Most people I see appear to be running burster or tank burster builds this season for PvP.
For PvE, I'd recommend a build similar to the following:

From what I've heard, bypasses are not as severe this season as they have been previously, so you can get away with 1 luck a bit better than before.
6 int allows you to get swift learner (combined with loner for 20% extra xp) and gives you plenty of points to put in to your skills. Combined with a reasonable doctor skill, you can also get the faster healing and dead man walking support perks.
You can tag more or less whatever you want, as long as you take at least one gun skill. Just make sure you get that gun skill to at least 180 as fast as possible to take bonus rate of attack.
This build will be quite tanky, and the two action boys will allow you to shoot a pile of shots in a turn as well.
You can either burst with your weapon of choice, or use a pistol for 2AP attacks with fast shot, whatever you prefer.
I hope this helps