February 15, 2025, 03:55:42 am



Should the new players be helped and welcomed at first ?

Why yes, new players let the game live longer !
13 (48.1%)
Well yeah but special treatment ? nah
5 (18.5%)
The heck i care about those Noobs, aslong as they grasp the concept.
0 (0%)
Pah i dont care, this is FOnline no freaking Daycare
4 (14.8%)
Screw it lets make "The Purge" real in FOnline.
5 (18.5%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Topic: General thought on a new Newb policy  (Read 5685 times)


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General thought on a new Newb policy
« on: February 12, 2017, 01:07:41 pm »
Heya everyone this topic is about the protection of newbies, Yes FOnline is a game where you shouldn't be trusting anyone anyway but there is a big chance coming up for the Game.

So look at this, As many have heard about it already, a quite big Youtuber "Bluedrake42" (218k Subs) has uploaded a Video about FOnline, it is nice to see because it will give the game a lot of new players, but that is the point of this topic. Shouldn't the Noob Policy be rethought at some point, i know the Veterans will go on this topic *fuck that i do not like new players" but think about it, at some point the Game could die out because no new blood is coming, knowing the game is easy to start but hard to master is the best way to introduce it For the new players.

I want to point out that fucking noobs over, etc is okay. It is the Spirit of FOnline to abuse Noobs, But hunting them to get them to leave the game "as in killing as soon as you see them" just kicks off a potential Player base for the future and the Sake of the Game.

I want to hear your thoughts about how we could improve the Experience to players and if the South area in the Areazones of (Hub, Junktown and quarry etc.) should be PK Protected by Rules and enforced by the Mods and Admins as well. (no i am not talking about the Boneyard Area go blast every newb you can see there for hell i care.)
Welp im here now, too late to run away.

Make content, not complaints. -zekromo👑

Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2017, 01:15:31 pm »
I agree, abusing and killing new comers just so they leave to never return is a shitty thing to do to the community. Think about it, we're getting stagnant and there is no progression in the community, we're in a constant loop that has been going on for years and that loop needs to stop.
Stay Frosty

Mad Matt

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Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2017, 02:46:48 pm »
Someone should welcome them and give them some advies, even protect them...anyway there should be no full protection from dangers of wastelnads as NPCs or blood-thirsty players.
If you're not learning on your own mistakes or go into "dangerous" places be sure you will die. We can't treat newbies as disabled people, they should have some brain to stay alive or die if they act in stupid way. Let's call it natural selection of wastelands ;)

It should be as it is now, there are raiders and psychos and there are also carebears and justice warriors. Don't fix something that's not broken, am I right?
Gimper? ;)


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Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2017, 02:52:48 pm »
Someone should welcome them and give them some advies, even protect them...anyway there should be no full protection from dangers of wastelnads as NPCs or blood-thirsty players.
If you're not learning on your own mistakes or go into "dangerous" places be sure you will die. We can't treat newbies as disabled people, they should have some brain to stay alive or die if they act in stupid way. Let's call it natural selection of wastelands ;)

It should be as it is now, there are raiders and psychos and there are also carebears and justice warriors. Don't fix something that's not broken, am I right?
Gimper? ;)

True, should have focused more on the point that that some veteran players just try to prevent newcomers to enjoy the game and learn it, actually They focus only on hunting them down, which is not okay i say. It could ruin a potential increase of players for the game which would be good for everyone.
Welp im here now, too late to run away.

Make content, not complaints. -zekromo👑

Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2017, 02:57:54 pm »
Someone should welcome them and give them some advies, even protect them...anyway there should be no full protection from dangers of wastelnads as NPCs or blood-thirsty players.
If you're not learning on your own mistakes or go into "dangerous" places be sure you will die. We can't treat newbies as disabled people, they should have some brain to stay alive or die if they act in stupid way. Let's call it natural selection of wastelands ;)

It should be as it is now, there are raiders and psychos and there are also carebears and justice warriors. Don't fix something that's not broken, am I right?
Gimper? ;)
What he's trying to say is that he doesn't like that people are targeting them in particular to go get them off the game for being new players
Stay Frosty

Mad Matt

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Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2017, 03:13:32 pm »
Yup, I know...but if newbie goes to a dangerous place he should be put down by raider. Am I wrong?
Anyway, make NCR Rangers, HUB Police, VC Guards etc protect those who are not villified in those towns. I mean in encounters, just like they do in towns.
Maybe write some script for those NPCs to grab newbie gear and give it him back in town for small fee?
Or after he was attacked, the enocunter should be "closed" for other players to drop-in.
Next newbie respawn in that enco (something like those good "police officers" reviev him), and he could grab his gear back and go on his journey.

It should work only near protected towns, but that's all. Nothing more for new players.
Remember, wasteland is harsh.


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Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2017, 04:21:12 pm »
For all the scrub stomping I did I also would usually at the same as the stomping have an alt in Hub helping answer questions.

The Trooper

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Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2017, 01:51:16 pm »
DOUBLE EXP! We are late into the session and the guys who just came up could really use some exp boost ;)


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Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2017, 07:52:48 am »
Welcome to Camp Navarro,...



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Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2017, 12:37:27 am »
DOUBLE EXP! We are late into the session and the guys who just came up could really use some exp boost ;)

I 2nd that motion!
When you get angry please try to remember it is not really me you are angry with, my words have simply triggered your pre-existing anger and in doing so created a false reality where it’s all my fault.


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Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2017, 10:25:51 am »
DOUBLE EXP! We are late into the session and the guys who just came up could really use some exp boost ;)

I 2nd that motion!

Kilgore has already announced that this will not happen until the next session. You've had few chances to make a use out of the boost.

Anyway like 99 percent of people that did join because of that YouTuber did not even look up any guides on wiki or forums. Many of the pvp veterans lately made their addition to wiki in builds section and perk advices. Instead of making the game even Easier (cause belive me game now is easiest of all fonlines available) try getting better with tips from better players and wiki.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 10:34:03 am by Koniko »


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Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2017, 07:05:59 pm »
The problem with new people is that they often don't have an idea what to do, and the game doesn't help much because there is no tutorial or basic info how to do simple things.

So, they come to the conclusion: "ok maybe I need some gun and start killing some things" then even if they will have some basic gun they will go to the encounters and die in first or second one maybe, thus losing all items they managed to gather.

Then: ragequit.
They don't start by reading guides or wiki because there is nothing that keeps them in game in the beginning.

That's why for a next season we have prepared a tutorial location full of quests that introduce player into basic stuff like: dealing with NPCs, gathering stuff, using tools and stuff, killing simple enemies, crafting basic gear. They can leave the location at any time, but the more quests they complete, the greater their "starter package" will be. The tutorial is optional.
There are also few breaking changes that, while changing the gameplay greatly, should help new players.

Mad Matt

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Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2017, 12:57:21 am »
HOOORAAAYY BOOBIEEE....erm, I mean Kilgore :D


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Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2017, 06:13:47 pm »
I am a new player here. Actually, I am pretty new to old school Fallouts (I have played the shit out of the Bethesda ones), having only started playing Fallout 1 a couple of weeks ago. However, I have read many guides which proved to be very helpful in enhancing my skill and character development.

I like the way the game goes. You can't seem to trust anybody and if it is very dangerous to go wandering around the wastes. You can't trust anybody. The rules seem limited and you are allowed to verbally abuse everybody. There is a lot of freedom. This makes it feel like a real post-apocalyptic wasteland.

However, this is only good to some extend. As a noob, I have found myself a target when minding my own business in certain towns. People randomly coming to kill me just because I am new. I understand why I'm being attacked when I am not in 'safe zones' but when I get killed in Junktown whilst crafting shit just because I am a noob makes my blood boil. Where is the fairness? I do have patience, however, so I have kept playing the game and reading and learning more. I understand that this can be very frustrating to other new players and will make them rage quit. It had me thinking, if veterans were nice to noobs like myself then your player base would be a lot higher than what it is now. I've read some threads on this forum and the attitude from veteran players towards 'bluesuits' is appalling. How are you supposed to get new players like that?

I'm not saying you should stop killing noobs completely, but at least don't fuck them over when they are a low level and cannot defend themselves in any way because you have a super awesome weapon that kills me in one hit. If they piss you off then by all means kill them but do not go around breaking peoples games. Help noobs out, train them up and take them as your slaves soldiers or workers.

I'd like to see more of a roleplaying theme around here as this is what I expected when I joined.

*prepares to be raped by the veterans
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 06:17:07 pm by Mickmelon »


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Re: General thought on a new Newb policy
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2017, 07:46:32 pm »
Mickmelon, not everyone in the game are assholes. I personally help most  ;D newbies I encounter. But sadly there are those veterans who get raped by other veterans and just pick on newbies, because they can't deal with their own level  8)

There are some improvements that can be made to improve the quality of life to newbie players, junktown for example. Currently any gang can roll in junktown quarry (hell, anyone with a gatling laser) and obliterate all the guards there, and hold it till however long they please so they can keep killing newbies. Guards should be buffed so they can withstand a hex or be able to one shot offenders. Same with Junktown city guards, also reinstating the No weapons out inside town thing would be nice. And adding an east exit grid would be nice  8) closer to the workbench or just move the workbench closer to south.

And as Kilgore said, there will be a newbie start area.

Oh, and roleplaying  >:(  >:( >:( >:(