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Topic: FOnline Reloaded RANT  (Read 75826 times)


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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #150 on: October 18, 2017, 01:08:25 pm »
power puff, you should change name to PowerPunch, cos you knocked those guys out cold with heavy weight punches, loaded with truth bombs. GG hope to fight with or against on fo2, you'll never hear a dis from me again, no matter who you play with.

this will be my last post..i stayed so positive about reloaded in the lead up to wipe, hyped the shit out of it to get players to come back, and then shut down anyone who said it was dead. as stated earlier, i saw potential. alas, no more.

before i go, please, for your viewing pleasure, here is some pvp vids from season 3.

if you look closely, and try not to blink, you may even catch a brief glimpse of shit(old) bbs..


as always,

Aint no coup de grais, its a bullet to the head.


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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #151 on: October 18, 2017, 04:43:00 pm »
I'm so glad I have nothing to do with developing any FOnline server nowadays. I'd be a horrible cunt in terms of public relations.

Wichura -

you're a dumbass.

You're blaming us for repeating our concerns yet 95% of your posts are the same information over and over again ("god damn ded geam since 2009", "cry moar")..
Yeah, because you seem to be unable to read and learn. If facts are different, you say "too bad for facts, my opinion matters". Nope.

Nobody ever said we have the only right to speak but we are the ONLY ones who do so.
Is that so?
And at the end, the most clever one Wichura who crawled out of the cave and is now the biggest smartass in the wasteland. With 8 Str 3 luck sniper build who enjoy pve content only (don't have to ask why)

So you are basically saying - enjoy this server, let it be your favorite one but shut the fuck up if something get changed and you don't like it.
I say - do whatever you want as grown men do. Don't read what you want to read, but read what is written.

It's like I told you that you married your boyfriend in 2005 (not sure if it's allowed in Poland) so ffs like him the same way and keep your mouth shut until the end even if he changed completely (behavior).
He is not my boyfriend, it's just plain filthy faggot brutal sexual intercourses we have once in a while. U jelly?

We all know this game is for free and up to devs to decide what do with it, but nobody can prevent us in providing a feedback. On top of that a feedback from most active players from the server. It is odd that this always end up in rivers of tears even though it contains very important and constructive messages from majority of most active players - but I get it, you & perteks (brown noses) screwed it.
Okay, so you've provided a feedback, licked each other butts ("well said mate!", "great post dude!", "tasty dick there pal!"), but as usual made a terrible mistake considering yourself the majority of players though. We've had this discussion many times already. It's painful for your overboosted ego and not pleasant to realise, but factions are not the core of any popular FOnline server I've get an info from or had tools to check it myself. This surprised me as well, no worries.
Nessies, my friend. Autistic invisible nessies are the real playerbase. Many of those don't even have a forum account, even more don't give a single flying fuck about organized groups, Toilet Control and such like. You don't have to believe me, but I'm not a priest to take care about your beliefs.

Just get over your autism and stop repeating yourself all the time - this post was not a simple "no loot, no hex ewww shit server", it was a nicely provided feedback about what's going on for real.
Yeah, some people move on to another games, some people come to see what's this FOnline stuff all about.
A social experiment running on Reloaded now will probably prove a thing or two. Out of plain curiosity I'd like to see the results. Will it fail badly or make the game flourish? I don't know, but I don't care that much. It's just a video game with no impact on my life.

Now that most of PvP players are gone you see what the hell is going on on the server. I logged yesterday just to see:

* nobody is taking towns (3 days already) - even though PvE factions do have best opportunity now.
* Hub almost empty (saw 5 players at best from what 1 was a newbie) - so are other towns.
* 90 active game windows online.
* killed random 30 lvl scrub in the wasteland and he cried to death even though he lost nothing but 12% armor+weapon deteo + ~1500xp.
* radio channel is more toxic than lash's scratching.
* barters do have money (means everyone's either fingering their ass at their farms or nobody really care?)
- PvE factions (whatever that is) are PvE, obviously not interested in PvP activities.
- Haven't logged in for days now, but from what I've heard some raiders were attacking Hub recently. Maybe this keeps players away? No idea.
- 90 characters in game is more or less an average and usual number, up to 130-150 in peak European hours.
- I admire your personal social interaction skills, you must be real fun at parties.
- Channel 0 was always a mix of chans, tards and plain idiots, where's the change?
- Even though I'm crap at gathering caps in any FOnline game, I manage to get some by running through NPC vendors, especially in northern towns. Do they have more than say 20k at once now? Thanks for the tip, if I find some time to spare I'll check it out.

Remember, you stupid ass, that the one who provides feedback do really care about the future.
Great, but what do you expect now to happen? Back-seat driving while developing a FOnline game is a horrible idea, luckily when FO2 was under construction we've had commanders with clear vision and road map, almost like nazi organization of some sort. Suggestions are nice to have option, but if they are against the developers' idea, they will be discarded. This is how it works, my son, been there, done that.

FO2 is an option but you don't want to leave a server that's so deep in your heart without a "fight".
No idea which server you have in mind, but the only one that warms my disgusting soul and black heart is FO2, simply because I've had the best fun there so far. Current state of Reloaded I'd call ... interesting.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 04:44:47 pm by Wichura »

⛧Donnie Darko⛧

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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #152 on: October 18, 2017, 10:46:24 pm »
1 video and 1 post and while some people are bringing SOMETHING to the conversation rest are being nothing but terrible comedians over here. Perteks, the literal lash 2.0, his posts should be the ones landing in Toxic Caves instead of posts providing VALID points about the state of the game, Adams and Wichura trying to furiously defend the game (for whatever reason) while making themselves look like a bunch of idiots and jobany is just being an actual retard.

Meng and Seki brought good points to the table and it started to look like a legit discussion until professional retards turned it into toxic shit slinging show while being completely clueless. Good job.

Good luck on bombing Hub, boys! o/

I came here to eat comments and read popcorn but... Unfortunately I see something that is kinda repeatable pattern here, that after watching video and reading posts from Meng, Seki and Mantis I was really hopeful not to see. It is Khans being khans on forum, just to win the Trolling Rat Race. You see, You met with more or less on point crtisism of the thread, and all the sudden gang comes up to do stupis AF shit, like f.e Donnie showing up with his very fucking constructive critisism...

Preteks, I know you're angry that your toes on your feet are webbed together from the incest relationship between your parents.

Seriously? C'mon even You can do better than that.

But I dont think you need to take it out on us, just off hop the thread considering you are not only no use to this discussion BUT also to this community. Do us all a favor and ~eventsuicide.
By the way, searched your name up on google and found a picture of you.

Yeah first of all. Him not doing PvP does not make him "no use to discussion" over game changes, and most definitely "to this community". Most non PvP players do not use forum they use discord, and You would know that if you were not stubborn enough to get banned there.

Second of all... "~eventsuicide" Really? C'mon even You can do better than that.

Third of all this picture...

Are you fucking kidding me? C'mon even You can do better than that.

As soon as Reloaded wiped I saw all the issues with it and transferred to Fonline 2 immediately. In my opinion, Fonline 2 is superior in every way. But what makes the game even better is the fact that the admins are ACTIVE, and CARE about their community. Kilgore doesnt care about his game, he doesnt care about his community, I dont even think he cares about himself.

If after wipe You went straight to other server and think it is superior in every way doesn't this make YOU "not only no use to this discussion BUT also to this community."?

I have a theory, I believe Kilgore is suicidal. If you think about it this makes sense. Reloaded was by far his greatest achievement. So he needs to kill it, before he can end his own life. Once Reloaded finally really does die, so will he.

Your weird suicide fetish is a bit disturbing to be honest I think You should visit a doctor.

Now to the point, find a middle ground on Your solutions to the issue coz otherwise you will find a wall of non PvP players that will disagree. It means always threads with some thought going viral to end up in toxic caves.


Im trolling this thread because this discussion is pointless. The community knew about many of the updates BEFORE the wipe actually happened, they responded with mostly backlash and have told Kilgore why this wont work. Kilgore didnt care then and obviously STILL doesnt care now. In my opinion the "constructive critism" topic was over as soon as it began. In order to have a discussion the opposing side needs to be listening, while the current dev team just sticks their head in the sand. They dont care, so why should we? All the evidence I need to point to is all the orher threads of people giving their ideas and opinions in "The River of Tears" thread. See where it got them? Fucking nowhere, just like this thread. Reloadeds legacy is over, no need to keep trying to shock it back to life.

The same logic goes towards me, you gave me "constructive criticism" on my trolling. But in order to have a discussion like this the other side must be listening. Im not listening. Therefore you're wasting my time AND your time. You should know this by now, comon man you can do better than that!

*PS: Im representing myself here, Im not representing Khans or anyone else. They can have whatever opinions or discussions they want.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 10:58:44 pm by ⛧Donnie Darko⛧ »


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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #153 on: October 18, 2017, 10:54:45 pm »
the current dev team just sticks their head in the sand
Flawless victory then, you've won with devs making them to hide from you. Congratulations!

⛧Donnie Darko⛧

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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #154 on: October 18, 2017, 10:55:56 pm »
the current dev team just sticks their head in the sand
Flawless victory then, you've won with devs making them to hide from you. Congratulations!

What are you even talking about?
Ive been wanting the devs to do something positive (not just coming out of their caves to ban people)  for the past 2 years. Theres no victory here, its just sad.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 10:57:29 pm by ⛧Donnie Darko⛧ »


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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #155 on: October 18, 2017, 10:58:55 pm »
You know the devs are angry when they move these kinda of posts to "River of Tears" and change my personal text to "I like to cry in the forums"
Great way to respond to the criticism guys, well done.


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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #156 on: October 18, 2017, 11:03:30 pm »
the current dev team just sticks their head in the sand
Flawless victory then, you've won with devs making them to hide from you. Congratulations!

What are you even talking about?
Ive been wanting the devs to do something positive (not just coming out of their caves to ban people)  for the past 2 years. Theres no victory here, its just sad.
Oh, sorry then, I'm afraid I've lost a plot with all that dick-swinging competition going on recently.

change my personal text to "I like to cry in the forums"
That wasn't a lie actually.


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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #157 on: October 18, 2017, 11:08:09 pm »
How does kilgore's dick taste?


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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #158 on: October 19, 2017, 12:59:20 am »
The devs just need to listen to the community, they don't like the changes and it's been made pretty obvious by the decrease in the player count since s3 started, fix the broken economy and fix pvp


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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #159 on: October 19, 2017, 01:57:52 am »
Player count is reading 60 right now, that is a drop of 1/3 of the usual for this time....  The players are leaving, RIP Reloaded.


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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #160 on: October 19, 2017, 02:26:55 am »
Always the same... its normal process.


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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #161 on: October 19, 2017, 04:06:15 am »
as people saying...dont like it dont play :D it seems to be working for me  :D


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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #162 on: October 19, 2017, 06:30:49 am »
The devs just need to listen to the community

Old Death

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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #163 on: October 19, 2017, 07:39:19 am »
Maybe this will sound akward but can now, when all cards are on the table, post pic with Jovanka tits.Waiting that for ages now.


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Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« Reply #164 on: October 19, 2017, 07:49:11 am »
Maybe this will sound akward but can now, when all cards are on the table, post pic with Jovanka tits.Waiting that for ages now.

I feel like jovanka is a secret dev with reloaded S3,

Man I remember when she nerfed shoveling shit lol, and you couldn't smoke cigs if wearing helmet, idling timer lol she single handed ruined 2238 with her crazy updates, but she did listen to player Base sometimes at least

Current server status 35 players online :p
« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 08:10:34 am by Knuckle »