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Topic: Season 3 Thoughts  (Read 55686 times)

Mad Matt

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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #90 on: November 14, 2017, 06:41:54 pm »
Or with time you learn few things.


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #91 on: November 14, 2017, 07:00:11 pm »
> making a free to play game for 150 players worldwide in peak hours
> being corrupted by "power"


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #92 on: November 15, 2017, 03:06:57 pm »
Wichura's posts are just epic.  ;D
You make my day bro !

If you don't like the server and you want to do something else, maybe you are up for something better ? Any ideas ? Does someone want to start learning C++ at least ? Create his own FOnline with Blackjack and Hookers ?

No one would do it. So why would the DEVs do it for you?

In my humble opinion, those who grew up on 2238 and it's "harshness", learned how to survive, bypassed the rules and abused the game in order to get an advantage (Hinkley looting/tobacco farm/ SE farm etc.). Little did they knew, that they were actually destroying the game since the beginning. If a DEV spends more time fixing abuses and banhammerstriking for duallog/festrelog rather than implementing more ideas, no wonder that we end up here.

Anyway, opinions are devided and I wish to all those who liked the changes to enjoy the game and keep the community up and for those who disliked them either to adapt or to do something else.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2017, 04:33:16 pm by Urukhai »


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #93 on: November 15, 2017, 03:11:34 pm »
Thank you, Urukhai! Well said. A bunch of us are enjoying the game for years and years, and even more now since the changes. Want something else? Go build it yourself.


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #94 on: November 16, 2017, 03:08:40 am »
the one good thing that a wipe does, is make people change the way they play the game.
new rules/strategies/tactics and bitches.
is the cup half full or half empty.
figure out a way to fill it up.
change up your game play.
find a way to find others stashes, if stealing is your thing.
kill everything that moves, or follow them.
and then kill them.
whatever floats your boat and fills your glass.
but have fun doing it.


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #95 on: November 16, 2017, 10:48:20 am »
Uruk, you serious?

So if I decide to run a game by myself and people who join it and play should not report bugs if they find any but rather keep playing so I can add more and more stuff unaware of current broken shit?

Great thinking there bud!

And why would dev do anything for us? This is not one-sided favor. Devs are running this for us, improving and we are playing it, donating, suggesting, reporting bugs.

One side cannot live without the other one, there goes single players mate.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2017, 11:03:40 am by POWERPUFF »
The Almighty Gaylords


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #96 on: November 17, 2017, 12:19:23 am »
> making a free to play game for 150 players worldwide in peak hours

50 after S3 :)

Wichura's posts are just epic.  ;D

Nah, its just random offtop and thrashtalk from person, that have literally nothing to say, but NEED the attention like oxygen

They don't do anything because there aren't news, updates and forum activity. People have already said some things are broken and should be fixed but nothing happen. The game still is broken and players counter is low because FOnline Reloaded exhausted all possibilities. Players are sad, bored, angry and wait for what? For wipe with reverted changes in next 3 years.

Fixing bugs, broken mechanics, listening to community, trying to improve the game, that was broken by devs ignorance and unpreparedness to incoming changes? Naaaaaaaaah.
Ignoring, delete and move any negative response to troll subforums, taunt and laugh at community members that not agree with shitty, and stupid decision making that ruined the game? Hell fucking yeah baby!

« Last Edit: November 17, 2017, 12:26:30 am by Pieskov »


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #97 on: November 17, 2017, 09:49:57 am »

Yes bud I am serious. I helped before this game. Did some maps back in 2016 and 2014. Example: https://forum.fonline-reloaded.net/index.php?topic=5341.0. It was asked by the players. I did it, posted screens, people loved it and it was promised to be added after wipe, but I still haven't seen it during this season nor in the season 2. The map was done 3 years ago! Haha. And this only one example amongst many others.

What I meant buddy is that the game might be broken, but people are broken in the first place. If you know that there is an exploit, why would you abuse it?
Every time a read a suggestion "add this, add  that", 95% of answers are like "can be abused".
This is why I said that if you want to see changes, do it yourself.


People are disappointed for 3 main reasons: No hexing, No Looting, No old school TC. This is enough to ruin the PvP experience. And those who were mainly doing pvp are lost now. They can blame DEVs, they can blame the community, they can blame the game, in the end it won't change anything. (as my example of mapping for the community)
If the DEVs are not fixing bugs, maybe they have no time, maybe they don't know how to fix them.   


I know that Wichura's second nickname is "Wichuja" (given by the community :D)
But this guys is just hilarious. I never enjoyed reading one's posts as I do enjoy reading his.

If any of you are skilled in programming or have some ideas, regroup, PM me. Let's talk about this.


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #98 on: November 17, 2017, 09:55:05 am »
> 50 players, ded gaem, players are leaving, devs are gay, AIDS is being spread
> seeking for attention among such crowd


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #99 on: November 17, 2017, 11:45:05 am »
Maybe the eventual blessing in disguise to come out of this will be that people might actually give Aftertimes a chance when it eventually returns instead of not playing reloaded and hanging around the forum crying about wipe.

Well, now we've had the legendary wipe and it should be out of everybody's system now, I know some people have problem-solved by playing FOnline2 so maybe we can all make the leap to giving new servers a chance too.
When you get angry please try to remember it is not really me you are angry with, my words have simply triggered your pre-existing anger and in doing so created a false reality where it’s all my fault.


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #100 on: November 18, 2017, 12:26:13 pm »
This is just the beginning of the future of FOnline. Have faith.


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #101 on: November 19, 2017, 11:26:37 pm »
This is just the beginning of the future of FOnline. Have faith.

The future isn't what it used to be.
When you get angry please try to remember it is not really me you are angry with, my words have simply triggered your pre-existing anger and in doing so created a false reality where it’s all my fault.


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #102 on: November 20, 2017, 01:12:51 pm »
jeez just play fo2 if you dont like reloaded


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #103 on: November 20, 2017, 07:06:28 pm »
People are disappointed for 3 main reasons: No hexing, No Looting, No old school TC. This is enough to ruin the PvP experience. And those who were mainly doing pvp are lost now.

When season 3 started I was all randy, wanted to try out what had been advertised for years. I created a character, escaped the tutorial thingy, and then found out that crafting had became a pain in the ass. All my hopes where that I could craft without spending too much time what I used to loot. Adding to this that hexing was removed, and thus the possibility to fight multiple opponents by using environment and timing, which make farming safer and faster (also NPC drops got nerfed hard). So, I had little time to play, but there was no shortcut to acces gear, at least not the few I knew from before. Well, the only way to advance in the game was to do time consuming quests and shit like that, but that's not why I was playing the game in the first time. I almost don't know anything about the quests because I never did any. I would just kill NPCs, science everything, craft basic gear, then go kill someone to get better one. Once I have decent shit I would join for larger scale PVP. From what I've heard, TC isn't a thing anymore, more like the militia bullshit I hated so much.

To sum up, the game I love was the perfect balance of a month of farming that would last the rest of the session of endless pvp (I always looted a little bit more than I lost on average). It seems this game no longer exist, I feel like when 2238 closed: "it's over, go do something else".

The features that kept me entertained are gone, and thus, so am I.


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Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« Reply #104 on: November 23, 2017, 02:41:47 am »
New features are coming to help reignite server.