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Messages - c_hieter

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 [20]
General Game Discussion / Re: Rarest item out there?
« on: September 26, 2013, 01:16:24 am »
I did find a solar scorcher.

Closed suggestions / Re: a silly idea.....
« on: September 26, 2013, 01:14:48 am »
a fishing pole is way more useful than a ball gag,
but not as satisfying as a well trained blowup doll.

Closed suggestions / Re: a crafter idea
« on: September 26, 2013, 01:09:35 am »
I now have about 50 combat armor and 3 miniguns.
the miniguns are now avenger style, but I still have no prints.
at the very least make these prints more likely to be found in a footlocker.
I get douched too many times by pricks with high level armor/weapons and have very little options to better myself.
I still think after successfully dismantling  5 or 20 of an item, you get it in your fixboy, IF you have the skills.
I guess that getting a print for a successful dismantling may put too many of these items in play.
but there are already butt loads of these items in play.
getting these items in my fixboy by dismantling would help even the field.
I make good shit.

Closed bugs / Re: maybe not a bug but maybe a hack
« on: September 26, 2013, 12:46:11 am »
I doubt gm abuse.
why would the powers to be, pay attention to a loner crafter like me to steal my small pile of stuff.
all I know is I walked out of my ranger shack, blue suited because I was transferring from one shack to another and seen a combat armored player.
I ran back inside to weapon up and they were gone.
I don't remember the players name.
when I see another player I run.
when they douche me at the entrance of a mine I have the time to write there name down and will later turn my fighter loose on them.
the list is getting bigger.
and so is my big brother.

Closed suggestions / a silly idea.....
« on: September 24, 2013, 02:11:42 am »
ever been at the exit grid only to see that super-duper item just out reach that some poor slob that wasn't able to get away in time dropped?
I know I have.
you know if I only had a fishing pole I might be able to get it.
it might be kind of funny watching a bunch of bluesuits casting away at the edge of maps.
maybe make it a starting item or something found in caves and footlockers.
way more useful than a ball gag.

Closed bugs / Re: maybe not a bug but maybe a hack
« on: September 22, 2013, 02:35:15 am »
like i said it seems that way.
 i just don't see how i could randomly keep running into the same player one random encounter after another.
especially while moving in directions with no pattern.
i do know that an uninvited player was at one of my (now abandoned) tents.
just wondering if some scrip kiddie has found flaw.

just a heads up to the power to be.

Closed suggestions / Re: Blueprints and dismantling
« on: September 21, 2013, 07:56:06 pm »
Reverse enginering just don't work with fonline gameplay

everything in fallout is reverse engineered.

Closed suggestions / Re: a crafter idea
« on: September 21, 2013, 07:47:40 pm »
a hundred?
I have spent a week looking for combat armor and a minigun.
I have lots of vanilla combat armor (maybe 15), but no miniguns.
if I could craft combat armor and make the roll for REAL unique, I may go after npcs that have miniguns, if I could get something out of it.
other than dead.
instead of 100 items why dont we make it 5000 repair as a condition.

sorry but im not raging.
just making what I feel to be a valid point.
and put a point on it.

Closed bugs / maybe not a bug but maybe a hack
« on: September 21, 2013, 07:26:07 pm »
I have 2 players.
c_hieter1 is the crafter.
chieter2 is the alt I am building to use what I craft.
anyway I was moving supplies to my ncr mining tent so that chieter2 could have a starting base for going south.
and build more tents.
having been tent raped early in my experience with 2238, I am very anal about checking to see if anyone is following me.
c_hieter1 had just dumped some goods at one of my existing ranger tents and started to leave.
I caught a quick glimpse of a player in combat armor.
I didn't catch the name.
I couldn't catch them to kill them.
between me and chieter2 we moved everything a couple of times and lost nothing.
I wonder if there is a hack out there that allows players to track others. 
a few times while farming footlockers south of the amusement park, I could swear someone was tracking me.
during one encounter after another, they were there.
when I hung a left over the mountains, and left the ruins, they followed me for awhile.
I can understand others farming footlocker while I am, but why and how could someone be able to follow my into the wastes.
I hope we don't have a problem, but we might.

also I must state that I am a loner and all of my interactions with other players was giving them a tent and something to shoot with.
keep the good work all

maybe I have wasteland paranoia.
maybe I need  a cookie.

Closed suggestions / a crafter idea
« on: September 20, 2013, 05:51:30 pm »
being a loner crafter has been a grind.
I can build anything (I have the skills), but just need prints.
maybe if I can successfully dismantle 5 or 10 of a product, and successfully obtain at least one component per attempt, unsuccessful attempts don't count, I either get a print or that item in my fix boy.
in my real world, I build/fix things.
I learn more from taking things apart and understanding how they work then I do from prints.
just an idea.

keep up the good work Killgore.
hope you got thick skin.
the anti-dev rants on 2238 really pissed me off.
more than likely made by folks who didn't toss some money to maintaining the infrastructure.

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