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Topics - Mr. Z

Pages: [1]
Closed bugs / Caravan stopping in minor Special Encounter.
« on: October 27, 2018, 11:06:24 am »
Probably more a glitch than anything else. Anyway:
A couple days ago Gun Runners stopped at the Injured Brahmin encounter. I got the 100 XPs for keeping the caravan Master alive :)

Bugs / Missing NPC in the Cathedral
« on: October 13, 2018, 08:22:46 pm »
Hello there.
I'm playing the BoS questline, and I must find a missing BoS team. I played this questline with another character months ago, and I found a kid -possibly a girl- to talk to in the Cathedral. The kid is nowhere to be found, and no other NPCs have any dialogue lines about that quest.

River of Tears / So long, and thanks for all the fish.
« on: May 23, 2018, 09:31:34 pm »
As the resident PvE ape I saw all content, and all is left is grinding.
See you all in an update or two, and thanks to everybody for the ride!

Closed bugs / Gun Runners caravan stuck on the world map.
« on: April 02, 2018, 09:06:49 pm »
As i write it's like 20 mins+ that the GR caravan from Hub to NCR is stuck on the world map at 1850 : 1739. No NPC "caravan does not answer to my radio call" dialogue line.

Bugs / Caravans double Xps again.
« on: November 27, 2017, 08:43:38 pm »
Possible bug:
Some caravans only give Xps once, some others give double  (Goods'n'Go is one). To be clearer, I went to Hub to San Francisco and I got 10k XPs twice. Bug or intended?

Events & Competitions / Peacekeeper Squad driven caravan.
« on: November 16, 2017, 02:02:52 pm »
  Peacekeeper Squad was hired by Necropolis Council to guard a shipment of weapons, armours and much needed healing chems. The caravan shall leave to Necropolis from the Hub at around 8/8.30 PM GMT (November the 16th, 2017).
  Due to Necropolis ghouls dire situation, in case of a complete caravan wipeout a second caravan is likely to leave to Necropolis from Junktown as soon as possible.
  Stay tuned on radio Channel 0 for more real time info.

Closed bugs / Something I don't get about caravans XPs.. (Solved)
« on: October 02, 2016, 04:35:10 pm »
Hello there, I'm posting here becouse I really don't know what's going on..
Long story short: a few days ago I discovered caravans and started farming them for XPs. I get a lot of them, usually around 30 to 35 k per run.. And I mean from town to town.
Today I made a run with a countrymate and he went: "Meh, not impressed. I get more XPs by crafting armour.." We went from The Hub to NCR. He got like 8k XPs, I got like 32k. That was the end caravan reward, not counting critters killed on the way. Uhm, is everything in order?

Buy / WTB Bozar.
« on: September 23, 2016, 03:50:38 pm »
I'm looking for  a Bozar or two, depending on the price.
I pay in caps, favourite meeting place: trading place. Usually I'm active around 10 PM/Midnight GMT.
Post or PM, thanks.

General Game Discussion / Debatable alt names on FOnline. (Sorted Out)
« on: September 01, 2016, 02:53:26 am »
An open message to the developpers:

During these last few days I saw a few players running around with debatable names. I remember to everybody that:

A: we have our fair share of underage players in the community. Names like "PornHub.Com" should be policed and deleted ASAP.

B: Social-nationalism apologia is out of the law worldwide. Mr. A. Hitler and H. Himmler did grace us with their presence instead. Yes I'm heavily upset by this.

Thanks in advance for everybody cooperation,

Closed bugs / Blank encounter (solved)
« on: August 26, 2016, 12:57:24 pm »
I don't know if it's important or not, anyway:
I got an encounter in the mountains south of the Hub. The window popped up and read: "you encounter:"
And then nothing. I simply hit escape, so I don't know what was on the map.

General Game Discussion / Advice needed about lvl 24 last perk.
« on: August 18, 2016, 09:51:35 pm »
First of all thanks to all who replied in my last thread.
I decided to try a big gun/crafter hybrid to deal more damage in the special PvE maps:

S 5
P 7
E 9
C 1
I 7
A 9
L 2

My perks:
Adrenaline rush
Even Tougher
Even more Criticals
Action Boy x 2
Bonus rate of Fire
Lifegiver x 1

Weapon of choice: LSW when clean, Minigun on Psycho.
As you can see this character is less than perfect and falls in the "It works for me TM" category. Stats choices may seem odd for you, let's say they're "ease of use" ones. Anyway, currently this alt is level 24 and has 222 hp. The original plan was getting the second Lifegiver level, but I wander if it's the case to squeeze more damage from my weapons. According to you, would it better to get:

Better criticals (Is it worth it with bursts?)
More ranged Damage
More Criticals (Current chance is 12%)

Or is it better to get more survivability, I.E. Iron Man, Tougher, or the planned Lifegiver?

General Game Discussion / Question about special implants.
« on: August 16, 2016, 12:29:57 pm »
Hello there.
I guess each character can have only one implant per stat, right?
Other than that, I found my favourite cash sink, at least 'till the wipe..

My character has 7 enc (don't ask). If I  have this implant installed, is it going to add 2hp only or is it going to add more?

Sell / WTS: two Avenger miniguns and a unique sniper rifle.
« on: August 05, 2016, 12:17:34 am »
Rifle stats:
range +1
action points +1
max damage and accuracy +17%
crit chance +1
Avenger miniguns are in pristine conditions.
If you're interested then please get in touch with me.

Sell / WTS Gatling laser.
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:42:46 pm »
I have a gatling laser for sale, normal quality, condition is 83/92%, loaded. I'm selling it at Barter Ground around midnight (gmt) between August the 4th and 5th. My request is 25k caps, no bartering and no bidding. Avatar name is Mr Z.
If interested, please feel free to get in touch with me.

Edit: now the gatlings are two. The second is in pristine conditions, 100%. I'm offering it for the same price.

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