- Private mines are no longer private, but visible to all players on worldmap;
What's the point of buying one then?
Maybe they only appear when other players are near?
What sense in traps without drop at death?
What sense in drop at death if the game gets wiped some day?
Reward for domination(just "kill" is not enough, its not counter-strike);
Ability to "take candy from this bastard"(making cry somebody in important part of FOnline);
For balance reason: with this feature PvP will have sense only in top gear because you just can't deprive stated top stuff from 10 guys control some town in HPA with bozars in arms, you need get gear in other way, before you can try have fair fight, not directly in PvP win(noobs only lose from this feature, they will must fight with top geared players and even if they win - no reward for this);
May be i just stupid blind piece of shit, but i still don't see any pluses provided by this feature in alltime gameplay. There is no so awesome world for endless exploring PvE stuff enjoy safe play. As i already post: i respect lot of devs work and still prefer this server to play(don't need recommend me do something else, we talking about FOnline reloaded gameplay here, not about ability to not play), but i hope this experimental feature just unsuccessful experiment and will be corrected in further.