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Topics - carnack

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
Suggestions / ctrl + click loot all
« on: June 27, 2015, 11:47:45 am »
Basically when you would ctrl+click dead body or container you would loot all inside if its not locked. This action costing 8ap.

Closed suggestions / remove S P E C I A L implants after wipe
« on: April 01, 2015, 01:46:55 pm »
Remove those implants or change them to something not related with special since they mess up builds.

Toxic Caves / Re: Slags at WH dead, chest still "needs a key"?
« on: March 31, 2014, 01:10:26 pm »
Oh gods, don't make me use more alts :/
So, basically not a bug?

fucking fast relogger, you are one of the shit reasons this server looses a lot of players, you deserve to be hanged on your balls

its nice that nobody is solving the fast relog

btw if anybody is playing diablo 3 ros, add me ran#2896, i am already farming torment IV

The Thunderdome / fast relogs many many many
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:15:34 am »

and this idiot fast reloged after again

there was also galogen fast relogging with his *brother* but i dindt manage to screenshot him, here is the log

Code: [Select]
Cooper was hit in the groin for 15 hit points.
11:56:01 • Cooper was hit for 68 hit points.
11:56:01 • Joseph Ramos was hit for 117 hit points.
11:56:05 • That does nothing.
11:56:06 • You were critically hit in the head for 50 hit points.
11:56:06 • Hit Points +103
11:56:10 • You gained 70 Current Hit Points.
11:56:11 • You see Wall.
11:56:26 • Motion sensor is on.
11:56:27 • Jesse Wilson was critically hit in the eyes for 105 hit points.
11:56:28 • Crucial1.9 was hit in the eyes for 19 hit points.
11:56:50 • You were critically hit in the right arm for no damage, crippled your right arm and had your weapon dropped.
11:56:50 • Jesse Wilson critically missed and lost the rest of his ammo.
11:56:51 • Áîđöóőŕ was hit for 2 hit points.
11:56:51 • Áîđöóőŕ was critically hit in the head for 96 hit points and was killed.
11:56:55 • You heal the crippled right arm.
11:56:55 • You have gained 50 experience points.
11:57:04 • You were critically hit in the head for 41 hit points, knocked out and knocked down.
11:57:07 • You were hit in the head for 16 hit points.
11:57:08 • Crucial1.9 was hit for 61 hit points.
11:57:08 • You were hit for 23 hit points.
11:57:08 • Crucial1.9 was hit for 33 hit points.
11:57:10 • Crucial1.9 was hit for 166 hit points and was killed.
11:57:14 • You were hit for 20 hit points.
11:57:14 • Cooper was hit in the head for 11 hit points.
11:57:15 • You were hit for 20 hit points.
11:57:15 • Cooper was hit for 79 hit points.
11:57:17 • You were hit for 60 hit points.
11:57:17 • Joseph Ramos was hit for 81 hit points.
11:57:18 • AksyBoy was hit for 99 hit points.
11:57:18 • You were hit for 44 hit points.
11:57:18 • Joseph Ramos was hit for 79 hit points.
11:57:19 • AksyBoy was critically hit for 176 hit points and was killed.
11:57:20 • You see Wall.
11:57:22 • You gained 80 Current Hit Points.
11:57:23 • You see Window.
11:57:23 • You see Shelves.
11:57:25 • You gained 80 Current Hit Points.
11:57:25 • You see Joseph Ramos, a well-travelled wastelander.
11:57:30 • You gained 64 Current Hit Points.
11:57:52 • You see Door.
11:58:10 • You see Cooper.
11:58:13 • You were hit for 20 hit points.
11:58:13 • Cooper was hit for 18 hit points.
11:58:14 • Joseph Ramos was hit for 117 hit points.
11:58:15 • Cooper was hit for 74 hit points.
11:58:17 • Joseph Ramos was hit for 95 hit points and was killed.
11:58:19 • Aim is blocked.
11:58:19 • Aim is blocked.
11:58:21 • Cooper was hit for 152 hit points.
11:58:22 • You were hit for 44 hit points.
11:58:23 • Cooper was hit for 78 hit points and was killed.
11:58:35 • You gained 64 Current Hit Points.
11:58:44 • Screenshot saved.
11:58:47 • Matriarch was hit for 118 hit points.
11:58:48 • You were hit for 17 hit points.
11:58:48 • Matriarch was hit for 103 hit points.
11:58:49 • You were hit for 45 hit points.
11:58:52 • You were hit for 44 hit points.
11:58:52 • Matriarch was hit for 105 hit points and was killed.
11:58:57 • You see Ranthug.
11:58:57 • Hit Points +80
11:59:05 • Screenshot saved.
11:59:07 • Screenshot saved.
11:59:10 • You see nothing out of the ordinary.
11:59:11 • You were hit for 67 hit points.
11:59:12 • Robostus was hit for 137 hit points and was killed.
11:59:16 • You gained 80 Current Hit Points.
11:59:23 • A Rockwell BigBazooka rocket launcher. With the deluxe 3 lb. trigger. Fires AP or Explosive Rockets.
Ammo: 0/1, Rocket
Perk: Long Range.
Minimum Strength: 7
Condition: 100%/100%
Weight: 6803 grams
11:59:30 • You see Matriarch.
11:59:36 • You've left your dead follower Joseph Ramos behind.
11:59:36 • Other characters on worldmap in zone: VadKati,
11:59:43 • You've taxed your ability with that skill.  Wait a while.
11:59:44 • You see Jesse Wilson, a well-travelled wastelander.
11:59:49 • You see Turbo Plasma Rifle.
12:00:05 • You see Wall.
12:00:07 • You see Combat Helmet.
12:00:12 • Picking all items.
12:00:19 • You see Jesse Wilson, a well-travelled wastelander.
12:00:26 • You see Combat Armor.
12:00:27 • You see Combat Helmet.
12:00:30 • You've left your dead follower Joseph Ramos behind.
12:00:39 • You see NCR Ranger Combat Armor.
12:01:01 • An H&K L30 Gatling Laser. Designed specifically for military use, these were in the prototype stage at the beginning of the War. Multiple barrels allow longer firing before overheating. Powered by Micro Fusion Cells.
Ammo: 20/30, D Energy Cell
Perk: Long Range.
Minimum Strength: 7
Condition: 47%/47%
Weight: 10886 grams
12:01:02 • You see Gatling Laser.
12:01:03 • You see Advanced Magneto-Laser Pistol.
12:01:03 • An H&K L30 Gatling Laser. Designed specifically for military use, these were in the prototype stage at the beginning of the War. Multiple barrels allow longer firing before overheating. Powered by Micro Fusion Cells.
Ammo: 30/30, D Energy Cell
Perk: Long Range.
Minimum Strength: 7
Condition: 57%/67%
Weight: 10886 grams
12:01:04 • An H&K L30 Gatling Laser. Designed specifically for military use, these were in the prototype stage at the beginning of the War. Multiple barrels allow longer firing before overheating. Powered by Micro Fusion Cells.
Ammo: 30/30, D Energy Cell
Perk: Long Range.
Minimum Strength: 7
Condition: 57%/67%
Weight: 10886 grams
12:01:05 • An H&K L30 Gatling Laser. Designed specifically for military use, these were in the prototype stage at the beginning of the War. Multiple barrels allow longer firing before overheating. Powered by Micro Fusion Cells.
Ammo: 30/30, D Energy Cell
Perk: Long Range.
Minimum Strength: 7
Condition: 100%/100%
Weight: 10886 grams
Max dmg +16%
Accuracy +20%
Crit Power +2
AP cost -1
Crit Chance +1
12:01:05 • You see Unique Gatling Laser.
12:01:34 • You were critically hit in the eyes for 147 hit points, knocked out, blinded and had your armor bypassed.
12:01:35 • Jesse Wilson was hit in the left arm for 36 hit points.
12:01:35 • Aksy was critically hit in the eyes for 101 hit points.
12:01:36 • You were hit in the eyes for 23 hit points.
12:01:36 • Jesse Wilson was hit in the left arm for 26 hit points.
12:01:37 • Jesse Wilson was hit in the left arm for 14 hit points.
12:01:40 • Jesse Wilson was hit in the left arm for 33 hit points.
12:01:41 • VadKati was critically hit in the eyes for 82 hit points.
12:01:43 • Jesse Wilson was critically hit in the left arm for 51 hit points.
12:01:43 • You were critically hit in the eyes for 70 hit points.
12:01:45 • Jesse Wilson was critically hit in the left arm for 43 hit points.
12:01:46 • You gained 80 Current Hit Points.
12:01:47 • You see Ranthug.
12:01:49 • Hit Points +160
12:01:50 • You were critically hit in the left arm for 34 hit points.
12:01:52 • You see VadKati.
12:01:52 • Jesse Wilson was hit in the eyes for 18 hit points.
12:01:53 • VadKati was hit for 94 hit points.
12:01:59 • You heal the damaged eye.
12:01:59 • You have gained 50 experience points.
12:02:02 • You see Aksy.
12:02:03 • A rocket shell, with a smaller explosive, but designed to pierce armor plating.
DM mod: 1/1
DR mod: -25%
AC mod: -15
Weight: 7200 grams
12:02:04 • A Winchester Model P94 Plasma Rifle. An industrial-grade energy weapon, firing superheated bolts of plasma down a superconducting barrel. Powered by Micro Fusion Cells.
Ammo: 7/10, D Energy Cell
Perk: Long Range.
Minimum Strength: 6
Condition: 72%/89%
Weight: 5443 grams
12:02:10 • A DKS-501 Sniper Rifle. Excellent long range projectile weapon. Originally .308, this one is chambered in the more common .223 caliber.
Ammo: 4/6, .223
Perk: Long Range.
Minimum Strength: 5
Condition: 99%/100%
Weight: 3628 grams
Crafter: VODKA_RUS
Crit Power +3
Max dmg +19%
AP cost -1
12:02:10 • You see Superior Sniper Rifle.
12:02:13 • Screenshot saved.
12:02:20 • The strain might kill you.
12:02:21 • You see Jesse Wilson, a well-travelled wastelander.
12:02:52 • You see M3A1 "Grease Gun" SMG.
12:03:04 • You've left your dead follower Joseph Ramos behind.
12:03:12 • You were hit for 64 hit points.
12:03:13 • You were hit for 46 hit points.
12:03:13 • Jesse Wilson was hit for 79 hit points.
12:03:13 • Citizen was hit for 92 hit points.
12:03:13 • You were hit for 70 hit points.
12:03:16 • You were critically hit in the head for 149 hit points, knocked out and had your armor bypassed.
12:03:16 • VODKA_RUS was hit in the eyes for 14 hit points.
12:03:17 • Jesse Wilson was critically hit in the right arm for 53 hit points, crippled his right arm and his weapon dropped.
12:03:17 • You were critically hit in the head for 90 hit points and were killed.
12:03:22 • Screenshot saved.
12:03:30 • Ranthug: ...zou will get banned forefver lol...
12:03:33 • Citizen missed.
12:03:34 • Citizen was hit for 68 hit points and was killed.
12:03:34 • Vladislav Coleman was hit for 68 hit points.
12:03:47 • Screenshot saved.
12:03:48 • Screenshot saved.
12:03:49 • VODKA_RUS: **pissing**
12:03:54 • Ranthug: ...enjoy bans noobs...
12:03:59 • You see Street Light.
12:04:05 • 9 gramm: come bacq
12:09:15 • Log saved.

on the start of the log you can see i shot crucial 1.9 i am sure its one of those guys again

they were fast relogging so fast i shot like 9 ppl, nobody checks this

bbs also fast relogs all the time all the fucking time, admins dont give a shit

i am sure if you dont do anything about the fast relogs that this server is doomed

Toxic Caves / Bbs sneakers dual / fast relog
« on: March 18, 2014, 12:38:49 am »
Really guys. What makes me angry is that you instantly ban our guys when they fast relog once in twenty years and youre ignoring the fast relogs in bbs faction. We are not talking about few cases.
Each time we fight bbs jesse jane or pancor is fast reloging or dual loging. You are looting multiple items from ground, looting power armors, looting unique weapons, ruining the fair play completely.

So please chill and if you want sneaker just fucking play it full time. This is not a "please ban them topic" it is more like "get your shit together topic".

Closed suggestions / npc with first aid bullshit
« on: March 16, 2014, 11:35:49 pm »
just give them more hp instead of fa, its just stupid

sometimes they first aid when they have no ap and then shoot right away without any animation

Suggestions / why are are all elite npc almost immune to energy
« on: March 15, 2014, 06:42:27 pm »
Reduce energy DR on elite mobs (caravans, slags). They have unreasonable high dr for energy making energy weapons useless on these npc. It is now impossible to use energy weapons against these enemies. I suggest reducing energy dr for those enemies by 20% to compensate.

Buy / wtb super stimpaks
« on: March 14, 2014, 02:03:23 pm »
buying 100+ for 400 caps / piece

River of Tears / crying about turnbased
« on: March 07, 2014, 09:32:36 am »
tb traps are fucking lame, you suck and cannot play so you do tb traps it was always like this and no i didnt die in your tb trap and i could kill you all in realtime alone

Closed suggestions / global chat
« on: March 02, 2014, 07:00:17 pm »
my suggestion is to add global chat to game, any helmet having global radio channel (instaed of 0 channel) that can be reached with /g "text"¨

communicating with irc or forum is only annoying and you still have to do that so why not make the gaming experience smoother

Toxic Caves / trade for energy companion
« on: March 01, 2014, 04:52:28 pm »
3 x ~ 240 hp companions all 10 en, 9-10 agi, 6-10 agility and i think 8-10 luck each

for one 8+ agi 8+ luck 218+ hp 8+ pe companion energy

Closed suggestions / make first aid wake up from knockout
« on: February 27, 2014, 06:30:27 pm »
simple suggestion if somebody gets knocked out other guys could wake him up with first aid

Auctions / 10x desert hunter combat armor sets
« on: February 24, 2014, 02:18:31 pm »
10 x desert combat armor set

all are 65% +

starting at 200K
min bid is 5K

ending tommorow 18:00 server time

Closed bugs / gunrunner caravan stuck
« on: February 24, 2014, 08:28:21 am »
Its stuck on 1674, 1947 for 2 days now. Somebody possibly tried to exploit it with sneaker,

Buy / WTB endurance implant
« on: February 24, 2014, 08:19:25 am »
paying 1 mill cap

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