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Topic: FOnline Engine support  (Read 8261 times)


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FOnline Engine support
« on: May 09, 2020, 02:19:47 pm »
Hello everyone,

As some of you know, every existing FOnline server is using engine created by cvet. This guy is working on it since 2006, and we are using his creation for free ever since FOnline: Reloaded was launched. He even released engine source for FOnline developers (and everybody else) few years ago, allowing for further modifications.

Unfortunately, last stable engine version is very old, and every long-running FOnline server uses it, sometimes modded a bit. We could surely use something new.

Now cvet is asking us to join his effort to upgrade FOnline games to the new and shiny engine version and he's planning to release stable engine version soon which is a big news. But to dedicate most of his time to this project, he needs support, so he doesn't rely on some side jobs that reduce the time he can work on FOnline.

I decided to support cvet on Patreon, and I encourage you to do it as well - of course if you have some spare bucks to support FOnline. In my opinion, this is much more important than donations to FOnline: Reloaded or any other FOnline server. We simply owe it to him, and whole FOnline community may benefit from it greatly.

Let's support cvet in order to make FOnline great again!

Here's link to his Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fonline


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Re: FOnline Engine support
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2020, 06:31:35 pm »
Shared on Aftertimes Discord too.


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Re: FOnline Engine support
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2020, 07:12:10 pm »
Ye, but Kilgore, would you take part in engine finalization? You've read Cvet's post on his Patreon? Here it is:

Not sure whether you're acquainted with the FOnline engine, but if not then in short, it's an isometric sprite-based engine, development of which started as a modification for Fallout 2 back in 2004. I joined the process in 2006 and ended up leading the development efforts. I work on this project to the best of my ability, learning gamedev as I go. There have been different methods of engine distribution: binaries, source code, some mixes of both. Anyhow, there is a need to structure this whole thing.

The idea is to unite the efforts of all active Fonline servers and finally release the first official version of the FOnline engine. Currently everyone's using old builds deeply sinked in legacy code, not having the time or the knowledge to switch to a newer version.  There are two essential reasons:

1. There's no new version. The new version has been being refactored and finalized for ten years with no final release.

2. People get used to the old, not-so-perfect mechanics. Since they know how to operate them, they keep doing it in utter hopelessness for real changes.

My idea consists in the union of all the key developers who still work on their servers. Together, we could contribute a lot and finally release the first version, after which we can help each other to migrate individual servers to this final version.

I believe the ETA for this is around four months, so the API will get freezed for this period and we'll get a new shiny engine. After that we'll update the game based on the engine.

Why not Unity or Unreal? If it's about Fallout spirit, having Fallout graphics system, and it's online, then it would require reengineering the original Fallout spriting system, isometric render, serialization system, network connectivity and transactions, all kinds of format parsers and loaders and other things. This engine is almost 16 years old. We didn't have Unity back then.

The engine will remain free under the MIT license.


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Re: FOnline Engine support
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2020, 10:25:55 pm »

You can believe it or not, but yesterday I was thinking about it at work. I thought I could try to do the same client application - probably the best - Unity (multi-platform), so as to be compatible with the current file server - to input and output data were correct. Graphics can be unchanged for now. Such a client could be compatible with most servers at the same time, which gives new possibilities - choosing a server from the menu in the client.

Then you could take care of the server files, and only at the end make a new graphic design.

You think about it.

Another option is some web engine - HTML5, WebGL2 etc.
It does not require installation and works in a web browser. Also, it has great potential.
I've thought about it for a long time, but I have no head for it.

« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 10:34:41 pm by BeheGrzmotPL »


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Re: FOnline Engine support
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2020, 09:17:26 am »
I'll consider donating to the "keep cvet alive during the COVID-19 pandemic" fund, sure, but let's not pretend there's anything wrong with the current version of the engine.


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Re: FOnline Engine support
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2020, 05:08:28 am »

You can believe it or not, but yesterday I was thinking about it at work. I thought I could try to do the same client application - probably the best - Unity (multi-platform), so as to be compatible with the current file server - to input and output data were correct. Graphics can be unchanged for now. Such a client could be compatible with most servers at the same time, which gives new possibilities - choosing a server from the menu in the client.

Then you could take care of the server files, and only at the end make a new graphic design.

You think about it.

Another option is some web engine - HTML5, WebGL2 etc.
It does not require installation and works in a web browser. Also, it has great potential.
I've thought about it for a long time, but I have no head for it.


cool idea. I would love to see it in action, but it's probably not gonna be as easy as it sounds.


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Re: FOnline Engine support
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2020, 11:14:36 pm »
New FOnline engine cross-platform (web browsers included) and very perspective.
Believe me you not upset about this decision.

About money - in general I don't need that money because it's not for real life with mortgage, wife and two kids in big city.
But I trying to finalize first engine version as soon as possible.
Also final engine will be completely free but you game must be cost some money (subscription or free-to-play).
My dream that devs earn money for life such way.

Also currently yeah, I have troubles with money but nobody have to give me (with refund of course).
Today I send 4 letters to find some job but I really don't want mix work time and engine time.
Will see...

And videos about engine features (not fresh) - web. direct control with joypad and some effects like steps on snow and monitors glitching:


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Re: FOnline Engine support
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2020, 12:25:33 am »
Looks great!
If you already have done so, it makes no sense to someone else started again.
I'm not a programmer, but if we can help you, let us know.