Before the open of FOnline engine source by cvet you can hear many times "FOnline engine is broken, and I need the sources to work" what was a complete nonsense. Now it's open, and what? Same persons who told those words still don't do anything.
Why do you care? Because honestly - i don't. License cvet picked for engine is made with open-source in mind, so FOClassic had to follow it - doing otherwise would be nothing else than lack of respect to cvet and his work. And people actually work on engine, just hide it gods knows where. Guess "price" cvet set to get something they dreamed of for years is simply too much :/
Lets get back to Reloaded.
Releases of working game provides some of players to find the way how to use the cheats, what's really unwanted.
They don't need source for that. I know a bunch of players who knows where to look, no matter which server, but would never catch most obvious exploit by just looking at code. And hey, let's look at big, commercial MMOs - all of them closed-source, are they exploit-free? Yeah, suuure...
Assuming that every single player is evil incarnate and wakes up every morning to exploit game is silly - there's always a chance for someone skilled enough is somewhere among playerbase who wants a fair game. Even if main motive is to make rival gang loose advantage

Current asks about game source looks for me like:
1. I wanna see the code for "better play".
2. Finally I'll update my unicorn private server.
Then look the other way, check how many people can work on game and how much of them is active. That's not even Reloaded-specific problem, as it affects most of servers. Only fraction of players mutates into devs, and they usually migrate to their own thing...
Reloaded S2 SDK is enough when someone want to start writing or fixing some elements of the game. all they have access to is a snapshot already outdated in the moment of release. S2 has been released over 3 (three!) years ago. You really want to make sure some old bug isn't reintroduced? Or that some small, but important change isn't removed by accident? What about all of maps/dialogs changes which aren't as easy to compare as scripts? All of it even more work than checking pull requests line by line - for both new contributors and old devs. Synching few months old code to current can be exhausting, and you suggest to do this with THREE YEARS OLD code which went thru big changes along the way. You gotta be kidding me, never actually tried to maintain project that way, or your calendar is already on 1st April.
You people focus on oh-so-evil players which wouldn't be able to hold their orgasms once they'll be able to find most juicy exploits on market to get massive, i repeat,
MASSIVE amount of
pixels... and completely ignore the fact that there's nearly no new blood among old servers teams since last few years, and that's what should be a main drive behind making FOnline servers more open to anyone willing to help. Maybe nothing will change. Maybe some players will discover inner love to
suffering coding. Maybe we'll have more updated wiki. Maybe other servers will vulture fancy stuff. Yeah, it's all "maybe". So maybe stop being scared of bugs which might or might not be there, and at least try to find people who can deal with them in future. Pissing own pants all the time won't change anything.