I don't see what you mean by deterring people due to the last post??

I have a lot in mind for a rework of the concept of sneaking overall that includes the dynamic of sneaking armours. Keeping with the armours itself, and in relation to the idea of the tier 3.5 armour for sneaks, I propose to think about the aforementioned "recon armour."
I believe that this would be a fitting idea due to recon armour in later fallout games being associated with sneaking, so why not include that retrospectively to the world of fallout 1/2 and fonline?
I previously considered branching off the recon armour into respective faction paths, namely an "Enclave Recon Armour" and a "Brotherhood Recon Armour." I will suggest differences between them below that, although share similar bonuses for being a recon armour, will have unique traits to identify with their faction status.
First and foremost is the base line for recon armour that is universal, and for that I could see it as primairly being a bonus to sneak skill. Additionally could be the idea of a lessened AP cost to activating sneak mode, perhaps by 1 action point. It could even be an armour that incorporates a sneaking perk, for example containing the ghost perk or extending the effectiveness of ghost perk to be, say, 10 hexes from a wall.
Now for the faction divergence, I wonder what could be applied here. Enclave is universally known to be resistant towards energy weapons which, if applied here, would increase the resistance to the BANE of all sneaks (laser) or against plasma grenades. However doing so would be counter intuitive to my last post of survivability of sneaks, but hypothetically this would only be a slight increase to the physical defence of a sneak which relates to the armour of choice which refers to aspect 3, meaning it a viable topic of discussion.
An enclave recon armour will therefore have such energy resists, allowing it to withstand against pure anti sneak roles (surviving against plasma grenades) A laser resistance increase should be expected here, however I am unsure if a sneak should ever survive a gatling laser shot at any range, so this may need to be thought out more, or maybe laser is dropped altogether. Further more, since enclave is of a darker colour, and as artifical as this sounds, perhaps increase sneak skill under darker conditions. Just an idea, but not one I would flesh out without thinking of any substance to back it

As for brotherhood, that is where I must admit a fault: I am at a loss for this divergence. I do know that there should be different types of recon armour as there are with combat armours, but brotherhood is the best armour before power armour, and a started brotherhood armour is better than a power armour if the normal res is higher. How to instead implement this into the recon armour without it being the better choice over the enclave is a challenge.
Having said that, it could be that the brotherhood, instead of covering their recon armour in reflective polymer sheeting or what have you, decided to increase the performance of their recon suit. This could be a bigger bonus to sneak, a further reduced action point cost to sneaking (perhaps even going far enough to say 0 action point for sneaking.) Dare I even include the ability to sneak even when enemies are facing you. To offset this, we could believe that the installation of the technologies used for this meant a drastic reduction in defensive properties to allow room for these changes without affecting the weight of the armour to compromise the ability to scout. The resistances could therefore be worsened to a leather jacket, or even a robe,but with a weight just over that of an lamk2.
I also would like to bring in the idea of these recon armours giving a bonus to movement speed of the player character, perhaps one of 10%. Just something for added flavour since they are modified suits of stealth after all

In fact lore has it that they are suit's used underneath power armour, so there must be a little credit to the mobility of the suits by themselves!