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Messages - Mr. Z

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Faction Announcements / Re: The Anti-violence: recruiting
« on: August 26, 2016, 08:19:58 am »
Probably NOT that real Sarge. Doc_Savage and me played a couple of hours with LockerHunter: he is a vet, tough but fair.
Anyway, I do agree that we need some security. I propose we test recruits by playing with them for an hour at least and have a chat with them. You can get a rough idea about what a recruit is aiming for.

Faction Announcements / Re: The Anti-violence: recruiting
« on: August 25, 2016, 02:55:32 pm »
Hello folks.
An update for all gang members

A: I added two lockers at the south base entrance. One contains skillboks and is meant for starting characters. Please feel free to get what you need, but please only get what you actually need. After you hit level 12/15 and you can afford it, please add something to this common locker. Add what you can when you can.

If anybody wants to contribute, I propose we help newcomers to help themselves, and especially players new to the game. So no T3 equipment please. Skillbooks, hammers, hatchets, a few caps to get professions and low level weapons and armour only.

The second locker is meant to every gang members. I added 3 safehouses/parking lots next these locations:
Gun Runners
San Francisco
Vault City.
As you can guess the locker contains the 3 maps. If any volounteer wants to add more please feel free to do so, just remember to share maps and notify the rest of the gang.

I also remember all members that if you find a pile of gear in a shared tent then that's a combat pile. I invite everybody not to get stuff from other members piles. This is to ensure that if you leave gear on the ground then it's YOUR gear and nobody gets anything from it.

B: I know that practically everybody has a car but now we have a gang Scout. I picklocked it, so no keys needed. The trunk contains fuel and tools. Please remember to service the Scout after you use it.

This is the gang doing and so no need to thank me.

Also, I'd like a couple of volounteers willing to solve the Gun Runners quest and keep the loot to buy more shared stuff (maybe a huger vehicle), thanks.

General Game Discussion / Re: Advice needed about lvl 24 last perk.
« on: August 19, 2016, 03:57:04 am »
Thanks Heyfray and Seki. I played safe and went for lifegiver, but I also decided to shed this character and remake it. I'm going for 10 Enc and 6 Int, and I'm getting more ranged damage instead of Action Boy. Let's how it goes.
The Lsw/Minigun thing is related to the character somewhat low strength. Plus, 40 rounds in random encounter critters feel wasted to me. Not to mention I never liked Fallout characters wielding a phallic style weapon..

General Game Discussion / Advice needed about lvl 24 last perk.
« on: August 18, 2016, 09:51:35 pm »
First of all thanks to all who replied in my last thread.
I decided to try a big gun/crafter hybrid to deal more damage in the special PvE maps:

S 5
P 7
E 9
C 1
I 7
A 9
L 2

My perks:
Adrenaline rush
Even Tougher
Even more Criticals
Action Boy x 2
Bonus rate of Fire
Lifegiver x 1

Weapon of choice: LSW when clean, Minigun on Psycho.
As you can see this character is less than perfect and falls in the "It works for me TM" category. Stats choices may seem odd for you, let's say they're "ease of use" ones. Anyway, currently this alt is level 24 and has 222 hp. The original plan was getting the second Lifegiver level, but I wander if it's the case to squeeze more damage from my weapons. According to you, would it better to get:

Better criticals (Is it worth it with bursts?)
More ranged Damage
More Criticals (Current chance is 12%)

Or is it better to get more survivability, I.E. Iron Man, Tougher, or the planned Lifegiver?

General Game Discussion / Re: Question about special implants.
« on: August 16, 2016, 09:57:51 pm »
I might try the warehouse again, but I don't run a tank, I run a small guns burster/crafter hybrid. I don't deal that kind of damage even when 1-hexing. Judging on the video you posted it looks easier than I thought, though.

General Game Discussion / Re: Question about special implants.
« on: August 16, 2016, 03:24:47 pm »
Those are out of question for me: I'm a loner and I simply suck at real-time. I tried the warehouse a couple of times and what I got was a sound beating..

General Game Discussion / Re: Question about special implants.
« on: August 16, 2016, 01:01:33 pm »
Thanks Seki.

General Game Discussion / Question about special implants.
« on: August 16, 2016, 12:29:57 pm »
Hello there.
I guess each character can have only one implant per stat, right?
Other than that, I found my favourite cash sink, at least 'till the wipe..

That's what I was afraid of.
Thanks for your answer guys.

My character has 7 enc (don't ask). If I  have this implant installed, is it going to add 2hp only or is it going to add more?

Sell / Re: WTS: two Avenger miniguns and a unique sniper rifle.
« on: August 05, 2016, 02:12:56 am »
Avenger, sorry about the mistake. I'm talking about the 5mm improved minigun. Thread title edited.

Sell / WTS: two Avenger miniguns and a unique sniper rifle.
« on: August 05, 2016, 12:17:34 am »
Rifle stats:
range +1
action points +1
max damage and accuracy +17%
crit chance +1
Avenger miniguns are in pristine conditions.
If you're interested then please get in touch with me.

Sell / WTS Gatling laser.
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:42:46 pm »
I have a gatling laser for sale, normal quality, condition is 83/92%, loaded. I'm selling it at Barter Ground around midnight (gmt) between August the 4th and 5th. My request is 25k caps, no bartering and no bidding. Avatar name is Mr Z.
If interested, please feel free to get in touch with me.

Edit: now the gatlings are two. The second is in pristine conditions, 100%. I'm offering it for the same price.

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