Hello everyone,
As some of you know, every existing FOnline server is using engine created by
cvet. This guy is working on it since 2006, and we are using his creation for free ever since FOnline: Reloaded was launched. He even released engine source for FOnline developers (and everybody else) few years ago, allowing for further modifications.
Unfortunately, last stable engine version is very old, and every long-running FOnline server uses it, sometimes modded a bit. We could surely use something new.
Now cvet is asking us to join his effort to upgrade FOnline games to the new and shiny engine version and he's planning to release stable engine version soon which is a big news. But to dedicate most of his time to this project, he needs support, so he doesn't rely on some side jobs that reduce the time he can work on FOnline.
I decided to support cvet on Patreon, and I encourage you to do it as well - of course if you have some spare bucks to support FOnline. In my opinion, this is much more important than donations to FOnline: Reloaded or any other FOnline server. We simply owe it to him, and whole FOnline community may benefit from it greatly.
Let's support cvet in order to make FOnline great again!
Here's link to his Patreon: