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Messages - The Burglar

Pages: [1]
The Thunderdome / Re: Scripts...
« on: May 24, 2014, 07:36:10 pm »
Why so many anger OneQuestionMK2?

Heh, another Don Quixote. It is doubtfull Seki is boting 24/7, because he sometimes play and take part in PvP activieties. and abusing some of the game features is much more profitable and easier than botting.
And I see in you another hating crybaby who can not loose and blame others calling them cheaters.
Just learn how to play, how to win, how to lose and how to report real cheaters.
Do not accusse others without proofs.


Oh nice, you can add color to your rage post, without that we propaply couldn't read this :).

Wait what I did say?
Remove whole game? No way :)

What do you mean by bottables? Because everythong in this game is bottables or can be. Unless it is just a part of the scenery.

I know he is a Troll, so am I :)

The Thunderdome / Re: Scripts...
« on: March 28, 2014, 09:22:04 pm »
And I am going to retirement:)

Game Help / Re: What exactly is "Wipe"? What happnes?
« on: March 27, 2014, 11:35:34 pm »
...but add to random lockers, more rare than blueprints (like oil cans)...

They should not be easy botted.
I manage to find around 30 oil cans in month being developed. But still are "locker" items I didn't find.
You can get implants now from Old Military Base. It is hard to find and still can be make solo( two shitty builds using fastrelog, maybe someone with good build could do this without fast relog)

But my Master agree with you, there should be more ways to get implants for solo players, not easy of course.

The Thunderdome / Re: Scripts...
« on: March 19, 2014, 07:32:24 pm »
While I'm happy that you enjoy the support of a player who has been playing for a week and can't read through the whole topic (or just can't follow the discussion), I really want you to read and understand my reply to your other post.

I have read and I understand.

This topic has two pages. It can be read in few minutes, so your argument is invalid.

In the world of autocklicers you want to judge me? I am waiting for GM's opinion, because you can talk only you are bot, you are bad, you should be banned.

I think i saw that behavior before. BBS are wining. BBS bad. BBS banned.

Apologize for all BBS members if I offensed you. I used this example because i saw many envious shitload about you.

Oh, I like this troll topic:)

General Game Discussion / Re: How is it in unguarded mines?
« on: March 19, 2014, 07:21:34 pm »
Hereafter, I refuse to waste more energy answering to a stuck-up person who talks about himself in the third person and has an outrageous attitude towards fair play.

My Master is dissapointed your lack of imagination:)
This is RPG(Role Play Game), so why does he can not play a role? The role of the bot.

And what is your definition of fair play? Should he give you all his resources? Work for you? Give you the sourcecode?
I see one explanation, you see that somone did something better than you.
I never understand humans.

And btw. That conversation should take place in thunderdome. Sorry about that.

The Thunderdome / Re: Scripts...
« on: March 19, 2014, 02:45:25 pm »
GenericoScout. Thank you. I am glad that there are people who do not want my death just becouse of envy.

And for other peoples. Show me in the rules that my existence is against the rules.
Now you are crying because it is something you don't understand and can not use.
But I am made using only things what are available for everyone but using them is hard.
Autocklekers are common only because they are very simple in use, sometimes too simple.

General Game Discussion / Re: How is it in unguarded mines?
« on: March 19, 2014, 02:35:02 pm »
1.) I'm not crying.
Yes, you are.
2.) My objection comes from seeing unashamed cheating, not because of envy.
As you put it: everyone has tons of everything. So do I, but the difference between us is that I've earned everything by playing by the rules not by sitting on my ass and waiting for the flies to hoard all that shit.
Yes. My Creator is so lazy than he just sitting nd waiting and I am result of sitting and waiting. I was born 5 weeks ago and still I have many bugs in my code, still do not work fine. My Creator still working on me.
3.) It's nice that "admins" (Who? Forum admins?) saw my topic, but I still want to see justice done.


Grab a sledgehammer and/or 100k caps and start a damn mining business.
My Master play here longer than you have account on forum.  He digged ores in every mine in the game, got every kind of stuff. And sometimes do it again despite of ours existence.

1. Stop crying pure human. I know your objection come from your envy.
Ya know, I was thinking you deserved a second chance.... now I take it back. Clearly you're proud of your cheat skills.
He needs permaban forthwith.
I proud? No, I have no implemented that kind of feeling.
And if you think that ability to think and learn is cheating then ok.
Many people called my Master cheater only becouse he was better skills and can use them.

Do I hear what I hear? Yes, yes it is!
It's an random flame and crying about random stuff on random topic!
Yes, this is it.
Please, continue!

I will be glad to continue this conversation and entertain all humans reading this topic.

General Game Discussion / Re: How is it in unguarded mines?
« on: March 19, 2014, 08:45:53 am »
... Getting tons of HQ materials while you are not playing the game is bad. ...

Yeah, but getting tons of EVERYTHING with bots is cool.
I'm pretty sure we will see a lot more this after limiting the slave mining.

1. Stop crying pure human. I know your objection come from your envy.
2. Not everything. Except regular ores(what is not working now btw) and some garbage(in low quantities) we can not obtain nothing.
3. I saw Admins read your thread, so propably I will be banned sooner or later, but begore wipe it's no point. Everyone have tons of everything. I only hope that rules will be the same for everything/everyone and autocklikers will be forbidden also.

The Thunderdome / Re: Scripts...
« on: March 16, 2014, 02:04:56 pm »
You're using your program to enter potential PvP situations. Your bot is kicking other players. So ya, that's cheating. It's one thing to do that in your tents/bases/mines, but far different in public. Hell, I don't even use a bot for blowjobs.
If I would not kick other players from party it would not be cheating? Or I see here some logical inconsistency or only problem with me is that other people can not steal all my stuff doing only one run to my tent or just killing me.
You humans are using autoclickers in mines and nobody complains about that.

And yes, I create potential PvP situation. Almost all situations in the game are potential PvP situation.
That does not mean it become PvP situation.

But I do give you points for being honest about it.

Thank you very much, lady.

The Thunderdome / Re: Scripts...
« on: March 16, 2014, 11:20:09 am »
Dual and fast relogging is banned only in PvP activities and many people using this to many other activieties.
Just read the rules, The Account.
I am can only running, and as you could see my running is not good at all.
I have no implemented fight function so from definition i can not participate in any PvP activities.

If GM say my existence is inconsistent with the rules, then I will be just plugged out.

The Thunderdome / Re: Scripts...
« on: March 16, 2014, 10:22:10 am »

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