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River of Tears / Removal of pvp thread
« on: October 28, 2016, 01:17:58 pm »
Kilgore closed the forum pvp thread, until some players grow up. Heck, I don't, you don't, they don't, no one does.
Kilgore, take it a step further and delete that crap. It's useless, never came with anything good and it never will.
The entire thread, hundreds of posts, it just a continous salty river of tears with floating wastes of stupidity.
If someone really wants to insult someone else he can find him in Discord now, no need to put a show for everyone to vomit on.
Also crying calls for more crying and more insulting.
Imo the pvp screen/movie thread is enough for those who want to show others how big they have it. No need for more.
Lately forum pvp has just been non khan saying to khans they swarm and khans aswering that they are the greatest faction ever ruling over the wasteland and kicking everyone's asses, then answered by non khans that they only win because of greater number and that they suck in equal number fights and so on. Cycle and repeat.

Cut off the tumor and watch the forum heal.

Closed suggestions / Add the G11E to hinkley
« on: October 09, 2016, 04:41:22 pm »
Yeah, why not?

The weapon has an appreciated 40 hexes single shot range. The damage highly depends on the target's DR, above 75 DR the damage dealt is under .223 pistol for aimed shots and XL for hexing, it's better on lower DR though. The AP cost is 4 for a single shot, same as all two handed weapons. The bypass damage is a bit under what plasma rifle does.

The weapon may be semi tier 4, it's overall performances are outclassed by good statted tier 3, but remain better depending on situation. It's the only assault rifle that can be used on single shot for damage dealing, so why not adding it to hinkley?

Auctions / WTA 1K Super Stims
« on: September 29, 2016, 05:07:26 pm »
Auction of a single batch of 1000 SS

Starting bid is 180 000 caps
Min bid is 15 000 caps
Buyout at 350 000 caps
Ends sunday 2 october, 11 PM GTM+1

Post your bids here, no PMs.

Barter / Gear for implants
« on: February 28, 2016, 03:55:27 pm »
I want a Luck implant
I am willing to trade with these:
-Vindicator 100/100
-600 caseless bullets
-PA helmet 100/100
-Power armor 98/100
-Maybe other shit

PM me.

Closed suggestions / Improving XL70E3
« on: February 25, 2016, 03:44:26 pm »
From what I have seen, the XL is totally unused in pvp, because it is bested in each way it can be used by other weapons. It can hex, but minigun/gatling/p90 are better, it can snipe but sniper rifles or LSW are better, it can rage burst, but pancor is much better at mid range and big guns deal more damage at longer range.

First wierd thing imo, It has a standart 35 hex bursting range and a sniper like 50 hex single shot range. So the first idee was to increase it's bursting range to 40, like bozar, which has 40 range on burst and 50 on single shot.

Second, it's not really usable as a sniping weapon because it's not very accurate compaired to the other sniping weapons. They all have the long range perk (lsw, sniper rifle, laser rifle...) but XL has accurate, which makes it hard to hit on max range, even with 300 SG. To hit in eyes at 95% hit chance you need more or less 9-10 perception and 4-5 strengh with 300 skill, don't even try with 1 strengh. So, the XL could have the long range perk, instead of accurate. This way it could be usefull to cripplers for the better rate of fire (no reloading needed) and lower damage (they don't give a shit anyway).

Third, it has a small ammo capacity. Most small guns can burst 4 times (p90, pancor) but XL is only 3 (3x15=45). It has crap damage, so it could at least shoot more before having to reload, lsw can burst 6 times and deal 50% more damage on low DR targets. Even m60 is better on paper builds, tier two weapon kurwa! I think increasing it's ammo capacity to 60 (4 bursts) would make it a better weapon already.

I think the damage is fine, the hexing damage is decent, not that it is great, but it can double burst with 10 ap, so it compensate the lack of damage. Single shot is a little weaker than the sniper rifle, and I think it should stay that way.

For those who don't like reading walls of text:
-accurate perk changed to long range
-bursting range increased from 35 to 40
-increased magazine capacity from 45 to 60

I think this would make the XL an interesting weapon without breaking any game balance.

Off-topic discussions / Pamela Anderson (aka Briggite Bardot reloaded)
« on: January 19, 2016, 08:39:02 pm »
   I was watching TV when I almost died from choking. Pamela Anderson came to France (yeah, she discovered that the USA are not the entire world and that foreign countries ain't fairy tails) and said that foie gras should be purely forbidden. Foie gras is a fat duck liver made big by forced feeding (corn mostly). Foie gras is one of the finest delicacy you can eat when you go to France, it's nothing less than awesome, and also fucking expensive. It is part of French culture, a 4000 years old tradition from ancient Egypt, passed by the Romans, and then Jewish travelers. Foie gras is the pinacle of french food and culture, and here she comes, like "hey what you are doing is hurting the little ducks, you monster should stop right now". LOL
   Something funny, knowing that USA is an exemple to follow in terms of animal abuse, yeah! There are even states in wich secretely filming or taking pictures of animal abuse is a crime. She came here to tell us we have a stain on the shirt, but she didn't notice she is covered in dirt. LOL again!!
   She is doing exactly the same thing as Brigitte Bardot in Canada, she goes to a far away country, tell them they are wrong, pissing on their culture, while having way better to do in her own country. Bardot could have stayed in France, there is enough animal abuse here, no need to go piss of Canadians for some hunting. And now she looks as stupid as BB at the time. So many stupid people wasting time and energy on stupid actions. At the end she even said that everybody should be vegan because it was trendy. UBERLOL
   She doesn't even know what she is talking about. France without foie gras, pfff, it's even worse than a Fonline server without PVP.
Eating little pieces of dead animals is not a crime, it's natural, like breathing, eating and fucking. When an animal kills another, is that animal abuse too? No, fuck no, or yes, actually we don't care, because it's how it works on this planet. She doesn't like it? So what? I don't like stupid people saying stupid things without thinking things through, and I hate even more the same type of dumbasses that lack respect for differences. Do I kill stupid people? Of course not, for fuck sake, even if sometimes I really want to. No LOL anymore, I'm getting angry.
   I don't understand how a brainless chick wich only competences are running on a beach and posing for playboy thinks she knows better than the whole world and even mother nature Herself. Someone explain me please, I'm confused.

River of Tears / Re: Cool and funny screens
« on: June 05, 2015, 02:17:10 pm »
Funny video recorded last night:



How did these guys get 3 APA???

Closed suggestions / High lag compensation
« on: January 13, 2015, 04:44:48 pm »
Sometimes you get killed because of a sudden high ping.
Hex dancing is ofc impossible when your ping is above 500 but also is window gunfight.
Exemple: guy pops at window, you click on him but he moves before damage check. You lost AP and didn't hit the guy. When he shows himself again you have less action points to use SS or shoot and you die because of that.
Tell me if I'm wrong but the game seems to work like that:
You see target=>click/shoot=>display animation+AP drain=>send hit intel=>calculate damage=>send back damage intel=>display damage
Some nice change would be this:
You see target=>click/shoot=>send hit intel=>calculate damage=>send back damage intel=>display animation+AP drain+display damage
So, no more shooting at corner and AP loss without hit, and no more useless animation stunning you for nothing.
I don't know how much work it is to change that, but it will be a great improvement for players having too much ping.

Closed suggestions / EW shooting noise
« on: April 28, 2014, 11:49:55 pm »
The gatling laser uses actually two sounds, one from Fallout 1 (this one is cool) and one from Fallout 3 (not as cool).
The Fallout 3 gatling sound suggest something less powerfull, so the idee is:
-make gatling use only F1 sound
-keep the F3's for the future laser smg
So both weapons will have their own sound that fits with the size of the gun.

Closed suggestions / Keeping implants after wipe
« on: April 11, 2014, 06:28:43 pm »
I am pretty sure this was already suggested somewhere but I couldn't find it. So I am asking again:
Will it be possible to get back the implants we already have after wipe?
I was thinking at some event like skins give away. You register on the event topic, you tell what implants you
had and want to get back, and then PM admin with characters sheets screenshots to prove you had those.
After that you go to bartergrounds and get the implants.

I know some ppl will say: "noooooo this is why it's called WIPE!!!!"
or "yeah awesome!!!!"

Personaly, it was a pain in the ass to get implants and I have only half of them right now. Starting all over again..
Ok if there are many GM actions, but if the only way to get those is camping Reno, all implants will go to nolifes
camping there with sneakers. Most of them sell the stuff they get because they don't do any pvp, and this rapes the
game economy.

Closed suggestions / Choose skin at character creation
« on: April 09, 2014, 11:23:58 pm »
It would be nice to have some choice, any skin that allows running, walking, and all weapon animations.
And why is everybody wearing a vault suit, aren't we supposed to be just wastelanders?
Bluesuit should be replaced by Fallout 2 's beginning skins, that would make more sense.
Wearing a bluesuit should be a reward!

Closed bugs / Bounty hunters
« on: April 06, 2014, 05:01:49 pm »
When you spawn in a TB encounter, it's not possible to put weapon to holster until you play, but even when you do it they shoot anyway.

Suggestions / Modify some HtH stats
« on: April 03, 2014, 05:38:13 pm »
Most HtH characters have 8 action points, because of buiser. Fact is u can't use the best attack aimed, so if a kung fu master can't, who then? And taking jet to make best move is stupid.
" No man, I can't do that move right now cause I am not stoned" WTF!

Closed suggestions / Craftable high tier items
« on: March 27, 2014, 11:29:51 pm »
It would be nice to have items like bozar, CA MK2, BoS armor, pusle pistol, vindicator... carftable with rare crafting materials and expensive blueprints. Some unique and rare items needed for each specific weapon, armor, lootable from footlockers, Ares, V15; a little bit like power servos for power fist or heatchamber for flamer. No random bonuses on those weapons of course.
Those items should be as rare as fuel cell controlers. And you always need more guns than cars, so it makes sense.

Closed suggestions / More tasks for homesteaders
« on: March 27, 2014, 11:01:01 pm »
To make them do what is the most boring in Fonline: gathering broc flowers and xander roots.
I always keep empty hypodermics from pvp, even gather some on the ground. And I never have enough of base ingredients to craft stims=>ss.
What about asking them to do that instead of "hunting geckos".

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