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Messages - Blacke

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Re: Respawn Points safe or not safe?
« on: August 11, 2021, 04:18:30 pm »
Looks like a bug, contact me on discord if you're still stuck in there.

Finally, thanks to your link of Discord, Kilgore. Muff got me out with his help on the guards from there. Free again at last!

Game Help / Re: Respawn Points safe or not safe?
« on: July 26, 2021, 10:00:17 am »
Not a bug, this is karma.
Honestly, i have no trouble running out when this happens. Are you overloaded on carryweight by any chance ? If not that, perhaps set the game to real-time. And see if you manage it that way.

Let me know how it works out.


Like i said, a matter of seconds before they get hostile on me.
This IS about the Karma issue. I have received Kilgore's reply that it may be a bug. The guide does warn about the attack of Regulators (after attempting to go for the LA Gold Reserve map) at Respawn point where the guards are at. But it makes no chance of escape when dogs and regulators appear almost right away when you need time to re-equip and heal some first. There's hardly that time to.
Afraid you need to understand that i'm no rookie in Fallout to know the strategies of weight capacities for easy quick movements. I can run but it is of no avail when all 3 points of exit are guarded heavy by them too.
I'm not any less than lev 25 and that's the other piece that's concerned about.

Bugs / Re: Bad Karma Affect Reactions At Respawn Points
« on: July 26, 2021, 09:46:25 am »
Thanks and yes, still the same for now. Can't always be starting back to game without it being fixed. Risk of losing more than more points. 

Bugs / Bad Karma Affect Reactions At Respawn Points
« on: July 25, 2021, 08:57:46 am »
I've already posted a question in help regarding this issue i've faced. (Respawn points, safe or not safe?) No replies, no responses at all.
I found something that needs changed at respawn points. I'm not sure if any of the players out there have faced this similar situation but looking at no responses, no replies, i take it none maybe?
Karma affects relations and chances either with good, neutral or bad reaction between NPC sides. The part one could get stuck at is when respawn points have guards that you have bad karma with. To make things worse, the current game mechanics does not respawn you away from the same location after each death.
With weakened health points and armour, the chance of survival is completely gone from the very same respawn location especially when bad karma brings the guards to get hostile on you immediately.
My bit here is to remove the guards or any NPCs that one would have bad karma upon or make the game mechanics allow respawning at other random locations and not within the same location every time. 
Else, it'd be an infinite death trap and make one lose a character account completely. I state this especially for those who have reached level 25 and above where death causes loss of experience points each time.

If it was something i did wrong in the game by not following something through the guides, there must be something wrong with the game itself. This is not a game to really end when all missions have been completed, right? This is an online multiplayer game. If one was to follow the guide, it had to be complete or never even have the guides as much of what to do. Because if the guides weren't complete to not cover all areas that were never encountered before, the game devs need to look into it if the game should be continued on.
Finally as Admiral Ackbar said it, "IT'S A TRAP!" That's where i'm at.
Help fix this. I can't play the game no more unless this is fixed and using chat to reach a game master while in the game is of no help when i have to wait minutes for any to appear while i only have a countdown time of 1 min for replication and death again within secs of respawn to lose about 1500 experience points each time.
Weigh that condition too.

:o Me wonder too. I've been to all around the world map and am stuck with certain no brainers. Don't know if it's a bug or the game hasn't been fully fixed yet. The Wiki guides aren't complete. There are areas that still don't activate.

"Most of the content is not completed and still work in progress for ages."


For example, the ship at way end north San Francisco?

"Never heard of ship was used for something else than visiting vendors."

On the ship at North San Francisco: There is something of a mission there to complete when u speak to few of the NPCs there. You have to reach the captain at upper deck. The only access up is the stair case at east inside the ship but that's the problem. I can't get to climb it up!

Apart of that, the BOS (Brotherhood Of Steel) hq...

"Work in progress?"

You think so or know so?

However, it's coming to my reach of end just spending about 2 months??! I haven't been able to get my hands on a combat armor YET!

"You do something wrong."

Yeah and that wrong is keep trying.

Now that i see there are few oth servers than Reloaded, I'll jump into Fonline 3 and see how that goes.

Most of them are pvp servers. Reloaded is far easier and more pve oriented. Less grinding here.

Yup. Fonline 3 wasn't for me anyway after i read through.

Game Help / Respawn Points safe or not safe?
« on: July 24, 2021, 08:43:39 am »
Alright. To my understanding, respawn points are meant to be safe areas after you get killed so u cud recover ur character before continuing your journey. Is that true?
Because for the life of me currently, I'm bloody stuck with a regulator and his dog all ready in a matter of seconds to kill me almost instantly i've been respawned. Ok, so fine! I intimidated a regulator for his map of the Gold Reserve. That was told accordingly in the guides.
So right now, I'm bloody stuck at the boneyard area losing my experience points for nothing everytime i get killed and respawned by that damned duo! I've hardly time to re-equip myself nor heal with any meds to face death again and i'm at above levels where i gotta stay alive to keep my experience points or else i keep losing my points by the thousands!
Come on! This is ridiculous! Is that considered a bug or a damned error of my own?
I'm stopping my game until i get my rightful answers. It's completely useless to continue this way. I've been dying the same spot for numerous times and losing points. There's no way of running off too.
Either i get blasted by the regulator at one go or his dog gets to me square while my hit points are in the red.

Toxic Caves / Fix-boy list pages missing.
« on: July 18, 2021, 11:44:33 am »
I had 3 pages of items to craft in my Fix-Boy. I lost 2 pages and left with only 1 shortly just now. What happened? Thought it may be coz i needed an update of files but i already have the latest on. Exiting the game and returning didn't do any change. HEEELP!

 :o Me wonder too. I've been to all around the world map and am stuck with certain no brainers. Don't know if it's a bug or the game hasn't been fully fixed yet. The Wiki guides aren't complete. There are areas that still don't activate.

For example, the ship at way end north San Francisco? I was to reach the captain at the level above through the stairs in the ship. The location to click is at a right corner and the bottom sect partially covers it and i can't navigate to the right further. My hand reaches the stairs but a wall beside it also covers part of it. Clicking the stairs gave no response however. I could not just run up the stairs either to activate or go to that scene to reach the captain.
Then, i find a hidden stairs to underground at a different room in the ship but same thing happens. I can't activate the stairs or go right through that's on the floor.

Apart of that, the BOS (Brotherhood Of Steel) hq...  the mission to Navarro and investigate the red object? The guide said clicking to find out what the nuka cola machine was enough and then report back to the exact BOS officer that i took the mission from. I forgot which it was but i tried at each stated ones at each of the BOS offices.  None triggered a mission success and they all said i have nothing for you. I mean i risked my ass to Navarro many times facing the dreaded Enclave Patrol reaching near it with random encounters and died before i could do anything. Lost my experience points by deduction for nothing several times!
My PIP-boy quests status are screwed. Each quest detail is jumbled with another. I read the guide to know that indeed that can happen but there had been no fixes for it yet. So the headache grows.
Certain other NPCs don't even trigger the right responses when approached despite what the guides say.  There're still loads broken that makes no point to continue. Despite that, I still try but i don't know the purpose.
My gaming experience on Fallout came from the beginning. It was up to Tactics that i could not continue further. Yrs passed, i see all the new versions in 3D and then i stumbled into this. I was so glad to see they made the same format online as do some other old games too under open source online. However, it's coming to my reach of end just spending about 2 months??! I haven't been able to get my hands on a combat armor YET!
Now that i see there are few oth servers than Reloaded, I'll jump into Fonline 3 and see how that goes.

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