing) and you lose 10% DR
either you go for damage or for crippling
finesse and even cripplers in general were always weak and never popular on reloaded
especially now since weapon drops goes to inventory should be even worse unless there was some changes in crit table in favor of cripplers (can we get confirmation if crit table was/wasnt changed?)
there was big discussion regarding finesse long ago -> why take finesse on crippler when you can have crippler which deals damage as well without finesse and still cripples fine and get extra trait on top of it ? i do not recommend finesse for any build
that reminds me.. my opinion about kamikaze
kamikaze on first look seems like equal trade of damage dealing vs taking (10 for 10) but its not worth in general except for some very specific builds
let me explain..
for example, enemy has 100 damage, he hits you, your DR is 50... 100-50% = 50
if you would have kamikaze, your DR would be 40 then it would be 100-40% = 60
difference between 60 and 50 is 20% not 10%, you lose 10% DR but you take 20% more damage comapre to what you would take without kamikaze
but its just example, in real pvp difference is not that big because of -DR on ammo but its still there so its never worth when looking at pure trade of dmg taking vs dealing
kamikaze is worth it for builds that goes for pure dps and doesnt care about defense (sneakers, maybe full dps crit bursters) but i definitely wouldnt go for it on sniper
snipers arent dealing that much damage, if you increase that damage by 10% its not much, they are more about crit effects then damage and also they are paper enough without it, kamikaze is superbad against gatling and those can easily reach sniper with their 40 hex range
snipers have hard times now
it looks cool that you get one extra perk by merging sharpshooter with RBTE but you lose 2 SPECIAL points because sharpshooter requires 3 int instead of 1, those 2 special points are worth exactly that one perk merge (example actionboy = 2 ag, lifegiver = 2 en..) so they are basically at same point where they was before and even worse since small frame was removed and special implants hard to get again