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Topic: Fonline Reloaded  (Read 7119 times)


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Fonline Reloaded
« on: October 19, 2017, 06:59:55 pm »

First of all I'd like to ask everyone to keep hate/anger/forum pvp needs aside. (Even individuals who don't like me at all).

This is going to be almost a complete opposite of what I've been saying and trying to achieve in last days.

I want to share few thoughts with you..

Firstly I feel sorry for all diss directed to devs. I kinda tried to think about this deeply. Guys, I think you all realize that Kilgore, DocAN and others keep this server alive for 4 years already, this is undenyable truth. Next undenyable truth is they all spent hell a lot of time to adjust this game for us.. I appreciate their work, I donated and will donate again, even though I really hate the current server's state.

Secondly.. now this being said, devs are loyal to us for four years and we are quitting/leaving 1.5 months after wipe and no-good PvP updates. I feel a real need to apologize for my diss against it, because,.. I believed and still believe that if we stay loayal and keep playing, we get "rewarded" by good updates.

I personally tried to get into a devs role. Make updates, spend time, get dissed and see people leaving for good or until I fix it. Why? Why would I fix something for non-loyal players? It's like I would have a girlfriend only if I had money and if not she'd go elsewhere and returned only after I got my next salary. What would you do? Dump her? Possibly yes is the answer for most of you.

Thirdly (not sure if its a word).. i changed my mind, I will stay and once I spare some time I will try to organize PvP action for those who remained with prizes from my limiter budget.

So .. I.. Apologize.

This is not a call you back, but I'd be glad if you could think about it.

The Almighty Gaylords


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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2017, 07:30:55 pm »
The thing is not about devs not caring; it's about them making some decisions that can be expected to be bad. Want an advice? Next time you make a decision, ask the community on what's their thoughts first. New ones and those PvP ape ones independently and weigh your options thoroughly. e.g. I have nothing against long lines of text in quests, but most of the people I bet don't give it enough attention.


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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2017, 07:55:41 pm »
I know I've been shitposting hard these last couple days but I'll be serious for a second.

Reloaded is shit, I hate it and I'm never playing it again. But I don't think constantly shitting on the devs is going to fix anything but show them that their community isn't even worth saving. We've gotten so wrapped up in our anger that we've validated the idea that we're a bunch of toxic ungrateful fucking losers. We've forgotten that we all used to love this server, and that's why we're so mad to see it get run into the ground. That being said the devs really need to pick up their game and get this shit together because their server is tanking.

I respect your choice to stick by Reloaded, but I can't anymore.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 12:27:28 am by SaltyPasta »


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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2017, 03:32:03 am »
I used same example about girlfriend with a friend yesterday. Its attitude of ingratitude as comunity. Certainly Kilgore and Docan will do something about the current situation. HOW THEY ALWAYS DID. Its very easy to create a list of complaints, here isnt your fathers fast food. They did a great job so far. Eat watermelon and wait, things will adjust. I saw this same shit history happens in the past many times.


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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2017, 10:17:30 am »
The thing is not about devs not caring; it's about them making some decisions that can be expected to be bad. Want an advice? Next time you make a decision, ask the community on what's their thoughts first. New ones and those PvP ape ones independently and weigh your options thoroughly. e.g. I have nothing against long lines of text in quests, but most of the people I bet don't give it enough attention.

This is tricky because the community isn't a single person. Talking with the best players is generally what should happen, because they usually know what's up. But that's something you do to fine-tune endgame stuff. It won't help you when the basic mechanics/risk-reward ratios are all over the place. What's happening here seems to be similar to a "brain drain" from a country that suddenly failed and all the doctors/engineers are leaving. It's hard to build an economy around people with no valuable skills and it's hard to build a healthy game around people that don't understand how the mechanics work. I'll just leave it at that, cause I really don't want to bash the people I genuinely like in public too much. There's plenty of other people doing that at the moment.

(...) But I don't think constantly shitting on the devs is going to fix anything but show them that their community isn't even worth saving. We've gotten so wrapped up in our anger that we've validated the idea that we're a bunch of toxic ungrateful fucking losers. (...)

It's a nice sentiment, but in the end you're objectively wrong. People have so many games to play these days. Many of those games are free. Let's be real here: any FOnline server is competing with those games for players. Getting disconnected from this basic reality simply means that you're hurting your game's chances of succeeding. And while there's no laws saying you can't do that, it still begs a very basic question: "why"?

From a logical standpoint, it's probably not the playerbase that's getting wrapped up in something. It's all very amateurish, but then again this is an amateur project - and professional devs from major companies sometimes fuck up that way too. It's a basic coping mechanism - "I'm really trying here, I've worked so hard and I'm a smart guy, how can I possibly be wrong? It's their fault." But in the end, it is the dev who is reaching out to the players with his product, not the other way around. Once again, I'm just going to leave it there.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 10:26:33 am by Nice_Boat »
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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2017, 10:17:23 pm »
Seems like Reloaded is loosing not only the pvp guys  8)
Devs experiment failed. gg


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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2017, 02:49:31 am »
i can see the benefits of no drop.
during previous sessions i had PA, Bozar and other top level stuff, but hardly ever used it for fear of loosing it.
i used to hang out at the new reno footlocker with my craftable best and wait my turn.
and watch the backs of those waiting in line, until my turn.
yes i died a lot.
but i also took out a lot of predators.
same thing at the broken hills mine.
watching the backs of honest miners.

maybe this would be boring to some.
maybe a waste of time to others.
but ALL games are a waste of time.
and its my time to waste.
now when i get good stuff, i will use it.
and so will everyone else.

as a wise man once said.....
"the price of beef has just gone up, and your old lady has just gone down".
so dont jive me with your cosmic debris.


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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2017, 08:14:32 am »
It is funny, that biggest river of tears comes from Khans  ;D

Game needs few tweaks. I agree, but I'm also aware, that changes needs time and that Devs have also probably real life / work etc.

Maybe would be fine to cap "No loot drop" to like lvl 24.

So noobs are not running away, because it is too harsh for them. On the other hand, that might make whole Khans gang naked within week, oh wait, other gangs would leave you your bluesuits. I'm not starting flamewar, just pointing at fact.

PVP and other things I don't want to comment, I'm sure it will get some changes at some point.

Take it easy.

Best regards


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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2017, 08:17:46 am »
At the end of the day you should realize that this is only pixels and you do not keep the stuff forever.

I had several PAs & HPAs too and I used them frequently even though they got wiped at the end because noone looted me, but damn, I think it's about mentality - I never owned and will never own a single pixel in this game so why would I keep it in my base forever?

I never understood this, like, are you guys doing fancy show parade and showing yourself off in Power Armor to newbies & idlers in the Hub? This is a real question, I'm not attacking anyone, just want to understand people like you.

PS: no drop cap at level 24 would just cause more issues than current setting. Town Controlling/dungeons would be swarmed by 24 lvls because it's enough to create a decent PvP build and fight fearlessly while other would be losing their stuff.

as I said multiple times, 15 lvl would be a good cap for this.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2017, 08:21:30 am by POWERPUFF »
The Almighty Gaylords


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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2017, 09:39:44 am »
Locations with and without drop can be better abuseproof solution.


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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2017, 01:22:33 pm »
I agree with POWERPUFF. My idea would bring exactly what he described.

Mad Matt

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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2017, 08:06:08 pm »
Locations with and without drop can be better abuseproof solution.

This, otherway someone will f.e. use 15lvl mule to craft in towns, loot lockers etc without fear of loosing shit.

Spear Chucker

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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2017, 08:33:12 pm »
Enable full drop in town while TC timer is on.


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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2017, 11:48:56 pm »
Enable full drop in town while TC timer is on.

I believe this especially would solve a lot of the current issues people have with PvP in the game and, by the sounds of it, should be quick to implement.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 09:11:01 am by sam6321 »


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Re: Fonline Reloaded
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2017, 02:25:08 am »
i too agree while TC action is happening.
it gives those who organize such actions more incentive to do so.
if i am dumb enough to walk into a TC town while action is happening, while wearing my Sundays best, i deserve to loose it.
i too hope this would be easy to implement.