July 27, 2024, 06:28:13 am


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Survival Guides / Re: New players guide by Strike
« Last post by Henry on July 18, 2024, 09:50:28 pm »
Survival Guides / Re: New players guide by Strike
« Last post by markcosta on July 15, 2024, 11:22:10 am »
Game Help / Re: How do I detect and disarm traps?
« Last post by Henry on July 06, 2024, 03:17:29 pm »
You see them as you get closer, and it is based on your PE (Perception), so you will see them earlier with high PE, or later with low PE. Sometimes with PE 1, you see them too late if you run too fast to a random footlocker, and get a broken leg, so maybe PE1 guys should slow down as they approach.

And if you're locker-hunting a lot, get Traps skill to 50 and get the Light Step perk. It helps a lot. Carry Doctor's Bag (or Paramedic's Bag) to help correct broken limbs. Disarming Traps can be a nice little boost to XP as you hunt, if you have much higher Traps skill (max 150).
Game Help / How do I detect and disarm traps?
« Last post by mrrobot1994 on July 06, 2024, 02:19:04 am »
Hello everyone, I have a question and need your help. How can I detect traps? Is it automatic, or do I need to take specific actions to spot them? By the way, I love watching hentai anime. Wishing you a good day! :D
Game Help / Re: How do I go further in this game?
« Last post by Shamessa on July 03, 2024, 04:07:46 am »
Caravans and random hunt on desert is always vaiable option. You wont be able to solo end game content (like Glow or Warehous or Dayglow) but certainly mid game is in range for solo players.

Bugs / Re: Gecko Breath Shells (fire based dmg) not affected by Pyromaniac perk
« Last post by Henry on July 02, 2024, 10:16:21 pm »
If i read that correctly, this code line says if you do NOT have the Pyromaniac perk, and you attack with fire and your ammo is dragon's breath, then you do 1.25x dmg. To me this does not say you don't get a dmg bonus WITH Pyro.

Unless == means equals and != means NOT equals. If that's the case, then this was written specifically to exclude gecko breath ammo from Pyro's bonus dmg. That means a developer thought about it and said, nope, you should not get a dmg bonus from these fire-based shells even though you have the perk that is supposed to give you bonus dmg to fire-based attacks. We may all find that weird, but we don't all think alike.
Game Help / Re: How do I go further in this game?
« Last post by Henry on June 21, 2024, 10:18:44 pm »
What Tin Man said above, and...

One thing for me is to use a leveling build to level up a new character over 100, maybe 150 or even higher, to make an advanced sniper. Use the online Planner tool to plan the build, but use a leveling build to reach the target level. Then Reroll and try it out. Don't use implants yet (if you have those) until you are sure the build works best. This plan can take a while, but there are ways of faster leveling.

Meanwhile the idea we can craft our own gear and sometimes get some items with excellent bonuses, keeps me going.

Then there's the quest for implants. The search for Special Encounters, especially a Vertibird. Find Bridgekeeper's Robes while Cave exploring, and a certain priceless Baseball Bat while searching thru random lockers in city ruins.

The final quest...the one that is the most challenging. The quest for....a good team you can trust. I won the game when i found my buds here, but don't expect to find yours quickly - it took me years.

And finally, we can all download the developer tools and start working behind the scenes to create new explorable content. If it's good enough, polished around the edges, doesn't break cannon, and Kilgore approves, it can be added in an update.
Suggestions / Re: Show Condition and Quality Color Coding as a small text
« Last post by Slowhand on June 13, 2024, 01:32:05 pm »
Suggestions / Re: Show Condition and Quality Color Coding as a small text
« Last post by Slowhand on June 13, 2024, 05:12:45 am »
This would need to be changed on engine side, no AS, which makes reduced the chances for the feature to happen drastically.
Also do not forget that you will not be able to use a smaller font as you did on the 100/100, that font size would be same as the caps count above, so it wouldn't fit that well.
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