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Messages - FrankenStone

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 45
Tools and Modifications / Re: Lada Pack [Verhicle Mod]
« on: February 21, 2018, 07:11:09 pm »
good work Urukhai, how are you ? you are still mapping or just doing vehicle mods ? this looks cool tho :D

Hey I am fine!
I still do map from time to time. Recently did Arroyo G.E.C.K.ed. :)

nice, good to hear that.

Tools and Modifications / Re: Lada Pack [Verhicle Mod]
« on: February 21, 2018, 04:45:10 pm »
good work Urukhai, how are you ? you are still mapping or just doing vehicle mods ? this looks cool tho :D

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: January 10, 2018, 03:39:15 am »

Toxic Caves / Re: Re: Pvp Movies & Screens
« on: October 27, 2017, 01:49:21 am »
did the wipe change alot of stuff im tempted to try the single player stuff?
Indeed a lot, luckily or not you've missed a whole tsunami of drama related to those changes.

Now you can interact with other players in different ways than simply slaying these ones out of your namecolorizing. Although you don't have to, feeding the autism with instanced dungeons nobody can bother you in is also present.

yes, now u can interact in a totally freshly new way which was impossible before > just press enter type the letters H...E...L...L...O and wait for response

what an experience, i liked typing /e pissing on body

Faction Announcements / Re: The Khans: Recruitment
« on: October 05, 2017, 11:56:01 pm »
Bump approve

Game Help / Re: On luck and critical misses
« on: October 04, 2017, 11:00:01 pm »
I did take a look at critical_failures, and it says only 0x00000000 byte codes and stuff, presumably from fallout.dat or .exe or else, no reference whatnot.

Any way, you confirmed so I'll fix the post. At the very least it can be copypasted into the wikia page now, same as "note from mojuk" is on Luck page regarding Luck as defender.

The bit about Miss turning into Critical Miss is right above the code I pasted in the combat.fos file. It does random crap + weapon deterioration as main factor.

yeah looks like a flag thing, maybe you are lucky and its defined somewhere in _defines script.
im sure there are some flags written in that hexadecimal style dealing with crippling.

the 0x is just a prefix (used in C and many other programming languages) to mean that the following number is in base 16.

Toxic Caves / Re: On luck and critical misses
« on: October 04, 2017, 09:39:05 pm »
random is god, dunno what your question was tho, since u seem to understand simple things.
just look in critical_failures.fos if you want to know what roll is doing what... like decribed in the comment line in the script i guess, the rest is simple math like u already figured out.

you already figured out the differences between different luck, its simple addition operation

Random(1, 100) - 5 * (cr.Stat[ST_LUCK] - 5); or Random(1, 100) + (- 5 * (cr.Stat[ST_LUCK] - 5));

Random() just generates a number between 1 and 100 this value will be used for simple calculation. only thing you have to pay attention too is that a negative number multiplied with another negative number will have an positive result.

you analysed that already on the bottom like, Random number between 1 and 100 + (-5*(1-4)) would look like Random + (-5*(-3)) > Random number between 1 and 100 + 15 and so on ...

Game Help / Re: On luck and critical misses
« on: October 04, 2017, 09:29:35 pm »
random is god, dunno what your question was tho, since u seem to understand simple things.
just look in critical_failures.fos if you want to know what roll is doing what... like decribed in the comment line in the script i guess, the rest is simple math like u already figured out.

you already figured out the differences between different luck, its simple addition operation

Random(1, 100) - 5 * (cr.Stat[ST_LUCK] - 5); or Random(1, 100) + (- 5 * (cr.Stat[ST_LUCK] - 5));

Random() just generates a number between 1 and 100 this value will be used for simple calculation. only thing you have to pay attention too is that a negative number multiplied with another negative number will have an positive result.

you analysed that already on the bottom like, Random number between 1 and 100 + (-5*(1-4)) would look like Random + (-5*(-3)) > Random number between 1 and 100 + 15 and so on ...

so yeah with 1 luck and anything under 5 you will end up with some addition to the random generated number, on the other hand its still pretty rare i think the random generated number ranges from 1 to 100 so thats a wide field were u would have to hit >=75 on random gen to receive the baddest critical miss roll. i dont know exactly how the random number generator works here but if you just go by probability its like 3/4 chance against it and 1/4 to happen, in reality you might have more luck haha.

also this is only for creating a critical roll when already a "critical" miss occured. it would be more interesting to look on the part which turns a miss into a critical miss.

Suggestions / Re: [Quests and maps] jarok suggestions
« on: October 04, 2017, 08:53:58 pm »
I'm a fan of dark humor very dark humor. but if people don't approve we got to accept it. but like to see more similar and different dark in the game :P.

the thing is fallout isnt that dark to make childrape a thing in direct calling
you know what good writing is?
good writing is when its only implied but never directly said
same about dark humor

Suggestions / Re: [Quests and maps] jarok suggestions
« on: October 03, 2017, 12:40:53 am »
Just keep the rape and murder of children to the minimal. I'm not a fan of adding really dark sexual shit like that. It's not fun to write IMO.

well it can be fun if you got dark humor, if her age is on the clock shes ready for the cock.

but yeah i get what you try to say, i eman fallout universe is dark but we should never forget that it got some unique humor and this is hard to deliver with such dark themes.

but thats what makes the difference between fallout 1 and 2 and all what came afterwards... what i dont like about this suggestion si the option to rape her. killing might be cruel enough.

General Game Discussion / Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« on: September 28, 2017, 09:18:44 pm »
who said that fonline is a democratic game ?

River of Tears / Re: No Loot Drop - Kilgore Read
« on: September 03, 2017, 06:35:41 pm »
experience penalty hurts whom ? the snipers who need level 200 or the tanks who need 150 levels less ??? , well i didnt played this new season at all, not interested just from reading the changelog.

Off-topic discussions / Re: Need to get rich
« on: April 20, 2017, 01:42:15 pm »
Well uuhhh you know shit gets tough here in Murica  ;)

u mean mechico

Deutscher Sprachraum / Re: Da bin ich wieder^^
« on: April 16, 2017, 02:43:08 am »
lol date registered dasselbe wie zuletzt aktiv ... LOL interessiert keinen ob du da bist , wenn ud nicht mal vorbei schaust ... gibts überhaupt nen deutschsprachigne mod hier im forum der solche spamthreads löschen kann ?

Naja, auch wenn wir keine ,,Freunde'' sind FrankenStone - Es ist schön zu wissen das es dir gut geht und du noch lebst  :P

Mein Post hat gereicht um wieder auf mich aufmerksam zu machen,Tenka hat mich privat angeschrieben und innerhalb von 2 Tagen seine Antwort bekommen.

Ich muss nicht jeden Tag online sein um etwas mitzubekommen. Wie du schon sagtest spielen alle der ''Alten'' auf FO2 oder auch garnicht mehr.

Ich habe aber bei JDC eine gute neue Truppe gefunden..

In dem Sinne - man liest sich ;)

Mfg Mod  :o

10 jahre später haha , jdc sind gute jungs.

Tools and Modifications / Re: [WIP] v.1 New weapon sounds
« on: March 21, 2017, 06:14:58 pm »
stalke ris soon joing aop devteam or are you john porno ? KURWA MAC

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