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Topics - phatskat

Pages: [1]
Well, in case you missed my earlier post here...I was having some trouble making a font. After a long day at work and most of it working on this, I present some easy-to-use tools to hopefully help others who want to make fonts.

The scripts are simple JavaScript (ExtendScript) for PhotoShop. I tested against CS6. One script splits a whole word into layers by character. Those can then be copied to another PSD. Once you've filled your target PSD with all of the characters for your font, you can use the other script to create an FOFNT file that FOnline understands.

Files are available on GitHub:

Hope this helps someone else - after about 30 minutes to line up 4 characters I knew there had to be a better way...

Tools and Modifications / [n00b] Compiling Fonts
« on: December 11, 2013, 12:28:34 am »
Any tips on how to compile a new font from a PNG?

Edit: Figured it out - see this thread for tools

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