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Topic: Needed: Local Server Setup Guide  (Read 7233 times)


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Needed: Local Server Setup Guide
« on: September 22, 2018, 05:25:10 pm »
We need someone to share some simple, clear instructions on how to set up your own local FOnline server, for doing your own developer work.

And before you post a link and say "go read this...", try reading that link yourself to see if such info is actually there. Some of us just spent the last hour reading such links, only to find it is missing even from all related threads.

Maybe it's so easy, it will only take 1 post. But thanks in advance to whomever helps. 


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Re: Needed: Local Server Setup Guide
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2018, 06:59:47 pm »
running locally server for tests purposes is easy as fuck

in client config set host to localhost and port 4000 (or whatever, can be 2238)
in fonlineserver.cfg (server folder) set listening port 4000 (must be same like in client config)
run fonlineserver.exe
wait till all data will be loaded
run client
thats all.



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Re: Needed: Local Server Setup Guide
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2018, 05:23:18 pm »
Router setup for machine in your LAN:

1. Find your dedicated PC on router.
2. Set static IP to DCHP (by MAC).
3. Set it up as your LAN's object.
4. Make protocols:

Name: FOnline Server //example name
TCP Any -> 4040 //updater's port
UDP Any -> 4040 //as above
TCP Any-> 2238 //game server's port
UDP Any-> 2238
TCP Any -> 80 //for vtdb (if you want to use it, by http server with php)

Name: Remote Desktop //if needed
TCP Any -> 3389
UDP Any -> 3389

Name: FTP //if needed
TCP Any -> 21

And idk, TS3: //just a curiosity for different port config
Name: TeamSpeak 3 Server
UDP Any -> 9987-9997 //port range here!
TCP Any -> 10011
TCP Any -> 30033

And maybe, Wake on LAN: //another curiosity, works with forwarding
Name: WoL //or Wake on LAN, or WoLAN, or whatever
UDP Any -> 9

5. Forwarding...
Sign those protocols to your LAN object!

6. Reboot your router device

Updater.exe, client side, v.1.6 - you can put it in main game's directory. Updater.exe takes address and language settings from FOnline.cfg, f.ex.:
Code: [Select]
[Game Options]

Default updater's port is 4040.

UpdateServer.exe, server side, v.1.9 - configure it in UpdateFiles.lst file, f.ex. if you want to update your client by missing game OST:
Code: [Select]

Then, put these files in correct directory tree, run UpdateServer.exe, set port and press "Start listen".
Files will be downloaded by Updater's Client when:
1. Client doesn't have these files.
2. Files on client side have different size (update is needed).


You can also use UpdaterServer 2.0, where you can configure the launcher game (own patch is needed), but it still works with old version of Updater on client side. Here you don't to make file with whole list of updates - server side can refresh it automatically.
http://files.fonline-aftertimes.net/tools/UpdaterServer20.zip (includes my cfg as example)

MySQL database and VTDB pages:
I'm using WampServer 2.5 with small updates/reworks from my own. It works on olders desktop (like Win XP) and newers server systems from Microsoft. You can set up there VTDB pages and database for Backend extension.
http://files.fonline-aftertimes.net/tools/wampserver2.5-Apache-2.4.9-Mysql-5.6.17-php5.5.12-64b.exe (not modified version)

I've described those tools bcs we're still talking about Reloaded SDK. ;)