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Messages - Pieskov

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
General Game Discussion / Re: New session
« on: April 10, 2018, 09:17:37 pm »
So there is drop from 150 players to 30, but there's actually still some peoples that try to defend this shitty season? Lol xD

General Game Discussion / Re: BRING BACK SESSION 2
« on: December 17, 2017, 11:44:27 pm »
Just curious how many peoples need to play (yet) before admins acknowledge, that they fucked up with S3. 30, 20?

General Game Discussion / Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« on: November 17, 2017, 12:19:23 am »
> making a free to play game for 150 players worldwide in peak hours

50 after S3 :)

Wichura's posts are just epic.  ;D

Nah, its just random offtop and thrashtalk from person, that have literally nothing to say, but NEED the attention like oxygen

They don't do anything because there aren't news, updates and forum activity. People have already said some things are broken and should be fixed but nothing happen. The game still is broken and players counter is low because FOnline Reloaded exhausted all possibilities. Players are sad, bored, angry and wait for what? For wipe with reverted changes in next 3 years.

Fixing bugs, broken mechanics, listening to community, trying to improve the game, that was broken by devs ignorance and unpreparedness to incoming changes? Naaaaaaaaah.
Ignoring, delete and move any negative response to troll subforums, taunt and laugh at community members that not agree with shitty, and stupid decision making that ruined the game? Hell fucking yeah baby!


Game Help / Re: About Pure Evil Interface fonline reloaded
« on: November 01, 2017, 10:10:18 am »

Game Help / Re: General Questions / Answers
« on: October 19, 2017, 04:35:51 pm »
700xp for 10K HP fucker btw xD
Also, i hit him in the back of the head, from behind, before he start attacking, maybe it was some kind of sneak attack.

Game Help / Re: General Questions / Answers
« on: October 19, 2017, 11:40:21 am »
How something like this even possible

I hit him with Heymaker in the eyes. Did melee attack have some chance to do a killing blow?

River of Tears / Re: FOnline: Rage Quit
« on: October 18, 2017, 10:10:27 pm »
You guys don't have even balls to go without crying wow thats new low :D

Say the man that was shitposting in every single threads like that without saying anything with sense, only some pathetic shit for more flamewar.

River of Tears / Re: FOnline: Rage Quit
« on: October 18, 2017, 07:18:08 pm »
Shame. U was literally only one FOnline type youtuber I was actually watching. I Agree with almost everything (Ok, pretty much with every single thing). Even this thread was moved to ROT subforum. Really pathetic, every single negative thread/opinion was moved to that trollish place.

Game Help / Re: Main Quest
« on: October 15, 2017, 09:58:00 pm »
seems like a lot of players are confused and pipboy is getting bugged sometime not showing where to continue, if players dont read chat log then they may end up getting lost

Its not about pipboy or something like that, its about quest itself, when u dont get LITERALLY ANY tips what do to next. "Go to Redding", and thats all, run like fucktard around whole town talking to literally everyone. Next thing to do, go give letter to that Council. U have 0 tips about that, that u need go to bank, literally theres NO LOGICAL WAY u could guess that u need to go there, from the text u get after talking to that dude in redding, u only hope is just running around, and talking to literally everyone. Same thing about Brotherhood storyline. This quest are very poorly written.

Game Help / Re: leveling up
« on: October 14, 2017, 11:38:13 pm »
Farm Centaur/Floaters/Fire Geckos between Lost Hill Bunker and Gecko Sanctuary. Enter GS sometimes and kill Fire Geckos if they are any. I think its the best way to Exp atm. You can also join any religion, and farm territories.

Character builds / Re: Full PvE focus character
« on: October 10, 2017, 07:28:16 pm »
Get some extra points to LK. Use drugs and never play with 1 lk.

Character builds / Re: Full PvE focus character
« on: October 10, 2017, 02:21:38 pm »
I play mostly real time, TB is too slow and boring.

Character builds / Full PvE focus character
« on: October 10, 2017, 02:11:42 pm »
Im looking for the best possible PvE build, so far this is what Im playing right now:


Fast Shot - For bursting from LSW
Good Natured - For Companion, very usefull on PvE

Big Guns, Lockpicking, Outdoor

3 - Adrenaline Rush
6 - Toughness
9 - Even Tougher
12, 15, 18 - Lifegiver
21 - Bonus Rate of Attack
24 - Man Of Steel

Im playing mostly solo, was thinking about some crits, but Tank seems do be totally perfect on any PvE activity. Is there something better?

Game Help / Re: General Questions / Answers
« on: October 10, 2017, 01:48:42 am »
They will stuck in temp location if you:
-Leave that location when they in combat
-Leave that location when they die, and u didnt wait for them to respawn

Game Help / Re: Multiple Turns Floaters/Centaurs/Aliens
« on: October 09, 2017, 10:06:27 pm »
Yes, but why is this happening, and only on this mobs?

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