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Topic: Server wipe  (Read 8118 times)


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Server wipe
« on: February 14, 2021, 11:58:49 am »
Server wipe

Due to various performance and stability issues, the game server will be fully wiped on 19/02/2021.

This means all player characters, private locations, items, NPCs will be gone.
Make sure to have some fun with all the ammo, drugs and alcohol you hoarded during last 3.5 years.

The new session will start at 17.00 UTC. https://time.is/UTC

Feel free to drop by for a fresh start with everyone*.

3rd session's leaderboard is available here.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2021, 12:49:03 pm by Kilgore »


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Re: Server wipe
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2021, 05:41:41 pm »
Of, f*** irony. When I got back here and got time to GRIND (AND MORE GRIND) resources and all shiet needed to actually play Reloaded (instead of grind), I see there will be wipe.

I hope Full pvp drop will be enabled.
I also would like to see to cut down resource usage on basic crafting:
- Metal parts = 1x Iron Ore + 1x Metal Junk
- Alloys = 1x Iron Ore + 1x Mineral Ore + 1 Metal Junk

At S2 1h of grind could give 1h of playtime (so to speak), at S3 there is around 3h of grind to get 1h of playtime. Session2 was too easy in terms of gaining gear (but allowed to do a lot of PvP), but Session3 is WAY to grindy when speaking of gearing character.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2021, 05:53:49 pm by Shamessa »


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Re: Server wipe
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2021, 08:55:14 pm »
I agree with Sham about crafting requirements. It feels like it was changed from understandably heavy to punish-them-all heavy. That's too much. Some of us will do whatever work is required no matter how hard it is, but that's why i feel qualified to weigh in on this: i spent too much time working, over time spent enjoying the fruits of that work.

As for full loot drop (FLD), i and my team (and a few other teams, and many new players) have enjoyed the distinct lack of jackasses that come with removing FLD. We have also missed the non-jackasses, some of whom are dear friends. Should we add FLD to get the non-jackasses back, and get all the jackasses along with them? Nope. This community already has some FLD servers. I hope they enjoy those servers, and live long happy lives. Meanwhile Reloaded is the only PvE-friendly option. But mainly, do i want to play with jackasses? The answer will always be no.

We do have some FLD areas on Reloaded, and playing there can be spicy. And we have some PvE quests that are open to the public, where PvP can erupt anytime. Junktown's Zombie Invasion is one, and L.A. Gold Reserve is another. Anyone can be targeted for unwanted PvP while hunting lockers too. And anyone can tag along in your private quest and mess you up with unwanted PvP there too. Spicy! Fun, but not overwhelming.

And that's what we're really talking about, isn't it: Unwanted PvP. It's the ability for a jackass to ruin your game experience. His enjoyment is not the creative content, or Fallout at all. His entertainment is not the quest or story, or Fallout 1/2 combat mechanics. No, for the jackass it's all about ruining your experience here. In fact, if he tries, and you seem to enjoy it, he loses interest in you, because he's only after someone who might quit over it. He is sick. He needs help. Let him into your party, and he's the one who makes you consider hiring a bouncer next time.

Season 3 is that bouncer: less people, but a better quality party overall.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2021, 01:31:23 am by Henry »


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Re: Server wipe
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2021, 09:17:40 pm »
the game server will be fully wiped on 19/02/2021.

The new session will start at 17.00 UTC. https://time.is/UTC
Are there plans to enable full loot drop in more than two locations?


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Re: Server wipe
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2021, 03:26:56 pm »
No, there aren't. Basically - I'd have to repeat what Henry said. I'm perfectly fine with people who play Reloaded nowadays, even if they are maybe 30-50 in total. Really great people, no problems with anything, no shitshows, no excessive trolling, no characters stealing, no neverending crying in my inbox/PMs.

Just please - it's 2021 now - if you could stop bugging me about bringing back global loot drop, and imba onehexes, and old Town Control - I'd be really grateful. There are other games which have all of these "features", and they are not too crowded, so maybe try there.

If you want to take some risks, Glow and Dayglow are always available and you can loot and get looted there. If you just want to loot some guys who started the game 15 mins ago - sorry, wrong room.

But if you want to have some fun in FOnline with cool people - feel more than welcome here.


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Re: Server wipe
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2021, 07:01:12 pm »
I would like to ask about the state of further plans mentioned in 3rd Session Changelog. Is there any chance/possibility these plans will be implemented (in some form/to some extent) after Wipe?

From the S3 Changelog:
"Further plans:

+ Additional PvP modes/locations (Base control, Domination);
+ Further map modifications (some of current maps are *VERY* temporary);
+ Large dungeon with full loot enabled;"

Thank you!


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Re: Server wipe
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2021, 08:09:49 pm »
Domination mode is implemented, only needs a proper map - planned to be a part of Dayglow.
Base control was partially implemented, I think, and scrapped. Balancing pvp and pve in one activity is quite difficult, maybe it needs a new approach.
Map modifications - some were done, but more are needed.

We've got some other plans like faction score system for example. More info on that later.

Unfortunately, a sharp drop in performance/stability took us by surprise, and I chose to get the game to the working state again, that's why server wipe is so early and only with minor fixes.

At least there were many fixes since the start of 3rd session so the problems with unbalanced farms and various exploitable features will be gone with wipe.


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Re: Server wipe
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2021, 05:01:43 pm »
4th session is now UP.
Remember to run updater before launching the game.
Have fun!