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Messages - Engardo

Pages: [1]
The Workshop / Re: Fonline Severmodification for 2nd Session.
« on: December 20, 2018, 10:53:41 pm »
Thanks for testing. If you find something useful for your own projects. Use it.

Closed suggestions / Re: Books counters
« on: December 20, 2018, 10:49:09 pm »
Good suggestion almost forgotten. I built it into my mod as a dialogue.

Code: [Select]
void r_QuestionsBooksRead(Critter& cr, Critter@ npc)
array<int> bookRead = {GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Science, cr.Id).GetValue(),GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Repair, cr.Id).GetValue(),GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_FirstAid, cr.Id).GetValue(),GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Outdoorsman, cr.Id).GetValue(),GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Barter, cr.Id).GetValue(),GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_SmallGuns, cr.Id).GetValue()};
array<string> info = {"Science","Repair","FirstAid","Outdoorsman","Barter","SmallGuns"};
for(uint i=0;i<bookRead.length();i++)
if(bookRead[i] > 0)
cr.Say(SAY_NETMSG, info[i]+" : "+bookRead[i]);

When I was testing, I wondered why I didn't get a message. Then I remembered that I haven't read any books yet.  :facepalm
Maybe it would be better to show the unread ones as well. Or ~rb command. What would be better?

Closed suggestions / Re: Simultanous Turn Mode for dungeons (and maybe PvP)
« on: December 19, 2018, 04:23:16 am »
I'm sorry my comment was brash.
A workaround with your algorithm would probably be possible.

Closed suggestions / Re: Simultanous Turn Mode for dungeons (and maybe PvP)
« on: December 18, 2018, 05:33:07 pm »
I found an even simpler solution in undefined scripting language.

void initSimultanousTurnMode()
   1. Dear compiler, do what I want you to do.


The Workshop / Re: Fonline Severmodification for 2nd Session.
« on: December 18, 2018, 05:30:13 pm »

The Workshop / Re: Fonline Severmodification for 2nd Session.
« on: December 18, 2018, 05:30:02 pm »

The Workshop / Fonline Severmodification for 2nd Session.
« on: December 15, 2018, 07:31:41 pm »
This modification is an adaptation of 2nd Session for LAN-Party, single player or servers that are rarely online. Only a few new content will be added.
In short, the grinding and the repetition timer are reduced.
All script changes have been marked with @Engardo so you can quickly make adjustments.

Reloaded 2nd Session Source: https://forum.fonline-reloaded.net/index.php?topic=9569.0
Servermod: https://workupload.com/file/N94kGPSq
Unpack ServerMod into the server folder and overwrite the files. The scripts will be compiled automatically at server start.

Changelog v0.2

 - Improved uint overflow protection.

 - Mrs. Stapleton[Hub] now sells Hintbook between level 2 and 500 via SAY command. [5exp = 1$] If you don't have enough money, she'll tell you how much you need.

Changelog v0.1

 - Frag Mine can now be crafted. [8xAdvanced Gunpowder, 1xParts of a detonator, 1xMetal Parts, Professions->Demolition Expert:2]
 - Motion Sensor can now be crafted. [5xElectronic Parts, 2xHigh Quality Alloys, 1xExtended Capacitor Battery]
 - Combat Armor Mark II can now be crafted. [5xHigh Quality Alloys, 1xMetal Parts, 1xFibers, 3xHigh Quality Fibers, Professions->Armorer:2]
 - Combat Helmet Mark II  can now be crafted. [2xHigh Quality Alloys, 1xMetal Parts, 1xHigh Quality Fibers, Professions->Armorer:2]
 - 10mm AP recipe changed. [1xMetal Parts, 3xAdvanced Gunpowder]

 - Super stimpak start quantity increased from 3 to 15.

Special Encounter
 - Encounter rate increased. (1'000%) //The remaining conditions remain the same. Still rare ;)

 - Level requirement removed. //You can start Caravan directly after creating a character.
 - Caps reward increased. (500%) //Could be a serious source of income.

 - You don't need caps anymore ~deleteself is always a reroll now. //You still have to be in a tent/base where you have access with a character to loot the stuff.
 - You get all your implants and skill books back.

 - Merchant refresh their inventory every 12-15 minutes.
 - Merchant Caps refresh restriction increased from 5'000$ to 1'000'000$.
 - Jules[New Reno] now sells Empty Hypo(10$) and Empty Jet Canister (20$) via Say command.
 - Joey[Den] now sells Jet,Buffout,Psycho(750$) and Super Stimpak(375$) via Say command.
 - McGrew[Redding] now sells Parts of a detonator(2500$) via Say command.
 - Dr. Fung[San Francisco] now sells Implants. //Was not available in the released 2nd source yet.

 - Mutie Quest -> Removed T4 exploit and cooldown time reduced from 6h to 1min.
 - Poo shovel  -> Now you get 125 exp up to level 9 afterwards 0.
 - Box lift    -> Reward increased from 250$ to 3000$.

Magic Locker
 - Respawn time increased from 10-30min to 2-3min //Life's too short.

City Locker
 - Spawn additional High Quality Fibers in the same frequency as Parts of a detonator.

Next update comes in january.
Have fun.

The Thunderdome / Re: A-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
« on: December 10, 2018, 01:09:28 am »

Game Help / Re: Is it true ? Game gets shut down ?
« on: December 09, 2018, 01:04:26 am »
The risk is greater that you will lose your progress due to bugs or "new features" than game shut down.

Unless Todd is a PvP fanatic...

Wasteland News / Re: The Daily Khan (Issue 46)
« on: August 11, 2018, 05:59:04 pm »

The Workshop / Re: Snippet to get implants back while reroll
« on: May 25, 2018, 04:45:20 am »
Yes, the poor noobs almost always build finesse critters with laser weapons in the hope that the malus only deals normal damage. And then (off).  ;D

The Workshop / Re: Snippet to get implants back while reroll
« on: May 23, 2018, 06:28:50 am »
The 500k cost would be unfair for ordinary reroller and making a separate query with 500k would just confusing the Player.
Im not sure you unterstood the implants aren't saved in the hintbook they spawn on the ground you must pay again 100k caps +1 CA for each reimplant, i think that scales the cost better as a static 500k caps requirement.

Your suggestion to recover Support Perks is very exploitable and has influence in fights: Demolition Expert, Light Step ect.
But here a solution to recover without exploiting and "boring crawling".
If you use the hintbook first time the script save the Player id in Val1 from the hintbook. //that's alredy implemented
Make a Dialoge with a query that tests has the player a hintbook in the invetory with correct id to give access for another dialog they has all support perks with the current requierment.

I just share a snippet that already work on my testserver if you want modification feel free to make a own version.

The Workshop / Re: Snippet to get implants back while reroll
« on: May 22, 2018, 06:00:18 pm »
@cthulchu Well observed the Nemean stack on the same Param unlike dermal and phonenix.

@Parabellum It's more thought for late game if the enemy has perfect counterattack build against your team and because of it's to cheap you lose alredy 1.3mio caps and 13 Combat Armor if you had all implants i think it's enough punishment.

The Workshop / Snippet to get implants back while reroll
« on: May 21, 2018, 07:05:38 pm »
implement in main.fos

Code: [Select]
if(_CritCountItem(cr, PID_BOTTLE_CAPS)>=10000 && cr.Stat[ST_LEVEL]>1)
Map@ map = cr.GetMap();
Item@ hintbook = map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_BOOK_OF_ACHIEVEMENT, 1);

hintbook.Val0 = cr.Stat[ST_LEVEL]-1;
hintbook.Val2 = cr.Stat[ST_LEVEL];

//Script expanded to get implants back while reroll @Engardo_SE_003

if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_STRENGTH] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_STRENGTH, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_PERCEPTION] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_PERCEPTION, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_ENDURANCE] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_ENDURANCE, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_CHARISMA] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_CHARISMA, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_INTELLIGENCE] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_INTELLIGENCE, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_AGILITY] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_AGILITY, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_LUCK] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_LUCK, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_DERMAL_IMPACT] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_DERMAL, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_DERMAL_IMPACT_ENH] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_DERMAL, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_PHOENIX_IMPLANTS] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_PHOENIX, 1);
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_PHOENIX, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_NEMEAN_ARMOR] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_NEMEAN, cr.Param[PE_NEMEAN_ARMOR]);


Edit: Version 2 has been extended with Skillbook recover. Tested and executable.

Code: [Select]
if(_CritCountItem(cr, PID_BOTTLE_CAPS)>=10000 && cr.Stat[ST_LEVEL]>1)
Map@ map = cr.GetMap();
Item@ hintbook = map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_BOOK_OF_ACHIEVEMENT, 1);

hintbook.Val0 = cr.Stat[ST_LEVEL]-1;
hintbook.Val2 = cr.Stat[ST_LEVEL];

//Script expanded to get implants back while reroll @Engardo_SE_003

if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_STRENGTH] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_STRENGTH, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_PERCEPTION] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_PERCEPTION, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_ENDURANCE] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_ENDURANCE, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_CHARISMA] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_CHARISMA, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_INTELLIGENCE] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_INTELLIGENCE, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_AGILITY] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_AGILITY, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_IMP_LUCK] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_LUCK, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_DERMAL_IMPACT] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_DERMAL, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_DERMAL_IMPACT_ENH] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_DERMAL, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_PHOENIX_IMPLANTS] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_PHOENIX, 1);
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_PHOENIX, 1);
if(cr.Param[PE_NEMEAN_ARMOR] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_IMPLANT_NEMEAN, cr.Param[PE_NEMEAN_ARMOR]);

//Script expanded to get skillbooks back while reroll @Engardo_SE_003_1
//Note for Test-Client : Values ​​are set to zero after restoring a deleted client, unlike implants because it is not stored in Server/save/clients/*.client.

if(GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Science, cr.Id).GetValue() > 0 )
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_BIG_BOOK_OF_SCIENCE, GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Science, cr.Id).GetValue());
if(GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Repair, cr.Id).GetValue() > 0 )
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_DEANS_ELECTRONICS, GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Repair, cr.Id).GetValue());
if(GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Outdoorsman, cr.Id).GetValue() > 0 )
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_SCOUT_HANDBOOK, GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Outdoorsman, cr.Id).GetValue());
if(GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Barter, cr.Id).GetValue() > 0 )
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_BARTER_BOOK, GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Barter, cr.Id).GetValue());
if(GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_FirstAid, cr.Id).GetValue() > 0 )
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_FIRST_AID_BOOK, GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_FirstAid, cr.Id).GetValue());
if(GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_SmallGuns, cr.Id).GetValue() > 0 )
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_GUNS_AND_BULLETS, GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_SmallGuns, cr.Id).GetValue());

Edit: Version 3 Code length reduced and simplified to add new objects
Code: [Select]
if(_CritCountItem(cr, PID_BOTTLE_CAPS)>=10000 && cr.Stat[ST_LEVEL]>1)
Map@ map = cr.GetMap();
Item@ hintbook = map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, PID_BOOK_OF_ACHIEVEMENT, 1);

hintbook.Val0 = cr.Stat[ST_LEVEL]-1;
hintbook.Val2 = cr.Stat[ST_LEVEL];

//Script expanded to get implants back while reroll @Engardo_SE_003

for(uint i=0;i<implantParam.length();i++)
if(cr.Param[implantParam[i]] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, implantPID[i], cr.Param[implantParam[i]]);

//Script expanded to get skillbooks back while reroll @Engardo_SE_003_1

array<int> bookread = {GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Science, cr.Id).GetValue(),GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Repair, cr.Id).GetValue(),GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_FirstAid, cr.Id).GetValue(),GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Outdoorsman, cr.Id).GetValue(),GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_Barter, cr.Id).GetValue(),GetLocalVar(LVAR_Book_SmallGuns, cr.Id).GetValue()};
for(uint i=0;i<bookread.length();i++)
if(bookread[i] > 0)
map.AddItem(cr.HexX, cr.HexY, bookPID[i], bookread[i]);


Pages: [1]