The people of Klamath don't beleive Vic's "tall tales" (even though Sulik was there for most of it).
An investigatory quest to vindicate Vic;
"... (S)o I stopped talking about it."
"Gee, that sucks. I, in wish I could help..."
"... Maybe you can, at that... Marcus, the sheriff of Broken Hills, he could prove my story. Would you go and ask him to come here, clear my name?"
"Well, I could try I guess."
"He's that'd be swell. I can reward you for your efforts, too."
This leads to a long and mostly boring quest of going place to place, begging the FO2 characters to go to Klamath. Nonecwill (duh, they can't), but they all write a letter "I, [name], do solemnly swear and affirm that the events destined by Vic occurred as described, [blah blah]" and promising to come as soon as practical to testalie to take back to Klamath. Deliver the letters to Vic; He will ask you to hand them over to Maida, who asks to to deliver them to Jenny, and so on until all the speaking MAC's have seen the letters (re-use the skins for Warehouse quest note).
Rewards; 100¤, Vic's appreciation, +100 karma in Klamath, and maybe a random t1 item (tool or hatchet or some thig