Please help,
I started my server & got admin access but admin\GM commands still don't work

I downloaded client & server from the links above, launched it, got connected & started the game.
Typing in "~getaccess admin admin" gets me admin access, which is confirmed by the message "Access changed".
However, game still refuses to accept admin commands like "~additemself" etc. and after typing it I am getting "Unknown command" message in the console

What is very odd is that game responds when I make a mistake in arguments and asks to correct it, but as soon as I do, I get "Unknown command" message again.
I also added my character to the file Server\config\GetAccess.cfg with "admin" access, however it still does nothing.
What might be the problem here? Does anyone have something like that?
Are those commands disabled on purpose or am I doing something wrong?
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
(Running the game on Windows 7)