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Messages - Dr. Mengelito

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 94
Toxic Caves / Re: Let players help fixing stuff?
« on: July 14, 2019, 01:55:28 am »
Maybe it's time to reconsider selling this project to us, website, forums, discord and all. To be fair the old gal sure has taken a few bumps these last years, she isnt exactly running and theres  rust in the pve. Seems to be missing its whole pvp community that would need to be replaced... Most of the S3 stuff needs to be downright stripped away but still, for real, want to sell the project to a caring loving home hit me up.


Wasteland News / Re: The Daily Khan (Issue 46)
« on: July 14, 2019, 01:42:36 am »
I miss you all KHAN members they were so precious for the server. I never forget you bye bye :'(

We' re still keeping an eye on things once in a while, seems like everything we predicted with our magic 8-ball came true. No donations since mars, 2-5 players online. After all these years of abscence we are still the talk of the town, the true lifeblood of this community. Cater to our whims and we might grace Reloaded once more. First I want an official apology from the dev team for moving my S3 rant to the toxic caves aswell as a promise to follow my orders in the future.

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 19, 2017, 07:06:23 pm »
Oh FFS stop fueling it. I gave You an option on forst pages. allow drop on timer in TC towns, but no one but Wichura even respond to that. In my opinion it means You lads are willing to leave "home serve" coz You can not harras noobs here. This is pathetic.

You suggest one solution to one of many problems this season and expecting that to end the discussion then calling people toxic? What's wrong with you, besides Perteks and Wichura there's been so many good points made. Go speak up vs. those who where trolling since page 1, how about that?

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 18, 2017, 11:25:41 am »
I have very good insight how things actually are, be happy I don't go all in.


Your welcome. Good luck in your coming fights vs. the brahminhood of shit and da uber muscle boyz, sure it's gonna be epic.
Wouldn't see any difference between them and you then whats problem is here?

Haha really? No disrespect but have you guys won a single fight yet without
coming in on your low PE bursters as a backstab team?

Not so funny when someone else stoops down to your level Perteks is it?

It's not about this though, it's Kilgore's server and I and many with me have tried to get our points across in a constructive way for the sake of our community here and only "old bbs" defends the changes. That's it for me.

Been a good run o/

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 18, 2017, 11:07:57 am »
I have very good insight how things actually are, be happy I don't go all in.


Your welcome. Good luck in your coming fights vs. the brahminhood of shit and da uber muscle boyz, sure it's gonna be epic.

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 18, 2017, 10:49:36 am »
Real BBS plays FO2.

Don't talk about things you have no idea.

Hit a nerve?

I have very good insight how things actually are, be happy I don't go all in.

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 18, 2017, 10:27:55 am »
Well said Powerpuff, about sums it all up.

We're not calling the devs out, we're not ddosing or hostile. We've been active in the community for a couple of years, recruiting, organizing fights and sorting out our teams. Training new recruits, pulled of traps, infiltrated each other, made maps, hosted events, bartered, dealt with losses and drama, turncoats, flexed, upped our game in art or video in propaganda armsrace. I'm not bothered by changes to the server really I'm bothered by the impact it has had on the community and that might be hard for you "old bbs" who haven't been around to see but we who are rooted and gamed together here for years now are passionate and try to give positive feedback since it was stated this was a testsession.

Your and Perteks attitude gives it away though, game was changed so good factions would quit so "old bbs" can wash their name clean again lol how many times have you attempted pvp now both on season 2 and season 3 and only embarassed yourself.

Real BBS plays FO2.

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 18, 2017, 04:26:07 am »
Damn shame the thread with so many good posts that engaged so many was moved here instead of having it's posts moderated.

You see the time and passion that went into Seki, Mantis etc. posts/videos and compare it to Perteks, if that's Reloaded's new target audience, well... enjoy.

I'll take this as the answer from the devs and it's their show after all, nothing else I can do about it than voice ny opinion on the direction of a project I've been supporting for years yeah?

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 16, 2017, 05:39:05 pm »
wow, preach mantis, droppin truth bombs!

Didn't think I'd see the day when Mantis drops the mic.


River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 16, 2017, 04:02:04 pm »
How dare you suggest donors would be blackmailing the dev team? How about YOU donate instead? I'm sure "old bbs" got enough cash to keep this running yourselves, TKs definately can finance a server or two anyways.

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 16, 2017, 12:25:09 pm »
Nothing constructive? Really?

Okay so server goes black without donations, you see any non-pvp players donating? Anyone? Where's your monetary support for the server? You want the project to crash? What's the deal?

Nice professional post there. I think I'll wait for Adams, docan or Kilgore to reply to the questions I asked instead.

Sell / Re: Selling Junks and ressources
« on: October 16, 2017, 11:45:28 am »
I'll always buy everything you can collect. Hit me up on discord, I'll pay extra for exclusivity aswell  :)

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 16, 2017, 11:23:10 am »
Is the youtube efforts appreciated or considered to drive people away?

Is the donations unnecessary since it doesn't impact the development of the game or will the server go black when it runs out of donations?
Looking at pvp big fights without any editing its freaking boring, fonline is not soo good loking for 2nd party

You have donation info topic

I watch other teams videos and put alot of effort into editing pvp videos myself, last video Reloaded S3 PVP Vol. 4 covered 10 fights in 5 minutes. Mantis tutorial videos has thousands of views and you dare attack the reloaded youtubers?

Please go on and answer my questions about donations and gamedesign with your own words this is no hostile wordfencing we are many who are invested in the community and genuinely worried, be professional.

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 16, 2017, 11:07:39 am »
I'm getting mixed signals here...

Is this a testsession where feedback is appreciated or is the game now purposely designed to rid the server of the pvpapes?

Is the youtube efforts appreciated or considered to drive people away?

Is the donations unnecessary since it doesn't impact the development of the game or will the server go black when it runs out of donations?

Would really like a clarification to these 3 questions before discussing this subject further.

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 16, 2017, 09:37:06 am »
"The thing most of you people fail to realise is that Kilgore stated many times that he doesnt care about pvp people feedback"

well he should have, because it's mainly PvP players keeping this server alive, making videos, posting on youtube, advertise.

How many PvE videos have you seen lately?

And choose words wisely, because without PvP players you end up with 20 (+30 dual logs) online and then RIP Reloaded like other servers.

I commented Mengs video on yt, I completely agree with everything he mentioned. Not only me, almost all AAs rather play diff games.
Has it ever occured to you that they may not be so passionate about you pewpewing or maybe even about the server being the most popular thing in the world? If changes were made to get rid of you,why trying to force your way in? Think about that.

Changes where made to get rid of the pvpers? The youtubers and donators who bring in the new people and help keep it running? I'm sorry Adams with all respect I got for you I still call this bullshit until Kilgore confirms this is the case.

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