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Topics - Rojek

Pages: [1]
Bugs / [Mapping bug] Bodega bay
« on: October 12, 2017, 01:40:19 pm »
As I was strolling happily along the west coast, I stumbled upon small fishing village between Navarro and Frisco. Pretty nice looking location, I have to admit, but it has several pathing bugs - screens in spoilers. It's not like you're able to find Unique Power Armors on segments that are not supposed to be accessible, but still.

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Bugs / [Possible exploit] Goods'n'Go Caravan giving double exps
« on: October 12, 2017, 01:30:51 pm »
Hello everyone,

That's the second time I have come across this bug/exploit. The other time was last friday (6.10.2017), but I do not have screenshots from that day.

Title is pretty self-explanatory. When you finish Goods'n'Go caravan run (did it from Hills to Reno and from Reno to NCR, dunno about other routes) you get your standard payment message and two "exp received" messages. Screenshots in spoilers below.

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Pages: [1]