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Messages - Desert Mutt

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Closed suggestions / Make more NPCs drop cigarettes and nuka.
« on: September 10, 2013, 12:28:08 am »
We need more NPCs that have those items.
Currently no one is dropping cigs.
I suggest add cigarettes to Khan Raiders, Mobsters, Mercenaries and Highwaymen.
Currently only peasants carry nuka. Would be nice to add it to other NPCs as well, like Yakuza, Moonshiners, Bootleggers.

Closed bugs / Re: [Mechanics] One Hander
« on: September 09, 2013, 09:50:49 pm »
Just tested on my one-hander character.
Was shooting my slaves with BB Gun (2-handed weapon) and Mauser (1-handed).
Both weapons have 8-13 as base damage, both ammo modifiers are the same.
With BB Gun i was able to do ~5 dmg more than with mouser.

I expect after fixing this bug Mouser and BB Gun should do the same amount of damage in this test.

Closed bugs / Re: slaves disapeared
« on: September 09, 2013, 09:38:28 pm »
Had similar issue, as soon as slave behavior set to flee they may run-away from the location where you left them and never get back (so you have to call ~dibandparty away_team).

Game Help / Re: Info about leaders, please?
« on: September 09, 2013, 03:02:52 pm »
So far I'd like to find answers for questions given below:
- Is it mandatory to get 10 Charisma as base stat or shall I focus on making total 10 CH with perks / support perks and Mentats out of build in the end?
- Is "Total charisma − 1 = Number of Players or followers that can be transported at once." formula from
1 point of CH will give you a slot for a player or NCP (1 CH character can transport 1 follower here).
Pick as much CH as people you would like to transport (you can use mentats +2CH and beer to spare some  SPECIAL points on something else).

Wiki accurate info for FOnline: Reloaded? Do I need any Party Points to let players follow me or are they used only for NPC followers (I didn't get it clearly from Wiki ^^")?
Players require only CH, NPCs require party points.
If you want to lead NPCs (good old Mercenary Commander character)  then you need more party points and you will have to invest your skill points into the SPEECH SKILL (up to 300%), this will leave your character undeveloped in other areas and gimped in stats (as in addition to CH you'll have to spend more SPECIAL on IN to get more skill points).

- What kind of combat / crafting specialists would possibly create a viable combo for Leaders?
Run away specialist and blowjob master. Leaders are weak without support. I'm not sure if people are using 'leaders' beyond moving the group from one location of the map to other one (a taxi alt).
To be a good crafter you need a lot of ST (to carry materials) which you don't have since you have invested a lot of points into CH. Create a separate alt for crafting, you don't have to level it up that much as you need only 100% science (to take professions) and 125% repair (repair is capped at 125% in the game).

- Does party size have a limit to lead group members? It's 9 players to lead at once, right?
- Is it possible for someone's party member to become a leader for other player at the same time? (Situation to create a "train" of party players. In example: I'm a leader guiding 2 or 3 persons, who follow me and guide their own party members. If it's possible, how many players will the main leader see on the map in such situation?)
Don't remember about the limit, check the party window on the left, 10 is the whole group: you + 9 other people.
Someone else can became a leader of the group if he has enough charisma to transport the group. It is not possible to create nested trains of followers followed by other followers.

- Any other suggestions from experienced players?
1. Leaders are no longer fun to play as a character (thanks to party points system!) since their use is limited to transportation and they are weak without support (because you have to invest in CH your combat stats LK EN PE will suffer). You can make a high CH taxi alt for that purpose (pick skilled, 10 IN,, tag outdoorsman, level up till lvl 3-4, you will be able to transport the group).
2. Read this:
3. Prepare to withstand a lot of butthurt.

Good luck!

Closed suggestions / Re: Merge Speech and BArter into Negotiation skill.
« on: September 09, 2013, 02:06:42 pm »
Talking someone into buying snake oil is not the same as making them pay twice as much for it.
You admit that both are talking.
Same can be applied to melee & unarmed: fighting with knife or a spear is not the same as dropping kicks and punches, but we have those merged.

Closed suggestions / Re: Real Time combat and Fast Shot animation
« on: September 09, 2013, 01:57:30 pm »
I personally feel that TB->RT porting should be done completely, not partially
Agree, clunkiness and inconsistencies between TB and RT (just as example: in RT 4 AP char runs as fast as 12 AP char) have been discusses numerous times.  Fixing those would require significant changes to the engine, so i doubt that this is going to be ever fixed.

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 08/09/2013
« on: September 09, 2013, 01:45:10 pm »
Ctrl+G is to fast pickup all, not to choose items.

and pls leave it like that :)
But then Ctrl+G should take as many action point as there are piles on the ground.
Example: if you have 10 combat armors on the ground then Ctrl+G should take 30 AP and not 0 like it is now...

Closed suggestions / Re: Combat speed
« on: September 09, 2013, 01:50:33 am »

TB on this server is extremely slow. It would be nice to see 2x 3x TB like on FOnline2 server.

Closed suggestions / Double the rate of encounters.
« on: September 09, 2013, 01:44:42 am »
I'm getting tired a bit, was walking through previously dangerous areas of the map (mountain areas west, south west from Boneyard). I was able to slowly move through 9 squares on average with my 70% outdoorsman before I get asked or pulled into some encounter.

If you try hunt for something (geckos, slaves, various kinds of walking XP) that makes it very time consuming as you depend on encounter rate.

Closed suggestions / Re: Merge Speech and BArter into Negotiation skill.
« on: September 09, 2013, 01:21:57 am »
If you don't get the idea, then you just simply don't get the idea...
That's a solid logic here. Could you please elaborate on this?

What the fuck is that, you making alt for 125 skill cap? ;D
Yes, but it is not necessary that I'm going to tag barter and level teh alt til lvl 24...

All support skills were lowered just to make it possible to make overall more useful characters and... it works.
It seems that some skills were just capped without reworking underlying mechanics (e.g. you still need 300% make it useful, but you can't raise it higher than let's say 125% due to the cap, at least that's the feeling I got with science skill).

Closed suggestions / Re: Merge Speech and BArter into Negotiation skill.
« on: September 09, 2013, 12:11:19 am »
The reasons why I suggested Barter and Speech to be merged are:
1. Things described by Dr.Mentat's post
2. Speech skill is more or less useless on it's own.
3. Less special purpose alts,  we are killing specialized barter alt by this change as you will be able to create a Leader (tag: some weapons, Negotiation, Outdoorsman) type character (a viable play style) that is good at bartering.

Events & Competitions / Re: Killing in Barter Ground
« on: September 08, 2013, 05:18:14 pm »
30K is too little for such info, why would some1 share it with you if he can earn 30K+ caps just by killing other players.  ::)
I suggest you give implants or something for such kind of things to have higher chance of successfully finding the exploit.
Knowing that people will try exploit everything that can be exploited (and good exploits worth more than any item) even implant suggestion can be questionable.

Closed suggestions / Re: No firearms in public guarded mines
« on: September 08, 2013, 05:12:25 pm »
Um, I'm not 100% sure, but if a sledgehammer is considered a weapon-
Actually it is, i remember being killed in original 2238 by Junktown guard once, cuz i have forgotten to hide hammer.  ::)

Closed suggestions / Re: No firearms in public guarded mines
« on: September 08, 2013, 04:01:05 pm »
We could forbid firearms in any public places,
It was almost like that before, and it's very noob unfriendly, as you may enter place that you don't know with the firearm in your hands and by the time you notice and read the warning yelled by guard you get your ass bursted to death.

Toxic Caves / Re: Repeat Previous Attack Button
« on: September 08, 2013, 03:56:39 pm »
RT needs completely different interface - at least the one like in FoT:BoS.
Repeat Previous Attack it's kinda attemt to move into that direction, but it's a not really right attempt...
We need some sort of sentry modes instead. ... or forget about all this and add WSAD, I'm serious.

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