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Topic: Middleground suggestions for loot dropping (Session 3)  (Read 2747 times)


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Middleground suggestions for loot dropping (Session 3)
« on: September 17, 2017, 07:03:22 pm »
Main issue for most players in this session seem to be handling the new no-loot play. I can see both sides to it,
here's some suggestions for decent middleground stands on the issue:
(I'm by no means a developer and who knows how these systems could be abused, but just food for thought, maybe
one of these ideas or a combination of them might work if implemented properly.)

Chance / Stat:
Have a percentual chance on each carried item to drop when dying. Baseline could be 33% chance check to keep an item
and each point in Luck stat could possibly affect these percentages
For example: 1 Luck = +3% chance to keep your item
...On top of that, it could be a new equipment stat: +(Amount)% chance to keep item upon dying. Some items could also be "Undroppable"

An NPC that can insure your items against caps, more insurance cost for more valuable item.
Once an item is insured, it won't either drop for a certain time period, or has very low drop chance

Make it a perk:
Add three different looter perks; "Weapon looter", "Armor looter", and "inventory looter",
characters that pick these perks have to sacrifice a perk slot (or three) to be able to loot
given parts of players' equipment. Could also make it so that a player can only select one of these perks at lvl 24

Player Choice:
Simply give the player a choice when creating their character, on whether it's a "Hardcore Wastelander" or a "Regular" character.
The hardcore wastelanders will drop all loot on death when killed by NPC's or another HC character (but not when killed by a regular character)
..The HC characters could have access to some extra content or something for further incentive to players picking this more difficult/frustrating playstyle,
maybe even go as far as making TC only available to HC chars.

PK-Status After Soft Level cap:
After  reaching lvl 24, you get a PK-karma meter. After accumulating enough PK-karma by slaughtering a certain amount of fellow players, you'll begin dropping gear when killed by another player. The PK-Karma will slowly decrease over time when not killing other players or when killed by another player. When starting Town Control, the PK-karma gains would increase exponentially.

Choose A Slot:
Player will be given choice to pick one item slot from where loot doesn't drop.

Choice between Slow Replication or Lootdrop:
Upon dying, pop up a selection screen; Slow Replication (return back to life in 4-5 minutes) or Lootdrop; Lose all your gear but replicate in 1 minute as usual   

What do my fellow wastelanders think of these suggestions?

Mad Matt

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Re: Middleground suggestions for loot dropping (Session 3)
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2017, 07:28:26 pm »
There's even one thing that doesn't need hard to implement changes and is free from bugs and exploits.
Just get over it and play this season without any ideas that can bring more bugs and exploits.


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Re: Middleground suggestions for loot dropping (Session 3)
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2017, 07:59:36 pm »


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Re: Middleground suggestions for loot dropping (Session 3)
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2017, 08:33:41 pm »
There is one big problem with your suggestion because it is really alts and trolls friendly. Players can create loot alts then dual log and use these alts to loot others. Btw it seems to be messy and too complicated.

I don't know why some people still wine about "no drop" feature. It will come back for few locations as it was mentioned somewhere so you should wait, play and enjoy the game as it is now. The game isn't easy even with this features because after dead you lose experience and items' condition which is very similar to dead. You get worse equipment and so on.


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Re: Middleground suggestions for loot dropping (Session 3)
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2017, 09:55:37 pm »

what even