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Messages - worldremaker

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 52
Suggestions / Re: Fonline reloaded Map pack
« on: March 07, 2018, 06:17:20 am »
Added in map Function Cleaning command?. so I was looking at the adding function there...

so with the function I am looking at would that be added to the only see mapper_Mapper_Main.fosp and mapper_Mapper_Main.fosb throughout  the mapper directory on my side. no connection to Mapper_main.fos in the directory's.
I see. You have mapper with already compiled scripts. Ask Reloaded's staff for add this function. :)

Suggestions / Re: Fonline reloaded Map pack
« on: March 03, 2018, 09:22:26 am »
Example 1:
Spoiler: show

This function should help you. Paste it to mapper_main.fos and run on mapper by #CleanTech command.

Code: [Select]
string CleanTech(string s)
if(s == "")
return ("No argument. Usage: #CleanTech [argument] Arguments: afterconv, greengrids, browngrids, 3853, 4012, 2049.");
MapperMap@ map = GetActiveMap();
        return "Map not loaded.";

if(s == "afterconv" || s == "4012")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 4012, blockers); i < n; i++)
MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "3853")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 3853, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "2049")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 2049, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "greengrids")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 4016, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "greengrids")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 4017, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "greengrids")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 4018, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "greengrids")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 4019, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "greengrids")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 4020, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "greengrids")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 4021, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "greengrids")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 4022, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "greengrids")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 4023, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "browngrids")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 4031, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "browngrids")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 4033, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "browngrids")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 4035, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
if(s == "afterconv" || s == "browngrids")
array<MapperObject@> blockers;
for(uint i = 0, n = map.GetObjects(1, 1, 10000, MAP_OBJECT_SCENERY, 4037, blockers); i < n; i++)
        MapperObject@ obj = blockers[i];
    return "Map is clean. Resave the map.";

I've written it for maps after conversion and it seems that one from example 1 is coming from some Fallout game/mod. Depends from used argument greengrids, browngrids, 3853, 4012 or 2049 this function will find and delete all specified objects and afterconv argument will apply all of them. Good luck!

Toxic Caves / Re: Map Gallery
« on: April 02, 2017, 04:47:51 pm »

Toxic Caves / Re: Changing quest status and reputation values
« on: December 18, 2016, 08:09:50 am »
"We" as FOnline:Reloaded administration. There's no pain if someone else will give asnwer for this post.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: November 17, 2016, 04:30:46 am »
Don't show private messages!

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Pytania i odpowiedzi
« on: November 15, 2016, 04:33:50 am »
To raczej nie laser. To będzie solar.

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Pytania i odpowiedzi
« on: November 03, 2016, 05:42:02 am »
Mam kilka pytań co do gry

1. Ktokolwiek do mnie strzela czy wali jakimś kastetem/pałą, czy inni gracze czy npc na randomach, zawsze za drugim, trzecim strzałem mnie przewraca. Leże tak wtedy i schodzą mi tylko PW aż zdechne. Znajomy gra i bardzo rzadko mu się to zdarza, a ma prawie identyczny build. To jakiś bug?
Nie. Po prostu jak leżysz to masz bardzo mały zasięg widzenia.
2. Jak usunąć uzależnienie od mentadów?
Jeśli masz na swej postaci trait ChemReliant wtedy wszystkie uzależnienia masz na stałe. Postacie bez tego traita nie ulegają uzależnieniom.
3. Gram sobie spokojnie, expie na jakiś mrówkach w turach, ale często wpada mi banda świrów z czerwonymi nickami i zadaje mi milion obrażeń jakimiś grubasami czy gaussami. Jest wgl jakaś opcja się przed nimi obronić samodzielnie? Czy pozostaje wkurzanie ich jazdami po rodzicielce gdy trzepią mojego trupa? :)
Olej ich i nie zniżaj się do ich poziomu intelektualnego. Zmień zonę na bardziej bezpieczną.
4. Gdzie zdobyć te high quality kamyki?
W kopalniach w Redding, Broken Hills, przy Gecko oraz prywatnych.
5. Jak wbić w miarę szybko wysoki level?
6. Gdzie można nauczyć się obdzierać gekony ze skór?
W Klamatch, w centrum dzielnicy Traperów - na środku placu stoi grupka traperów, podejdź do któregoś z nich i pogadaj. Pamiętaj, że potrzebujesz 50% outdoorsmana.

Tools and Modifications / TeamSpeak 3 Overlay plugin configuration file
« on: October 22, 2016, 01:39:15 pm »
I'm not taking responsibility when you'll crash your system, computer, etc! TS3 Overlay plugin is the most bugged plugin which I know! Everything what you will do with it you do ONLY FOR YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY!

TS3 Overlay plugin must be installed! It can be downloaded from http://files.fonline-aftertimes.net/teamspeak/ts3_overlay-v3.8.23.ts3_plugin or from http://ts3overlay.r-dev.de/download/

TS3 Overlay plugin isn't supported anymore!

TeamSpeak 3 Overlay plugin configuration file:

1. If you have TS3 Overlay plugin installed already reboot your machine.
2. Run your system with Administrator's rights.
3. Install TS3 Overlay plugin (again) now BUT DON'T RUN TEAMSPEAK 3 YET!
4. Download file http://files.fonline-aftertimes.net/teamspeak/config_default.ini and save it to:
[TeamSpeak 3 main directory]\plugins\ts3overlay\ and overwrite exists one.
5. Run TeamSpeak 3 now and enjoy!

Additional note:
If you want to change anything in your Overlay settings you must follow from step 1 to 3 or 4, open this config_default.ini in some more advanced Notepad (f.ex. free to use Notepad++ ), edit it, save changes and then run TeamSpeak 3. Any other way may crash your TS3 Overlay plugin or simply it can stop working.

If Overlay still doesn't work:
- For Windows XP/Vista go to C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\ts3overlay\ directory (Application Data directory name may be different and it depends from your Windows operating system language, f.ex. it can be called Dane Aplikacji when polish language is applied on your system), remove everything what you have inside and proceed steps 1 to 3 or 4.
- For Windows 7 and newer go to C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\ts3overlay\ directory, remove everything what you have inside and proceed steps 1 to 3 or 4.

Drivers which are required to run this plugin:
- The newest version of DirectX, download it from Microsoft web side.

Other specific hardware drivers:
Sometimes, when overlay still isn't displayed on game window you will need to download and update your graphic card drivers.

Known issues:
- plugin stops refreshing himself on hooked screens when two or more TS3 server tabs are opened,
- plugin stops refreshing himself on hooked screens when two or more screens are running by Sandboxie.

How it looks:

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: October 14, 2016, 04:42:06 am »
Hey Stooper,

Kilgore's talking about the fucking Book Covers Lash posted.  Guess somebody reported it LOL!

Where's world remaker so I can thank him?
Small clap and you got big long pain in the ass. You are crying like little girl. For your known I don't care what you and the rest of kids are writing here, so don't thank me. It seems I'm not the only one mature here.

Auctions / Re: WTA 1000 Super Stimpaks
« on: September 27, 2016, 06:53:15 pm »
Sold to Hayfray.

Auctions / WTA 1000 Super Stimpaks
« on: September 24, 2016, 08:48:36 pm »
I'm offering one pack of 1000 Super Stimpaks

Start bid: 200k
Minimum bid: 10k
Buyout: No buyout
End: 48hrs from start

Offer here, caps only, no PMs, good luck.

Barter / WTT SS for regular ones
« on: September 24, 2016, 08:44:26 pm »
I have Super Stimpaks and I want to trade them for normal Stimpaks
1 SS for 2 S
I have few k to trade.

PM me

Auctions / Re: WTA 1000 Super Stimpaks
« on: September 24, 2016, 06:09:29 am »
Sold to zinthos.

Auctions / WTA 1000 Super Stimpaks
« on: September 22, 2016, 04:27:10 am »
I'm offering one pack of 1000 Super Stimpaks

Start bid: 200k
Minimum bid: 10k
Buyout: No buyout
End: 48hrs from start

Offer here, caps only, no PMs, good luck.

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 52