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Messages - italoenio

Pages: [1]
The Workshop / Translation - Brazilian Portuguese - Language
« on: September 12, 2022, 08:06:13 pm »
Good Morning!
I'm starting to translate some strings into Brazilian Portuguese... but there are special characters that are giving me a bit of a headache... for example, words with accents like são, ão, ç , você... I'm translating the files from the Server / text/ engl directory... I'm changing the unicode format, also deleting the client and server cache files.. even so, the invalid characters still remain... Does anyone know how to display these characters? (I know the translation work is big, but I have patience and I want to translate all the item descriptions and the dialogues as well). I want to create a server in Brazil and strengthen our community. But then, any good soul to explain to me how to display ç or é, você, cré você, accented words correctly?  :D

The Workshop / Re: Reloaded 2nd Session Source
« on: September 12, 2022, 03:21:16 pm »
Good morning...

I found a solution... I downloaded it here: I just took the WorldEditor and put it in place of the other WorldEditor (originally this one I downloaded from , but only the WorldEditor didn't work).... Now it's running the WorldEditor
Thank you very much! :)

The Workshop / Re: FOClassic tutorials
« on: September 12, 2022, 03:16:01 pm »
Good morning.
I'm trying to install the BraveNewWorld version
  and it worked, but the WorldEditor tool is not working on my win11... strange, worldeditor works on both Foonline1nd (download complete package) and 2nd version (on 2nd I downloaded directly from github and it worked). Please can you share which is the correct configuration for WolrdEditor to work in the BraveNewWorld version? I started to stydy everything tha you shared with all community here about install Fallout in owner server.... without WordTools I cant apply a lot of lessons that you shared....thanks

The Workshop / Re: Reloaded 2nd Session Source
« on: September 12, 2022, 09:41:31 am »
Good Morning,
I downloaded the 2ndSeason fonline files ( ) .. but I have a problem with WorldEditor.exe.. when I go to run it, a white screen appears... I am using win11 , I already clicked to run as administrator and version xp, win7.. but still with the white screen and crashing the computer. I discovered the following errors in the .log... I'm not an advanced programmer, I'm studying to one day be a master of code like many here... the errors are in the images... please, someone can help me to fix this?  thank you =)

Very strange, because WorldEditor.exe in 1ndSeadon fonline files its okay, worked normally:   ???

Pages: [1]