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Messages - c_hieter

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 20
General Game Discussion / Re: blueprints?
« on: October 22, 2017, 04:42:27 am »
back to the grind

News and Announcements / Re: Donations Info
« on: October 22, 2017, 03:16:04 am »
long time.
nice to back.

General Game Discussion / blueprints?
« on: October 22, 2017, 03:02:51 am »
can you still find in footlockers?
only a item you can buy now?
thanks for advice.

Off-topic discussions / Re: Fallout 1.5 - Single player
« on: July 23, 2016, 02:08:49 pm »
a very replayable game.
screw up, and then it goes in a direction that you may not have been ready for.
or was it a screw up?
i tip my hat to the folks who made this.
most fan based things suck.
but not resurrection.
or reloaded, as far as that goes.

Off-topic discussions / Re: Fallout 1.5 - Single player
« on: July 21, 2016, 10:06:55 pm »
i like it.
i have spent the last few days playing it.
they did a good job.
you can tell that a lot of blood/sweat and tears went into this.
5 mutated thumbs up.

Toxic Caves / Re: The Community of FOnline
« on: June 27, 2016, 06:08:09 pm »
i think what some folks conflate as racism, is actually nationalism.
both suck.
especially in the days of the "internets".
i would have to say that a lot of the "nationism" on this site is from my fellow countrymen from the USA.
the majority of which, have never been outside of their own country.
i am willing to bet that in a country like indonesia, 250,000,000 souls, have more passports than americans.
not per-capita, just pure numbers.

in america, if its not on the TV, it didn't happen.
donald trump is on the TV.
has been for decades.
once the barrier between news and truth was knocked down in the USA, in the 90's, foul folks like him were given power.
rupert murdoch created newscorp (fox news).
newscorp has been sued many times for lying.
and won every lawsuit with the defense of not being news, but opinion.

fox and trump are not buddies.
but fox created the toxic environment that permitted trump to prevail.
it took decades, but here is america, in this election cycle.
thanks fox news.
careful what you fucking wish for america.

another american tradition is to shoot what you don't agree with.
i sure hope this doesn't happens to trump.
i hope he will do it to himself.
at least i have hope.
while his foot is in his own mouth, i can only pray he shoots himself in the foot.
and misses.
but not by much.

that boy scares the absolute fuck out of me.
the thought of such a small minded person having the launch codes to america's vast insane arsenal, should scare the fuck out of all reasonable human beings on the planet.

after the 2004 american election, the headline for the london times was..... HOW CAN 50MILLION PEOPLE BE SO STUPID.
i never want to hear that again.
anyway, sorry to get political in my countries upcoming election.
when america farts, everyone smells it.
and if you think the racism is bad in this community now, wait if trump wins.
at least seth macfarlane's racisms are satire and try to make fun at absurd shit, but at least seth points this bullshit out while showing how absurd it is.
and not use it as way to get power.
only ratings.
just like the donald.
seth would be better than trump, but not as good as many others.

rant concluded.
time to kill some NPC, loot their stuff, and make more caps, to buy some implants.
enjoy folks.


News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 19/06/2016
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:09:54 pm »
"special is hard capped at 10 if you have 10 implant or not armor will not boost it over this"

thanks for the quick replay.
i can now rest in pieces.

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 19/06/2016
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:07:37 pm »
"The magic "W" is coming...".


News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 19/06/2016
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:03:44 pm »
thanks kilgore.

i agree this will be a good cap sink.
the cost of admission plus the cost of installation= 350k.

i do have a question though.
if i bring an attribute up to 10 (with the implant), and then put on armor that increases this attribute by 1, will i then have 11?
or would i have pissed away 350k.
i know the answer is here in the forum, but i just finished a 12 hr shift and don't feel like searching old posts.

thanks to whoever has the answer.

General Game Discussion / Re: funny story
« on: April 13, 2016, 07:10:49 pm »
"I could bet it was Napalm or someone from UV who left it there during TC. I don't think so, that someone left it in TC town just for fun."

that could be, but what i don't understand is how it could still be there 15 hours later, without the timer going off before i logged back on.
was it the same C4?
right where i dropped it before?
from what i know the timers on explosives more or less have a maximum timer of 10 minutes.
but over 15 hours?

i know why skeeter started blasting me.
i picked up a ticking time bomb and dropped it.
no difference than me setting the timer and dropping it.
an act of aggression.

so either someone has figured out how to expand a timers range, or they place these traps at 10 minute intervals and replenish them every 10 minutes.
i think the former not the latter.
the cost of C4 would exceed the loot you  "may" get with this tactic.
either way i thought it was pretty fucking funny.

but if someone found a timer exploit, they need to let kilgore know.
errors in coding have a way of snowballing and effecting things they shouldn't.
but they can and or could.
or not.

General Game Discussion / funny story
« on: April 09, 2016, 10:18:58 am »
so i go to geko to sell some small arms.
close to skeeters door is some plastic explosive on the ground.
i pick it up.
i start talking to skeeter and figure i better check to see if the timer is running.
holy shit.
i run outside and drop it, then go back to finish business.
skeeter starts blasting me, so i do the honorable thing and run for my life.

about 15 hours later i log back on and head back to geko.
sure as shit the plastic explosive is still there.
i take care or business.
i then think, maybe i can disarm it.
needless to say i get blown to hell.
i re-spawn and get my loot back.

so to whoever set that trap...
i shall forever bow down in the shadow of your greatness.

News and Announcements / Re: Donations Info
« on: April 09, 2016, 09:56:21 am »
mo money

General Game Discussion / Re: fire gecko hunting
« on: December 15, 2015, 05:50:03 pm »
thanks all.
i guess i already found the best places.
from just north of the gas station to just north of mariposa in the desert.

Toxic Caves / Re: Is Wipe coming?
« on: December 07, 2015, 05:27:16 pm »

General Game Discussion / Re: Rights to Fallout name
« on: December 07, 2015, 05:15:21 pm »
maybe thats why they call it fonline

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