Heya everyone this topic is about the protection of newbies, Yes FOnline is a game where you shouldn't be trusting anyone anyway but there is a big chance coming up for the Game.
So look at this, As many have heard about it already, a quite big Youtuber "Bluedrake42" (218k Subs) has uploaded a Video about FOnline, it is nice to see because it will give the game a lot of new players, but that is the point of this topic. Shouldn't the Noob Policy be rethought at some point, i know the Veterans will go on this topic *fuck that i do not like new players" but think about it, at some point the Game could die out because no new blood is coming, knowing the game is easy to start but hard to master is the best way to introduce it For the new players.
I want to point out that fucking noobs over, etc is okay. It is the Spirit of FOnline to abuse Noobs, But hunting them to get them to leave the game "as in killing as soon as you see them" just kicks off a potential Player base for the future and the Sake of the Game.
I want to hear your thoughts about how we could improve the Experience to players and if the South area in the Areazones of (Hub, Junktown and quarry etc.) should be PK Protected by Rules and enforced by the Mods and Admins as well. (no i am not talking about the Boneyard Area go blast every newb you can see there for hell i care.)