« on: August 18, 2016, 09:51:35 pm »
First of all thanks to all who replied in my last thread.
I decided to try a big gun/crafter hybrid to deal more damage in the special PvE maps:
S 5
P 7
E 9
C 1
I 7
A 9
L 2
My perks:
Adrenaline rush
Even Tougher
Even more Criticals
Action Boy x 2
Bonus rate of Fire
Lifegiver x 1
Weapon of choice: LSW when clean, Minigun on Psycho.
As you can see this character is less than perfect and falls in the "It works for me TM" category. Stats choices may seem odd for you, let's say they're "ease of use" ones. Anyway, currently this alt is level 24 and has 222 hp. The original plan was getting the second Lifegiver level, but I wander if it's the case to squeeze more damage from my weapons. According to you, would it better to get:
Better criticals (Is it worth it with bursts?)
More ranged Damage
More Criticals (Current chance is 12%)
Or is it better to get more survivability, I.E. Iron Man, Tougher, or the planned Lifegiver?