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Messages - Veki

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Suggestions / Re: season 3 sugestion by veki
« on: March 16, 2018, 02:23:58 pm »
We have a lot quests now...but to track them is now more dificult... I sugest when you open pip boy, click status is better have option of town no quests, then click town to see quest in that better for tracking your progres than now( for me when i do a lot of quests, list doesnt appeir all quests)

Is work, but is imposible to get under 2 ap cost per attack(for cbt knife, power fist etc), if you use aim attack , you will see is work...

Bugs / Re: fonline reloaded Season 3 Bugs
« on: March 10, 2018, 09:45:02 pm »
Broken part of map, Broken hills right house from uranium rafinery, I can get inside shelft totaly

Bugs / Re: fonline reloaded Season 3 Bugs
« on: March 10, 2018, 09:29:35 pm »
I am very sure gecko breath, fire granates and molotovs dont work with pyro...can anybody check? If that true...I dont see reason to pyro perk be avaible for all classes of weapons like now, because is only work with incinerator and flamer(big guns). Bug or not?
I heard for nerf solar to not work with pyro(is better you give solar Ap+1(to be ap3 per shot for spamers and move to T4) not like ap2 cost per shot for spamers like season 2.

Toxic Caves / Re: 3 bugs
« on: March 10, 2018, 09:27:37 pm »
I am very sure gecko breath, fire granates and molotovs dont work with pyro...can anybody check? If that true...I dont see reason to pyro perk be avaible for all classes of weapons like now, because is only work with incinerator and flamer(big guns).
I heard for nerf solar to not work with pyro(is better you give solar Ap+1(to be ap3 per shot for spamers and move to T4) not like ap2 cost per shot for spamers like season 2.

The Workshop / Re: Reloaded 2nd Session Source
« on: March 01, 2018, 09:19:37 pm »
I am interested in source to...more to play, because i move to new house, and I will not have internet for PC soon. so I cannot play to find bugs, explore more new features to game. I play now season 2 in local and is preaty empty with content if i compare with season3.

Character builds / Re: Looking for PVE BG Burster build
« on: February 21, 2018, 10:05:29 am »
This is minigun buster low level
Adrenalin rush
Tougher(even more critical optional)
even tougher
Live giver
Live giver
Bonus rate of attack
Bonus range dmg
More range dmg

you need to put 200 Bg skills
 For high level is recomanded to lower INT to 1and put in luck, to tag small guns and put skills there with books and get 200 skll points and rest to BG.
 For LSW you can play full tank without BRD and MRD perks because low number of bullets in burst. for minigun is must have this two perks.

General Game Discussion / Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« on: February 15, 2018, 07:22:48 pm »
Let's be clear: nobody left because of new added content. That doesn't make any sense. Adding more content makes game better. No, they left because they 1) were kicked out for cheating (finally), or 2) they can't seem to upset people as much any more (no loot drop), or both.
Add conten is good, change concept is bad if concept is is true it was poor with PVE content before, and now is is more then good, developers do great job in that way and salute that, they put a lot of time to write scripts. On begining of season 3, do you think Khan faction was go to kill other players? Noup we was exploring new content, to see what is everything new... But they hard penalise whole group of people ...PVP players. Many people get caugh chaeting and banned, and they back to this game with proxy servers to play or wait ban expire, or create new character and start from begining... now people don't get some much bans and they not return Heanry, that is fact. If you see complains of some people who don't play and sometime write here post to complain how is game is ruined it is from nostalgy for season 2 what was great game. I dont remember i was play any game so long like season 2 reloaded. I know other players who play for years, and now is gone... Even factions give cancer sometimes on forum, they make even forum more alive... even players in faction wars, they play together, talk each other in game...sometimes bad things was spoken, but sometimes we speak totaly normal each other, make jokes, laugh together etc. I play sometimes here...not like before... waiting and hope i will find something in game was happen, and many people from season 2 who left, I will see them again to play with them or aganst them, to speak with them...

Closed suggestions / Re: Personal Suitcase
« on: February 15, 2018, 06:38:42 pm »
Why PVE players get no droploot ? Also they have many quests, jobs what is like private dungeons where other players cant enter if they dont folow you. One mutie quest per day and you are good like new. Mutie quest don't have a lots of gear to spend or trade for what you need? I garantie every pvp "ape" how you call pvp players, are also pve player like you, many PVP players play PVE too...but they don't cry when they lose gear. Because people who wants to hunt geckos in leather jacket remove group of people from game? I was play after wipe... exploring only hub and get 10 levels not even get out in wasteland. Let me see also others protected cityes? how many levels and gear you can get if you play main quest? if you do quests you will have gear or money to get good gear even on begining and level up your character... Here you dont need compromise, thing is claer... droploot is more than ok if you ask me except you need to set up dificulty of game on very very very easy and not give any chalange to player to acomplish. PVP is dont know players moves like NPC shames. If they dont have chalanges they dont play...

Suggestions / Re: season 3 sugestion by veki
« on: February 15, 2018, 06:07:13 pm »
Corosive... if you ask me. Season 2 with this new perks, weapons, quests, jobs, recepyes for crafting, dungeons is totaly enough for season 3 ... I love new dungeons, jobs, quests, but also i dont have feel sparks and adrenalin rush if i go in wasteland. drop loot and hexing is ok, because new players are well protected if they do pve jobs and quests. They have a lot of stuff to do to not encount pks. For new players they need to get message on begining of game what gonna be happen if they go alone in wastelands. If they wanna to colect junk,  hunt geckos, tobbaco they need to risk. No pain no gain, is gonna be broken economy. Everybody win in this sugestion PVP and PVE. Hexing is ok, because some stuff now are hard to do solo. I am bad in hexing, i have high ping, but i dont have nothing aganst if they hex me or kill me. I know is problem because some players maybe use or not hexbots, and coplains give cancer, but is better if somebody take role of judge. If he wanna say for somebody, coplain about hexbots, he need to risk his charcter also. Is gonna be gamble. If he cant prove other player use hexbot, his character gonna get jail ban. Is gonna be less complains if they need to poot something in return for charging other people. But it is on you people if you gonna listen to me or not. PVP players who give cancers leave reloaded, but you have now PVE cancers who replace them if you read their posts how they comunicate with pvp players. I hope so is gonna reloaded shine again and return old glory. Also bounty hunts need cooldown of half hour. Now you can just do bounty hunts in junk town colects jackets from raiders(excenange for more experience in boneyard) money and experience very fast. Also maybe make in barter ground shop where you can buy T4 gear for high price( like 300k caps boozar, like 500k for turbo plasma etc...) to give another chalange for players to colect caps... ALso every cave need to have encounters, and always spawn random T3 item or robe so people can anjoy more in exploring caves.

Suggestions / Re: season 3 sugestion by veki
« on: January 20, 2018, 09:44:35 am »
some new sugestion:
Solar scorcher need to fix to work with pyro, and list that item in t4.
New 3 dungeons :West side freeway, woodland fileds,abandoned housefield need yo get locker with stated t3 items like reward(or even magic lockers like new reno,but need to add line of agresion of NPC-s there)
Glow dungeon need to rework like before...same numbers of robots, now defence is to strong for one player.
Need to back magic locker in new reno. field of view of character behind walls need to be is harder to click something close.

Suggestions / Re: season 3 sugestion by veki
« on: December 19, 2017, 12:08:58 pm »
Second sugestion is on my opinion(i dont know about others) is the Town control was last season better. Also hexing...i don't care about loot drop. To not have loot drop is maybe good idea to bring new people into game, to not get rage quit so quick to  protected so i am fine with that. But about hexing and Town control, by my opinion is better to back. T4 loot drop was good and system reward was good last season. To not have infinite T4 i think need to remove repair for tham to bring little balance in pvp. Also implant si good is nerfed, but i think they need to be avaible at doctor like last season. I saw many cry how implants ruined balance in pvp, but that is only weekend players who is to laisy to colect caps, so they cry...I never saw somebody with implants to cry about tham. Why to bring back buying implants? Because players now have to work more, not to get bored so quick to achive full evolution of his character. I dont see any reason to colect caps later...they will lose value.

Suggestions / Re: season 3 sugestion by veki
« on: December 19, 2017, 11:48:18 am »
1 Sugestion is about farm.
Farm is something new in this season...what i think is need improvment.
Better than to click end of day, give them resources to make better to make farm producing only resources what you can use for crafting or need to upgrade farm so you can get wood, watter. fruits, seeds, meet, gecko hides, metal parts, junk who will spawn into farm locker(but only one NPC per one resource) can also upgrade like to have advanced workbench, like mini producing base for player. Each upgrade NPC will spawn into farm locker one resource in 1 hour. Basic Idea to have farm is good, but i think like this is much better. What we need to get to make NPC for every resource in game, and make demands(price or mini quest) how to unlock that NPC,  so he can provide us 1 resource per hour in farm locker. Also need to be limited 1 farm per player.

Suggestions / season 3 sugestion by veki
« on: December 19, 2017, 11:37:12 am »
I will say couple sugestion for this game, to not get forum spam with new topics, i will put all ideas here.

Suggestions / Re: bust granadier build little
« on: October 26, 2017, 01:40:11 pm »
When you buff , you don't double dmg, That is not buff, that is destroying balance (only in that sence they can kill one player in one turn, maybe not even than). You can have maximum 15 ap points(armor+1ap, jet, 10agility, 2action boys) for that you can trow 5 plasma granates. 250+ is avarage HP in pvp and CA mk2 is standard armor for that. 51 is minimum dmg what you need to put player in negative in one turn. If adrenalin rush come to work you you will deal less and less dmg you can't even kill with that start dmg because plasma granate is gonna be deal something like on the end 40, he will survive with something like 40hp on the end(i doubt you gonna survive 2 burst with action boy build on open)

Also we have new reworked tougher perk who give you dt1 dr5 on everything(because this perk in this season granates are weaker) and develop team didnt notice, because they was busy with river of tears on forum, forget about that, or not even notice...Thats why if we notice somethig wrong we need to tell them.Balance is very hard to acomplish in every game(even strong companies in game industry with big budget strugle with this problem)for now we have  plasma granate deal something like 15-25 dmg, less range than buster who will deal on full tank with drugs and implants about 80-90dmg if is not stated...for same ap and less range you get 30-50dmg with plasma granate. Is like you stub Godzila with stick. Example granate launcher deal 40-60dmg for 5 ap knock efect...more range more dmg, less less perk(hi ho), +ping pong efect

My sugestion is something like this (when i speak about final dmg, i think on standard PVP character in CA mk2 with tougher perk, no Adrenalin rush trigered, psycho, beer, combat implants)
Also to balanced even more, we need to make aim field of granate launcher smaller(something like ap rocket aim field)
who give big disbalance last season vs rocketiers(granate launcher biger dmg, faster return fire, bigger aim field vs ap rockets, standard rockets was useles,range of rocket launchers was only small advantage)

To increace dmg for plasma granate to 35-40, maybe is better to lower CAmk2 and CA mk1 plasma res to not brake balance for leather armors(is like 80 dmg in antisneak mission) I dont know how it is gonna work vs plasma rifle,plasma pistol if you do that, but is gonna triger people to start bring tesla armors more in use, make risk critical builds with plasma rifle who is now inferior in team fights because range range. For not destroying balance plasma granate need to deal like 35-40 dmg on full implanted character with tougher perk in CAmk2 with full HP, no AR trigered. How i calculate this...6ap -> burst avanger=6 ap ->2 plasma granate.  same like avanger, avanger have bigger range +10 more final dmg and  because return fire of plasma granate and short range(no reload ), +20 more than granate launcher because range and knock and need 1 more ap for plasma granate , and smaler aim field ).

 need -1ap 25-30 dmg, because now ap cost is to high(4ap), dmg potencial is to low(10-20). compare with granate launcher what we get. max dmg with granate launcher same, bigger range for granate launcher, faster return fire with granates-1ap for granate launcher for cost 2 frag. no reloaded for granates, min dmg higher with frag granate...dmg need to be less than plasma granate, to put plasma granate in use, smaler dmg than plasma but you have knock efect.

 -1 ap 25-35 dmg...because 4ap is to much cost for dmg potencial who is very low right now.
same like frag granates, dont have knock, but have bigger of aiming field. Why same dmg like frag chose do you wanna bigger field of explosion or you wanna knock down, if you wanna more dmg take plasma granate without efects and small aim cant get all in one.
 25-35 same like frag granate on the ground 2dmg per second without pyro, with pyro 5 (now they dont deal dmg on the ground if you have CAmk2 with tougher perk even if you have pyro perk, )

Trowing knife are good like there are...because aiming target body. with knife critical or critical spamer build, you can make nice effects like blind, criple etc.

I never try tested poison knifes, so i can't speak about that, I dont know how much dmg they deal, i dont know what perk they have, range, ap cost, how much poison dmg they deal.(is not bad if they have penetracion perk, and they can use for stabing also)
about trowing spears i dont wanna talk really xd, i never even saw somebody use that weapon for trowing.

Is preaty awesome reloaded get some new weapons in this category, and what developmen team was do for now. This was worst category to choose in last season(sacrafice 2 perks to get more range and no potencial dmg)  so was only plasma granates for sneaker in antisneak missions. Now situacion is a lot better with new weapons, and hi ho in one perk, but old trowing weapons need little rework to put trowing skill and granadiar build into more use.
my small sugestion for this season.

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