Changelog 19/09/2020
FOClassic v7, Reloaded rev 1008
- Three new old Special Encounters added,
- New command ~online which displays the number of currently connected characters available,
- Heavy Handed will cause a bit less of knockdowns when combined with Spiked Knuckles, Power Fist, and Mega Power Fist (from 60% to 50% for knuckles, 70% to 60% for Power Fist, 80% to 70% for Mega Power Fist),
- Lowered fire resistance for some armors (Power Armor 60->50, Combat Armor 25->20, Brotherhood Armor 50->35, Advanced Power Armor 70->60, Combat Armor Mark II 30->25, Bridgekeeper's Robe 30->25, Enclave Armor 30->25, Robes 30->25, Desert Combat Armor 25->20, Black Robe 40->35, NCR Combat Armor 30->25),
- Base value of all Blueprints decreased by 90% when selling,
- Fixed a bug where starting location would not reflect current day time,
- Fixed a bug where you could join a caravan without a proper equipment,
- Minor changes in Hub,
- Some armor/helmet names changed for consistency,
- Changed/removed few boring messages.
Updating client is not required.