General Explanation and The Population: First of all, Sarmatia is a roleplaying faction and its a fictional city in Fallout Universe.(It's not canon) People of Sarmatia, who is joined the faction, are mostly warrior and protective their zone. On the otherhand, if a Sarmatian can not fight, he or she must help the Sarmatia. Because of cultural impacts, nobody can be lazy or selfish in the Sarmatia.
The Economy of Sarmatia: The Economy of Sarmatia runs aggresive trading. That means, caravan guarding, slavery, war economy, bounty hunting... On the otherhand, secret outposts and routes are important for Sarmatia because of producting weapons & armors.
Relationship with Other Factions: Sarmatia City is neutral with San Francisco and New California Republic because of war economy. On the otherhand, New Reno and The Enclave is the most dangerous enemies for Sarmatians.Joining The Sarmatia: If a person wants to join the Sarmatia City and being a Sarmatian, he or she has two ways in the game:
1. Following the radio frequences
2. Hanging around the WaterworksThe Benefits of Sarmatia: - Organized Units, Planned Divisions (Out of Game = Respectful and Helpful People)
- Planned Activities, Caravans, Dungeons
- First of all, we're mostly PvE and Roleplaying Faction. In Character, we have a hiearchy but out of game, we are friends and we're respectful with ourselves.
- We'll add Discord Channel soon.
- We are using also roleplaying rules. If you do not know roleplay rules but want to join us, we can help you. On the otherhand, you can not join the faction but you can hang with us.
- Also, the presentation will be updated and added new topics, the deficients will be fixed.