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Topics - Gunrunner

Pages: [1]
Toxic Caves / Re: The Ultra Violence - we accept you like you are
« on: April 13, 2014, 03:22:09 pm »
Change your topic for - Ultra Fail Chance - We'll accept you, but where u are ?
Glad to see no one joins you. I rather join Bang Bang Smash (but not now as they like Baby Boys Smashed currently... So sad)

Предлагаю называть Bang Bang Smash как Baby Boys Smashed, а Ultra Violence называть Ultra Fail Chance. Первое означает что-то вроде отмудоханных маленьких мальчиков, а второе Ультра Шанс на Провал. Пока все, я пошел у ультры отпишусь ))))))

Fan Art / Special Art 2 Die
« on: March 05, 2014, 01:57:52 am »
Please post here your most weirdest deaths in our harsh wasteland. I recently had very nasty one:

Game Help / Manual Key Bindings
« on: March 01, 2014, 01:10:10 am »
I followed mojuk's advice to install NET framework but Im still having problems to start fo2238config.exe . So i need to edit .cfg file instead. Could anyone pls tell me what is the command I need to bind stims and super stims? (And also hot key to switch to BURST)? Thank you.

Господа, настало время больших гонок!
Имею честь пригласить Вас на первый этап великолепных соревнований на машинах класса "багги"!
Заезды пройдут уже в это воскресение, 2го марта, предположительно в 18.00-20.00 по Москве. Время будет уточнено до завтрашнего дня.

Требуются участники, всего 6 человек. 1 багги - 1 гонщик. Но будет 3 команды, в каждой по 2 экипажа "багги". Пожалуйста, оставляйте в этом топике ваши заявки.

Решается вопрос с пит стопами и дозаправкой, возможно первый этап пройдет без этих фишек.

Сигнал старта будет подан в палатке, рядом с НКР

После этого 6 автомобилей напрявляются в палатку возле Сан Франциско. По прибытию, транспортное средство остается в палатке, а гонщик бежит в Сан Франциско. Там у него будет 2 задания:

1. Прибежать в магазин, который расположен слева от входа в СФ и открыть/закрыть (закрыть/открыть) двери, которые вы видите на рисунке ниже. Звучит бредого, но я хотел добавить что-нибудь для проявления хоть какой-то сноровки.

2. Подойти на площадку, показанную на картинке ниже, и выбросить на ее территории 1 патрон. Патрон можно выбросить в любом месте, при условии что это место будет находиться за забором (см. картинку ниже).

После этого участники возвращаются обратно в палатку возле СФ. Берут свое транспортное средство и едут обратно в палатку возле НКР. Первый круг засчитывается по прибытию в палатку возле НКР.

Пока планируется 4 кругу, но все может слегка поменяться до этого воскресения.

Пожалуйста, оставляйте ваши отзывы и пожелания. До встречи на больших гонках!


Первый Водитель: ТРЕБУЕТСЯ!
Второй Водитель: ТРЕБУЕТСЯ!

Первый Водитель: ТРЕБУЕТСЯ!
Второй Водитель: ТРЕБУЕТСЯ!

Первый Водитель: ТРЕБУЕТСЯ!
Второй Водитель: ТРЕБУЕТСЯ!

За первое место водитель получает 7 очков, за второе - 5 очков, за третее - 3 очка и за четвертое - 1 очко. Пятое и шестое места очков не получают.

Auctions / WTA : 1x Superior Combat Armor (+1 Perception)
« on: February 17, 2014, 08:37:40 am »
Superior Combat Armor (100/100) up For Grabs


Normal DT +3
Fire DT +1
Perception +1

Starting bid : 10 000 caps
Minimum bid : 5 000 caps
No buyout set.

Auction ends 19 Feb 15:00 GMT Standard Time

I'm currently working on Wasteland Racing idea and looking to organize  few (faction representing) teams (I think 6 is enough for Top Division). In each team two cars will participate, earning points for that team  , but every single car will require 2 players to operate it (one driving and another doing navigation stuff). 

Safe house can be used as start line for now, and another few safe houses will work as a checkpoints. When start command is given, drivers assistants (or navigators, whatever)  from each of the team picks up the map of the ground and reading it. It will show the next checkpoint (yet to be discovered). Then drivers assistant gives this map to a driver to read. They both then need to get into car and try to find the location and reach it as quick as possible. There they will discover map of another checkpoint. Special staff will be hired to observe the situation (and to prevent wrongdoing) in every single checkpoint. And so on with the checkpoints until a car reach the finish line (same location as start line). That will be the first lap and now driver will  need to attend all the checkpoints again, in the same order (with drivers mate help) . Of course, without reading map anymore starting from second lap, as its already will be done. I don't know yet how many laps is enough, I'm currently testing all the stuff and will be giving you feedback. But your help is also much appreciated!

I also want to add some features like pit stops to make racing more interesting. Maybe racers will have to bring broken cars ( about 70-80 %, or anything like that, it depends, but to make it impossible to finish the race with out repairing car) to the event ? I don't know yet. Hm, what else? Fueling feature may be very interesting, its when the teams bringing cars to the event with low fuel in tank (required amount will be set and announced before Wasteland Racing Day) .  Racers will not be able to complete the entire race without refueling. Fuel amount that could be added to each car per one go (well, one pit stop) will be low, making drivers  do few refuels per race (carefully calculating when its better to fill the tank again). Pit stops will be only available if requested over radio by drivers assistant! If car is totaled or out of fuel completely somewhere not in the designated area , then car considered disqualified. I wanted Buggy to be the car for the first season in Top Division Wasteland Racing Contest. but we will see how it goes. Scout could to be more realistic option if we want to prevent er, once again, any wrongdoing (to put special staff member to each of the car). OMG, its not easy-to-organize event! But, if done once monthly, i don't think it is that bad idea. Worth trying! 

I do have time now well, to try and finish the work. And a lot depends on money the project will be getting. Oh no, not the profits. I want to spend as much my own caps, as I can on it! Teams will need wages, I believe few hundred thousands (or maybe even few million) caps per race, each team! Not much I can do on my own, so sponsors will be much needed! I don't know, maybe sponsorship deals to advertise players shops during the race? It could be the good way to cover the cost of the Race Day organization. Yeah and some more about the marketing. Limited amount of tickets will be available to sell (maps with the Start/Finish Line location), i think is also important part. Prices still to be decided, but it is too early to discuss that bit.

If you have any ideas or recommendations, feel free to ask in this thread. 

PS. If there is any bookmakers around, please contact the Wasteland Racing Senior Management Team. Betting will become available right before first stage of the Wasteland Racing Contest.

Thanks for reading!
Mr Gunrunner,
Chief executive officer,
Wasteland Racing Management Team

Registered office: New California Republic road, safe house number 787. Radio Channel: 4221   

Closed bugs / Cave error
« on: November 05, 2013, 10:38:14 pm »
Using player with the name Collapse bought a Cave from Smiley. Got the location on world mapbut can't access computer. Must be a bug. Please fix it. Thank you.

Toxic Caves / Re: Why the Still for making booze doesn't work?
« on: October 25, 2013, 04:54:37 pm »
I think Still was working on 2238 server. I went to Broken Hills to brew my own Rot Gut but wasn't able to produce any. Is the feature just not implemented yet? Or am I doing something wrong? (Or maybe just wrong Still lol ?) Thank you.
I didn't quite catch that ... How?

Game Help / Why the Still for making booze doesn't work?
« on: October 25, 2013, 04:16:22 pm »
I think Still was working on 2238 server. I went to Broken Hills to brew my own Rot Gut but wasn't able to produce any. Is the feature just not implemented yet? Or am I doing something wrong? (Or maybe just wrong Still lol ?) Thank you.

Toxic Caves / Re: Car key stuck into car trunk
« on: October 23, 2013, 12:16:57 pm »
You have to have the lockpick set in your active slot and then use lockpick skill, that's how it works.
Thanks. Still doesn't work. Tried 20+ times ... I guess Ill wait for ya :D

Game Help / Car key stuck into car trunk
« on: October 23, 2013, 10:44:19 am »
I know it is so silly but I have managed to put my car key into the same cars trunk! Now when I'm trying to access the trunk I always getting the message : Need key! How can I resolve this? Thank you

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