As the world ended, one man fought back.
He failed and died, but he died trying.
As 2238 was shutting down, one crazy assed bastard tried to set the world to right: He vowed to destroy Vault City, Navvaro, Den, and the 2238 dev team.
We managed to blow up a gun turret in Vault City. Not bad seeing as the most we had was 4.
When Reloaded came to be, we rebuilt ourselves to give FNG’s a chance to get their footing. We succeeded there.
Now of course there’s Lander’s Point and the need for TTM is much diminished, so mostly we just exist to drink beer, sell shit, hunt raiders around Hub (BTW, seems like raider hunts are taking longer and longer, despite higher and higher outdoor skills, just saying), and kill bots in the public mines (18 kills to date, you know that’s against the rules, why you gotta go and do that?!). Oh, and piss off all the evil people of the world. We even aligned ourselves with Enclave AND BOS to do so.
We ain’t the biggest, the baddest, or the most powerful but mostly this post is to piss off those that hate us- Because if you hate us, you’re the reason “Wasteland Is harsh,” so go fuck yourselves.
… If TTM is in fact a care bear- We’re the Grumpy bears. So eat shit.