Thank you for your answer
You are telling me about a bonus that adds an amount to my critical chance, I knew about this bonus...
Your final critical chance is made with bonuses that comes from different sources.
Mojuk made a list of all the bonuses that adds to form your final critical chance.
"Critical Chance = {
+ base critical chance of character
+ (hit chance - random(1, 100)) / 10
+ bonus for aim shots
+ crafting bonus to crit chance from weapon
- armor base crit chance mod
- armor crafting crit chance mod
*base critical chance of character* (hit chance - random(1, 100)) / 10
"hidden bonus" to crit chance, so if you have 95% chance to hit target than you should receive on average 4-5% crit chance bonus (it's rounded down after division)
*bonus for aim shots you can see this bonus is dependent on attackers LUCK
((max bonus value) * (60 + 4 * LK)) / 100
* crafting bonus to crit chance from weapon
value from range <0, 5>
*armor base crit chance mod
Here base crit chance mod of armor/helmet is modified by:
- Finesse
- Right Between the Eyes
- Hit the Gaps
(check wiki for more info about them)
*armor crafting crit chance mod
value from range <-5, 0>"
Mojuk estimated that with 95 percents chance to hit it was between 4-5 percents( in average ofc) by the way.
You said that it can go up to +10 percents crit chance
But in the case of a character with 1 percents crit chance and an armor that have higher critical chance modifier than '1+10' percents chance modifier the question still remains. We know that with bonuses armors like CA can have more than 11 crit chance modifier. And refresh my memory please, what is critical chance mod of Power armor ? Would be interesting to know to laugh a little bit since Wiki is outdated about these questions (crit chance/roll mod).
Because maybe you were trying to explain me that when the bonus from hit chance makes your final crit chance superior to enemy crit mod you were able to. And when it was inferior you were not.
But it sounds strange for me in a game where the original developers of fallouts wanted to make luck/random an important factor that it is possible to never score a critical hit in some cases ( because it comes from role playing game).
So I repeat the same question, to be able to make a critical hit, do you need to have higher final critical chance than enemy critical chance modifier ?