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Messages - Kallak

Pages: [1]
I....want...FONLINE ON MY ANDROID 😭. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaseee make it POSSIBLE..... :facepalm

General Game Discussion / Re: balkanci
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:02:13 am »
evo sad ću i ja da počnem, ali da budemo PvP/TC fakcija  ;D

Faction Announcements / Re: Balkanci?
« on: March 07, 2014, 05:02:53 pm »
Kada je Wipe?

Imam gomilu karaktera i samo jednog naprednog kraftera koji radi SVE, aaaali SVE.
Ako ce biti neki TC , predložite mi jedan Gorila build za čistu akciju maksimalno. Ili barem neki SG slon tek da izdrži armagedon i stigne pljucne.
Ajde javite šta ima. ;D

Faction Announcements / Re: The Pistoleros
« on: November 17, 2013, 01:24:47 am »
I wanna join.
My endurance is only 6 but im a long range and damage resistant, do all professions, EW,SG,TH.
Looking forward to PvP,TC, would that be ok?

Closed suggestions / Re: Poison Dart Gun
« on: November 16, 2013, 04:22:46 pm »
Wow, guys you bring some awesome ideas along!
The only question is can they be technically implemented.

Closed suggestions / Poison Dart Gun
« on: November 16, 2013, 03:51:14 pm »
1. I just had this idea about the poison dart, made of sharpened pole and scorpion tail, then air blown trough a pipe of some sort (2 handed) made of metal parts, it should do little damage and stack poisonous effect.

2. Maybe a dart gun where darts can be made of wood, syringe and scorpion tail and air gun made out of kid's BB's gun.

3. And another thought for this since its a silent weapon of short range and low damage it should not break the sneak while attacking or have a very little chance do be revealed. 

Closed suggestions / Living Anatomy
« on: November 15, 2013, 01:00:58 am »
Living Anatomy give small bonus to small guns single shot, but what about Big guns single shot, or EW lasers and plasma? Does it not hit vital parts for more? I suggest to put Living Anatomy for all single shots as +20% dmg or something, what do you say?

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