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Topics - Kilgore

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10
Faction Announcements / Faction Emblems & Colors
« on: September 02, 2024, 02:22:37 pm »
Post your faction emblems here so we can add them to updater.

- 15x15 pixels
- .png format
- Provide faction number from ~factionnames list.

Post Namecolorizing color of your faction so we can add it to PublicNamecolorizing and it will work for all players.
Make sure you have tested your chosen colour in game via CustomNamecolorizing first and it's really what you want for your faction.

- RGB format
- Provide faction number from ~factionnames list.

If you want to EDIT your faction icon/colour, make a new post instead of editing the existing one.

Posts that don't meet these requirements will be considered as spam.

Please note:
Faction icons from previous seasons have to be REPOSTED here as faction numbers have changed.
Also, make sure to run UpdaterEx to get an updated version of reloaded002.zip that stores faction icons.

News and Announcements / Server wipe
« on: August 15, 2024, 10:38:59 am »
Server wipe

Hello everyone,

The new 5th Season on FOnline: Reloaded will start on 11th anniversary of the game's launch, on 31/08/2024 at 15.00 UTC.

Previous season ended few weeks ago because of various performance and stability issues.
All player characters, private locations, items, NPCs from 4th season will be gone.
4rd season's leaderboard is available here.

You can expect few minor fixes and changes, it depends on how much time I will get to work on these.
Game mechanics, character planners and game client will remain the same.

Make sure to not miss the opportunity for a fresh start with everyone!

All forum and discord users will be notified about the upcoming season.

Meanwhile, you can join us and hang on our Discord.

News and Announcements / Changelog 01/01/2023
« on: January 01, 2023, 06:26:28 pm »
Changelog 01/01/2023
FOClassic v7, Reloaded rev 1062

Changes and fixes:
- Talchem rework (work in progress - no epic loot inside yet, only generic spawners),
- Game client allows to run more than one instance without 3rd party tools,
- Fixed an exploit with Jinxed that would cause some NPCs in public locations to destroy their weapons by critical miss,
- Desperado's Casino sign now flashes properly (yaaay!),
- Base farmer/homesteader disabled until balancing rework,
- Few exploits fixed.

Important: Run UpdaterEx.exe to update your client.

News and Announcements / Changelog 08/05/2021
« on: May 08, 2021, 06:50:21 am »
Changelog 08/05/2021
FOClassic v7, Reloaded rev 1050
Work by worldremaker, thanks.

Changes and fixes:
- Configurable item highlighter added (more info below),
- Trading with NPC is now possible with overweight,
- Added "pop" sound for message box, like in Fallout/Fallout2, and dots in message box are back,
- Fixed companions stacking and blocking in doorways,
- Improved server stability,
- Fixed tree respawn in towns,
- One-time spawners will not be refilled anymore after server restart.

Run UpdaterEx.exe to update your client.

Item highlighter:
Edit Reloaded.cfg to switch it on.

In [Reloaded] section:
ShowItemContours=7 - set the item contours for pickable items, containers and misc items, combination in range from 0 (none) to 7 (for containers and misc items)

    Available combinations:
        0: All off
        1: Mark pickable items only.
        2: Mark pickable items and containers.
        3: Mark all.
        4: Mark pickable and misc items.
        5: Mark containers only.
        6: Mark misc items only.
        7: Mark containers and misc items.
ItemContourColors=128 255 128 - contour colors for pickable items in RGB format, accepts three values (0-255)
ContainerContourColors=128 0 255 - contour colors for containers in RGB format, accepts three values (0-255)
MiscContourColors=255 128 255 - contour colors for misc items in RGB format, accepts three values (0-255)

In [Bindings] section:
ShowItemContours=Y - switch combinations of item marks by contours

Faction Announcements / Faction Emblems & Colors
« on: February 19, 2021, 05:05:21 pm »
Post your faction emblems here so we can add them to updater.

- 15x15 pixels
- .png format
- Provide faction number from ~factionnames list.

Post Namecolorizing color of your faction so we can add it to PublicNamecolorizing and it will work for all players.
Make sure you have tested your chosen colour in game via CustomNamecolorizing first and it's really what you want for your faction.

- RGB format
- Provide faction number from ~factionnames list.

If you want to EDIT your faction icon/colour, make a new post instead of editing the existing one.

Posts that don't meet these requirements will be considered as spam.

News and Announcements / Server wipe
« on: February 14, 2021, 11:58:49 am »
Server wipe

Due to various performance and stability issues, the game server will be fully wiped on 19/02/2021.

This means all player characters, private locations, items, NPCs will be gone.
Make sure to have some fun with all the ammo, drugs and alcohol you hoarded during last 3.5 years.

The new session will start at 17.00 UTC. https://time.is/UTC

Feel free to drop by for a fresh start with everyone*.

3rd session's leaderboard is available here.

News and Announcements / Test server
« on: October 03, 2020, 06:42:43 am »
Slowhand added things like better cursor mode, item highlighter, new default interface (by Jinxed Jack), quest notifier, inventory tracker and other things.
More info in this post.

Before we deploy these changes to the public server, we want to make sure there are no nasty crashes/bugs killing all the fun.
For the purpose of testing, I cloned current Reloaded server, so you don't have to start from level 1, all your characters, items and locations are there.

How to test:
- Make a copy of your Reloaded client
- Download this .zip package and unzip it's contents into client directory - overwrite files if they exist
- Run the game (ClientGL.exe or ClientDX.exe)

If something doesn't work, just download fresh Reloaded client and start from there.
The test server will be closed after few days so whatever you do there will not affect "normal" Reloaded server.

News and Announcements / Changelog 19/09/2020
« on: September 19, 2020, 04:25:53 pm »
Changelog 19/09/2020
FOClassic v7, Reloaded rev 1008

- Three new old Special Encounters added,
- New command ~online which displays the number of currently connected characters available,
- Heavy Handed will cause a bit less of knockdowns when combined with Spiked Knuckles, Power Fist, and Mega Power Fist (from 60% to 50% for knuckles, 70% to 60% for Power Fist, 80% to 70% for Mega Power Fist),
- Lowered fire resistance for some armors (Power Armor 60->50, Combat Armor 25->20, Brotherhood Armor 50->35, Advanced Power Armor 70->60, Combat Armor Mark II 30->25, Bridgekeeper's Robe 30->25, Enclave Armor 30->25, Robes 30->25, Desert Combat Armor 25->20, Black Robe 40->35, NCR Combat Armor 30->25),
- Base value of all Blueprints decreased by 90% when selling,
- Fixed a bug where starting location would not reflect current day time,
- Fixed a bug where you could join a caravan without a proper equipment,
- Minor changes in Hub,
- Some armor/helmet names changed for consistency,
- Changed/removed few boring messages.

Updating client is not required.

Toxic Caves / FOnline Engine support
« on: May 09, 2020, 02:19:47 pm »
Hello everyone,

As some of you know, every existing FOnline server is using engine created by cvet. This guy is working on it since 2006, and we are using his creation for free ever since FOnline: Reloaded was launched. He even released engine source for FOnline developers (and everybody else) few years ago, allowing for further modifications.

Unfortunately, last stable engine version is very old, and every long-running FOnline server uses it, sometimes modded a bit. We could surely use something new.

Now cvet is asking us to join his effort to upgrade FOnline games to the new and shiny engine version and he's planning to release stable engine version soon which is a big news. But to dedicate most of his time to this project, he needs support, so he doesn't rely on some side jobs that reduce the time he can work on FOnline.

I decided to support cvet on Patreon, and I encourage you to do it as well - of course if you have some spare bucks to support FOnline. In my opinion, this is much more important than donations to FOnline: Reloaded or any other FOnline server. We simply owe it to him, and whole FOnline community may benefit from it greatly.

Let's support cvet in order to make FOnline great again!

Here's link to his Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fonline

News and Announcements / Changelog 28/09/2019
« on: September 28, 2019, 12:27:40 pm »
Changelog 28/09/2019
FOClassic v7, Reloaded rev 1002

- Players drop all items upon death in Glow - watch out!
- Modified weather mechanics in Dayglow,
- Player farm cost decreased from 300.000 to 50.000 bottle caps,
- You can no longer earn bottle caps and experience from player farm,
- Alien Blaster and Bridgekeeper's Robe added to random encounter caves,
- Bridgekeeper's Robe (non-statted) removed from Dayglow spawner,
- (Poisoned) Throwing knives can be used in melee mode,
- Knife and throwing knife damage increased slightly,
- Chosen tabs visible on worldmap,
- You can use /art/intrface/factionIcons/test.png to test faction icon on your factionless character,
- Motorcycle speed increased from 65 to 120,
- Changed music in menu.

Please run updater to get new faction.ini file in reloaded002.zip.

News and Announcements / Changelog 01/04/2019
« on: April 01, 2019, 04:29:43 pm »
Changelog 01/04/2019
FOClassic v7, Reloaded rev 994

- Changed client message about client being outdated to something more appropriate.
- Fixed a bug where container filters would not work when caps are inside.
- Fixed missing T-Ray dialogue.
- Fixed a bug where a character that died on worldmap would not respawn.
- There is a message info when character cannot equip weapon with current skin/armor.
- More strict Day Pass check in Vault City.

News and Announcements / Changelog 21/03/2019
« on: March 21, 2019, 08:34:30 pm »
Changelog 21/03/2019

Engine updated to FOClassic v7.

- Some quest errors fixed.
- Removed groups with 3d critters from worldmap.
- Dialog/barter timer is not used anymore.
- Fixed doubled node in campfire "dialogue" when having Outdoorsman skill = 50%.
- Added proper check if end-turn hotkey is pressed.
- Decreased chance of finding quest encounters (Injured Brahmin etc.).
- Bottle caps should be always on top of player/npc inventory.
- Newer implementation of smart cursor.
- Slaver tattoo is visible when wearing helmets not covering forehead.
- Character stats should not be bugged anymore if server rollback happens.

Important note:
- You need to update the game client via Updater.exe.

Tools and Modifications / Fallout 1 interface
« on: January 06, 2019, 12:44:51 pm »
A simple modification that makes default interface look more like classic Fallout 1 interface:

Spoiler: show

- it displays 13 Action points instead of 10,
- MAP button is not present as in Fallout 1.

1. Download modification here and copy .zip file into client main directory.
2. Add following line to DataFilesReloaded.cfg:

Code: [Select]

News and Announcements / Changelog 06/01/2019
« on: January 06, 2019, 10:20:19 am »
Changelog 06/01/2019

Engine updated to FOClassic v5.

Important notes:
- You need to update the game via Updater.exe and delete /data/cache directory before launching the game.
If you have problems with that, you can redownload client from client download link.
- Custom interfaces need to be modified: find & replace all "Gmap" entries to "Worldmap" in default.ini and faction.ini files.

Fixed a bug with armors being not displayed properly.
Fixed a bug affecting Scout perk, FOV etc. when game chat was inactive.

News and Announcements / Changelog 05/01/2019
« on: January 05, 2019, 02:14:27 pm »
Server/client migrated to FOClassic v4. Please download new client.

More info about FOClassic:

Changelog 05/01/2019

- Game client will try to set last zoom value when entering map.
- Hidden trade crash fix.
- Server status now indicates number of currently connected players only.
- Fixes with busy idling NPCs.
- Tattoo fix.
- Cigarettes crafting machine description/name fixed.

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