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Topics - Darksider

Pages: [1]
Toxic Caves / Blocking caravan by sneakers
« on: July 11, 2016, 08:04:26 am »
I dont know its actualy a bug - if not im sorry for offtopic

When you kill caravan guard and enter sneak the caravan leader and guards dont want to resume the run - they are looking for killer but they cant see him so they are standing and waiting (dont know how long but i checked and its longer than 10 minutes game time). Its a way for trolls/noobs to block caravans.

I propose that caravan guards when doesnt see killer just resign from seeking him (act like he would left enco). They can keep agro on next enco or let killer finish caravan but of course he need to pay charge going for next run.

Toxic Caves / Re: Gun Runners Bug
« on: July 11, 2016, 07:34:49 am »
Caravan from gun runners to hub and from hub to gunrunners kicks players to worldmap quite often. Im not playing caravans from about a month but i saw that bug many times in the past.

Closed suggestions / Bring Bonus move to RT fights
« on: July 10, 2014, 06:42:44 am »
I wondered since I started playing FO - Why Bonus Move perk works only in TB fight?

In RT it should slowly regenerate AP (or something). Please give suggestions.


There are perks adding damage to ranged weapons (brd, mrd), hrh damage (more hth damage etc), fire damage (pyromaniac). Aimed shots dont need special perks because they are basing on critical hits so its other thing (to score a critical hit we need specjal perks too).

Why characters who want to specjalize in exploding weapons cant chose a special perks incressing damage ? Im thinking about perk simiraly to pytomaniac adding damage to exploding (shooring and trowing) weapons.

What you think about that idea?

Polskie Pustkowia / Pomoc w hth build
« on: February 18, 2014, 07:30:30 am »
Potrzebuję pomocy w stworzeniu builda na HtH. Zupełnie nie znam się na tego typu buildach. Nie wiem czy chce go na krytyki czy zwykłe ciosy, co lepsze? Chciałbym by miał max Hp oraz DR. Będę wdzięczny za pomoc :)

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