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Topics - c_hieter

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
Game Help / were is my cockroach
« on: June 24, 2023, 07:42:13 pm »
while traveling i got attacked by floaters and whatever nasties.
i killed them and left, but did not noticed i was poisoned.
along the way i died. respawned and could not find my ride.
is it gone?
is it in another area of the map and i just need to find it?
last i remember it would show up as a red circle on the map.
anyone have any answers?

General Game Discussion / a happy/odd surprise
« on: November 30, 2017, 06:38:06 am »
at least for me.
while footlocker hunting i killed a NPC.
he gave up a superior leather helmet, jacket and a advanced Mauser.
i dont remember ever seeing "special" stuff from a dead NPC in previous sessions.
but that could be because i never scrutinized  low level stuff like that before (unless it was better than what i had).
i just sold it.
now with this session, since a lot of NPC scavenged stuff is  beyond repair, i check it and science the total crap.
was i being lame before, or is this something new.
or am i being lame now/still.
any thoughts?


General Game Discussion / alright you herpes infested noobs
« on: November 16, 2017, 02:52:51 am »
free stuff at barter grounds.

General Game Discussion / blueprints?
« on: October 22, 2017, 03:02:51 am »
can you still find in footlockers?
only a item you can buy now?
thanks for advice.

General Game Discussion / funny story
« on: April 09, 2016, 10:18:58 am »
so i go to geko to sell some small arms.
close to skeeters door is some plastic explosive on the ground.
i pick it up.
i start talking to skeeter and figure i better check to see if the timer is running.
holy shit.
i run outside and drop it, then go back to finish business.
skeeter starts blasting me, so i do the honorable thing and run for my life.

about 15 hours later i log back on and head back to geko.
sure as shit the plastic explosive is still there.
i take care or business.
i then think, maybe i can disarm it.
needless to say i get blown to hell.
i re-spawn and get my loot back.

so to whoever set that trap...
i shall forever bow down in the shadow of your greatness.

General Game Discussion / fire gecko hunting
« on: December 07, 2015, 05:14:14 pm »
anyone know of a good place to hunt fire geckos?
best place i found was south of gordons gas station.
is there a better place?

Closed bugs / "sorry you cant carry that much" error while selling armor
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:03:29 pm »
i went to sell armor at modoc.
i was over weight and close to the max, but i could still walk.
i unloaded to the transfer screen to match the caps at the store.
i put all the caps to the store transfer screen and hit offer.
and got the error.
the armor was back in my inventory and caps back in the store inventory.
i went back to my tent and unloaded a bunch, went back and completed the sale.

my guess is the weight of the stuff i was selling was not taken off my carry weight and the weight of the caps put me over.
not a big deal.
just a heads up.
sorry if its already been reported.

Sell / loaded mining slave
« on: March 16, 2015, 03:49:15 pm »
2840 HQ mineral
2944 iron ore
  736 mineral
5896 HQ ore
      1 weed (he's loaded, but no slacker)


General Game Discussion / whats a wipe?/whats time?
« on: March 03, 2015, 06:14:58 pm »
the wipe is a foul beast that threatens to make established players run for their life in a blue suit.
the wipe is half killer rabbit and half crybaby packing a bozar.
late at night in the wastes you can hear its mating call.

i see kilgore locked the reloading reloaded thread.
good for him.
and good for us too.
i could be wrong, but i read that as him having no time to re-answer the same questions over and over again.
because kilgore and the crew have work to do and are doing it.
as best as they can fit it in-between their real life's.

even after the wipe this server will continue.
for how long, who knows.
economics and traffic will determine that.

but this game, as is, IS PLAYABLE AS HELL NOW.

for the most part reloaded is on auto pilot.
i don't know how much time the devs have to spend on freeing stuck players and other administrative tasks, but i hope not much.
i also hope they don't have to deal with a lot of re-roll requests because someone sent a buck or two one time.
all of this takes time.
time away from the work on the wipe.

the foul beast that WIPE is.
packing a unicorn gun,
switching it back and forth
back and forth....
between ass or horn......
AND then BLAM.

Faction Announcements / a shout out to TTM members
« on: January 25, 2015, 04:38:47 pm »
i have acquired the leadership to a dead faction, the brahmin eaters.
there are about 18 outposts and one bunker.
some of these locations have a lot of stuff.
i have invited TTM members to join this faction so you can see the locations on the map.
go get the stuff.
if you clear out a base let me know the location so that i can remove these from being seen on the map.
if your not interested, let me know so i can remove you from the invite list.

if you are a TTM member and dont see these bases but want to, give me your players name and once i verify you are a TTM member, i will add you to the list.

so go forth and raid the dead

Toxic Caves / a mining slave with a broken back.
« on: January 08, 2015, 01:25:49 am »
11444 high quality mineral
24029 high quality ore
10902 iron ore
3076 mineral.

i am not interested in craftable items.
power armor, bozar, guass rifle/pistol, 2mm ammo, gattling laser get my attention.
implants get my attention.
large numbers of caps work also.
i think this slave is holding the contents of 4 privet mines.
i am in no hurry to make a deal and am willing to "partout" the slaves content to different offers.

so if you say you have X implant for Y number of hq ore and Z number of hq mineral, who knows.
lets see what happens in one week.

Faction Announcements / i am looking for Brahmin eaters
« on: December 26, 2014, 05:54:22 am »
i am the new leader.
i gave everyone who ever had access to BE. access again.
i need your feedback on what to do. 
or maybe i decide.
better you decide.

General Game Discussion / santa here
« on: August 16, 2014, 04:37:20 pm »
free stuff at barter grounds

General Game Discussion / slave mining questions
« on: August 15, 2014, 06:04:08 pm »
in the many private mines i have drained i have always used metzgers top of the line, non-homo slaves.
1500 caps.
i have found that 1 of these slaves produces just as much as 2 of these slaves per mine.
it didn't matter if i had 1 slave or 2 production wise.
the combined take of the two was more or less the same per mine.
with only one slave, when i would visit, there would only be one vein of ore left with only one or 2 strikes left.

my question is, does one of metzgers cheaper slaves produce the same in a weeks time?
do all captured slaves produce the same, or are some better than others?
or is a slave a slave.

this is what i usually get per week, per mine with metzgers top of the line stock -
2200 HQM
4700 HQI
2000 I
700 M

if no one has any answers i will do a test next week.
i will buy one of metzgers cheapest slaves.
i will capture the weakest slave i can find.
put them each in their own mine and see what happens.

but i hope that some brainiac already knows the answer so i can take advantage of this beautiful summer, chase tail, scare fish and find the firewood to cook the fish that were too ballsy instead of smart.

Toxic Caves / mining slaves for sale
« on: August 14, 2014, 05:32:04 pm »
2 slaves.
sold one at a time.
different alts own each one.
each one has 4 mines under their belt right now.
each one just started a new mine and will be ripe in one week.

average holdings right now-
8600 HQM
18000 HQI
8000 I
2200 M

expect the levels to increase by-
2200 HQM
4700 HQI
2000 I
700 M
more or less in one week from today for each slave.

caps, bozar, power armor/helm.
anything craftable will not be considered.
i can already build it myself.
i am in no hurry so if you need time to pool resources with others to make a deal, no problem.
barter grounds is the preferred transfer point.
don't even try to offer less than 500000 caps each.
its what i have invested in them, not counting my time to herd them.
SOME offers of X amount now with the promise of Y added later, will be considered.
it all depends on who offers and your ability to chump me, if that's what you intend to do.
i think Eleanor Roosevelt said it best.....
you cant take advantage of someone without their consent.
and with the wipe "maybe" up to 6 months away, what do i have to loose.

so as a former lousy USA president said 12 years ago or so, "bring it on".
he sure had nothing to loose personally but his credibility in history.
more profit in the here and now.
no profit in history.
sorry for the political rant.


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