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Messages - Mr. Z

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River of Tears / So long, and thanks for all the fish.
« on: May 23, 2018, 09:31:34 pm »
As the resident PvE ape I saw all content, and all is left is grinding.
See you all in an update or two, and thanks to everybody for the ride!

Suggestions / Re: A quest suggestion
« on: May 18, 2018, 04:42:08 pm »
A team of 3 lvl 12 players could take on some those bosses. Anyway, keep in mind that there are a number of matters to consider:

Expert/non expert player.
Optimized build.
Quality of the gear in use.
Use of combat drugs (I must stress this, many newcomer don't use them, sometimes because they are expensive, sometimes because "No because no").
Appropriate ammo (You require red Armour Piercing rounds, blue rounds and red shotgun ammo really don't cut it).
Real time or turn based mode. Turn based KILLS bosses, in every sense.

All in all multyplayer games are sandboxes, I.E. you can go wherever you want since the very start. Banging against something too powerfull for you is unavoidable. Including bosses meant to be stuff of the legends. In the end loot drop is off though, so it's not we lose anything.

Suggestions / Re: A quest suggestion
« on: May 18, 2018, 11:00:46 am »
Those bossess aren't suitable for lvl 12 characters because aren't meant to be.
 And to be honest: BOSSESS AT LVL 12?!? At that level my main battle alt was still crafting combat shotguns to buy its first 2 Combat Armours.. What other gear would you use?

Suggestions / Re: A quest suggestion
« on: May 14, 2018, 01:58:44 pm »
I admit Sun Kil Moon is a nasty surprise, especially the first time and if you are in real time... And I also admit that some Telltales requirements are understatements at best.. Anyway:
 A: Metal MkII isn't really good at absorbing damage, and above all gives low protection against criticals. You should wear a Combat Armour MkI or MkII.
 B: Use of healing chems and t3 weapons is mandatory for everybody. Nobody is actually bullettproof, not even tanks/bursters.
 C: Not all Telltales creatures were made with "Any build in mind". You'll easily find telltales you can farm easily that are considered incredibly hard by players running different builds than yours. Just farm those that are easy for you (provided you're not looking for challanges, that is)
 D: Do not try "The Dog" vault dweller quest in JT, it's really crazy and not worth it.
 This said, depending on your build Telltales warning you about the sheer power of a given creature isn't exactly flavour text. Also: Sun Kill Moon is one of the lower tier "bosses". You should try at least the "Desert King" telltale in Hub. Currently he's in Market, next to the grid leading to Old Town. You'll face a Mother Alien, giving you 11k not-so-free Xps. Good luck.

Suggestions / Re: Support Perk: Scavenger
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:05:28 pm »
Hello there.
Just my point of view about scavenging: I find it's a FASTER, LESS grindy way to get basic crafting materials than scouring random maps/mining. And that doubles when dealing with resource heavy crafts like 20 LSWs in one go. Please do NOT allow more items to be found with scavenging, crafting is already as grindy as it gets.
Just my two Euro cents, keep the ideas rolling.   :)

Game Help / Re: Super Sledge Blueprint wont let me learn it
« on: April 09, 2018, 04:09:10 pm »
Hum, did you already read it?

Closed bugs / Gun Runners caravan stuck on the world map.
« on: April 02, 2018, 09:06:49 pm »
As i write it's like 20 mins+ that the GR caravan from Hub to NCR is stuck on the world map at 1850 : 1739. No NPC "caravan does not answer to my radio call" dialogue line.

Game Help / Re: Big Gun Build
« on: March 26, 2018, 11:42:08 pm »
Hello there and welcome!
  Luck: It helps shrugging off critical bypasses on your armour. Whilst luck 1 builds are viable, you'll suffer some more damage. And lose some more weapons to critical misses, but that can happen with luck 5 too. Apart from this, the game is still in balancing stage, I.E. since the last 2 months the AI has been critting like mad. Some critical defense now is a must even in PvE.
  Drugs: Probably Fonline is the only game around where drugs are A Good Thing (TM). Use them to your advantage. When I got here 2 years ago I didn't use them to "keep things simple". It is actually simpler to use them and have a more effective character. Don't be scared by drugs prices, Reloaded is an easy server cash-wise.
  Perks: Since you are not planning about picking the bonus ranged damage perks, then i recommend to get both Lifegiver x2 and Action boy x2. You can use jet and wear an armour with bonus to ap: That allowes you to shoot 3 bursts in a row with either Lsw or Assault Rifle.
  Intelligence: go for 6 only if you want to get the 10% bonus to XPs support perk and level fast to reroll your character. If you don't plan this, then Int 5 or even 4 are enough to gain decent skillpoints on level up.
  As a personal note: if you are still new to the game, and you want your weapon skil to be effective faster, then I recommend shifting from Big Guns to Small Guns. Small guns bursters are effective, easy to play and make good levelling builds.

General Game Discussion / Re: How to place folded tent?
« on: March 22, 2018, 12:12:29 pm »
Hello there.
   You got that message because most maps are fit to set a tent, but not all of them. Simply enter another random map and try again.

Game Help / Re: HOW CAN I BUY A BASE ? (CAVE for 33k)
« on: March 20, 2018, 10:08:35 pm »
You can buy the cave for 33k in Junktown (trapper at the bar near the entrance). You can do it as a loner, just choose a faction name from the list and type it during dialogue with the npc.

Game Help / Re: Bulk orders
« on: February 20, 2018, 02:52:09 pm »
  Those jobs are new to this season and yes, they're Worth an up-to-date wiki entry.
As you noticed those jobs give you some xp, caps and basic items: they are meant for newcomers/starting alts to get a foothold into the game in town, I.E in a safe environement. In part they also counterbalance the fact that basic crafting is grindier than in the past seasons, with lower xp rewards.
  If by steel you mean metal poles, then we're talking about the single metal pole you find at Mariposa Military Base entrance.

Bugs / Caravans double Xps again.
« on: November 27, 2017, 08:43:38 pm »
Possible bug:
Some caravans only give Xps once, some others give double  (Goods'n'Go is one). To be clearer, I went to Hub to San Francisco and I got 10k XPs twice. Bug or intended?

Events & Competitions / Peacekeeper Squad driven caravan.
« on: November 16, 2017, 02:02:52 pm »
  Peacekeeper Squad was hired by Necropolis Council to guard a shipment of weapons, armours and much needed healing chems. The caravan shall leave to Necropolis from the Hub at around 8/8.30 PM GMT (November the 16th, 2017).
  Due to Necropolis ghouls dire situation, in case of a complete caravan wipeout a second caravan is likely to leave to Necropolis from Junktown as soon as possible.
  Stay tuned on radio Channel 0 for more real time info.

General Game Discussion / Re: Finding Rare Uncraftables
« on: December 17, 2016, 09:34:26 pm »
Hello there.
You can (somewhat) easily find the slugger in caves. And afaik it's also the only way.

Closed bugs / Re: Something I don't get about caravans XPs.. (Solved)
« on: October 02, 2016, 09:01:35 pm »
Yes, exactly that.. His alt is much lower level than mine. Ok, thanks for your explenation.

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