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Messages - jankes

Pages: 1 [2] 3
The Workshop / Re: FOnline: Reloaded multi launcher
« on: July 21, 2018, 12:00:42 pm »
Is playing multiple characters legal? Can tool be used without being banned?

Closed suggestions / Re: More interesting attractive game
« on: July 21, 2018, 11:55:40 am »
1) It would very nice to make such a single quest at the beginning of game in the HUB that would give as a reward enough experience in order to level up to level 18-20, such a boost would make playing further interesting.
I think single quest which level up to 20 level will be too abusive. I know few quests in Hub and Junktown and it is awesome exp source.

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Pytania i odpowiedzi
« on: July 21, 2018, 11:51:26 am »
W takim razie czy sa jakies plany dostosowania gry pod wyzsze rodzieczlosci skoro "dziala ale jednak nie"? W sumie nie wiem na ile to wykonalne ale caly interfejs moglby byc skalowalny. Np w opcjach se zaznaczam skaluj interfejs o 10%, 20% i tym latwiej byloby czytac dialogi oraz teksty. Czasami oczy potrafia zabolec czytajac malutki tekst, ale taki urok gry z konca lat 90. Mozna byloby jak to popularnie dzisiaj sie mawia "zremasterowac" gre hehehe.

Faction Announcements / Re: Looking for faction
« on: July 21, 2018, 11:45:29 am »
BTW how many factions can I see in game? Is it somewhere full list of all active or non-active factions?

Character builds / Re: Close Combat build with followers
« on: July 19, 2018, 08:31:16 am »
Up topic.

Can somebody say how close combat builds are good?

Faction Announcements / Looking for faction
« on: July 19, 2018, 08:28:45 am »

I am looking for faction which would help me discover Fonline Reloaded. I was playing few weeks and I was enjoying game but now I wanna go deeper.

I am interested in pve content and playing as small guns tank but I also consider creating close combat character.

I do not own many items because I was not playing often.

Which factions are recruting now?


Suggestions / Repair pipboy log
« on: July 19, 2018, 08:23:34 am »
Please repair pipboy log because some quest do not display messages. I took several quests and few of them are not readable when try expanding details.


Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Pytania i odpowiedzi
« on: July 19, 2018, 08:18:57 am »
Dzieki za odpowiedz.

Na angielskiej czesci forum dostałem link do poradnika. Troche rozjasnilo sytuacje.

Mam pytanie czy mozna zmienic rozdzielczosc na wieksza od 1280x1024 czy to maksymalna oferowana przez gre?
Nie wiem jak teraz jest tutaj, ale FOnline ogólnie do gracza wysyła ostrzeżenie o zbyt wysokiej rozdzielczości. Ma to związek z dostępnym interfacem gry, a nawet mapami poszczególnych lokacji. Jeśli te drugie będą zbyt małe na Twoją rozdzielczość, to klient gry po kilku sekundach stania na takiej lokacji wyrzuci błąd.

To potwierdzone bo ja gram w rozdzielczosci 1366x768 i na razie nic nie wysypalo mi sie.

Czemu w ogole wysylany jest komunikat skoro mozna ustawic wyzsza rozdzielczosc a mapy normalnie dzialaja tylko czasem trzeba przyblizyc ekran aby przesunac widok.

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Pytania i odpowiedzi
« on: April 26, 2018, 07:38:38 pm »
Nie gralem kilka tygodni i mam pytanie czy w grze cos zmienili?

Character builds / Close Combat build with followers
« on: February 09, 2018, 10:36:03 am »
I am looking for Close Combat build with ability to have followers. What can you recommend?

Game Help / Re: General Questions / Answers
« on: February 07, 2018, 09:56:35 am »
Hey in Hub is place where Crimson caravaners give caravan job. Alis gives jobs for 600 caps each route and tells to meet caravan rider near main entrance. Where is this rider?

up my question

Game Help / Re: General Questions / Answers
« on: February 03, 2018, 11:36:57 am »
Hey in Hub is place where Crimson caravaners give caravan job. Alis gives jobs for 600 caps each route and tells to meet caravan rider near main entrance. Where is this rider?

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Pytania i odpowiedzi
« on: January 28, 2018, 12:08:24 pm »
Ktos testowal te gierki w kasynach? Jak podbije hazard to zwiekszaja sie szanse na wygrana czy to jest niezalezne od umiejetnosci oraz szczescia postaci?

Tools and Modifications / Re: Season 3 Character Planner
« on: January 28, 2018, 12:06:03 pm »
I guess Corosive wants web app planner too.

Closed suggestions / Books counters
« on: January 25, 2018, 06:43:59 pm »
We need books counters which player read. Books counter can be placed in character window in perks section. Each counter for each type of books; small guns, first aid, outdoor...


Because you no need to remember or write somewhere else how many books you read during gameplay.

So you gonna add it; very helpful (for me will be!).


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