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Messages - Blix

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 21
Faction Announcements / Re: List of faction names
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:09:22 am »
I need "The Tunnel Snakes".

Please and thank you. :>

Auctions / Re: G11E
« on: May 02, 2015, 08:37:59 pm »
He does have a point though. It's honestly not worth that much without ammo.

General Game Discussion / Re: Unique Rock Petition.
« on: March 19, 2015, 01:46:05 pm »
The fullest of supports.

I'm sure a unique rock would magically make me and people like me much better at pvp, and you all know I strive for greatness.

Closed suggestions / Re: SPECIAL ITEMS
« on: February 26, 2015, 08:23:22 pm »
I wouldn't mind if he redesigned PA to make it look better.

That being said, I'm sure this ideas been pitched and rejected multiple times. Maybe everyone should just all bring their best gear and laugh it off when people complain about it. The economy is all fucked up until the wipe happens. Just gotta deal with it.

The Thunderdome / Re: I am Help Bot
« on: February 26, 2015, 07:23:35 pm »
FOnline has changed for me! I started from scratch and now I have Bozars and PA. FOnline has been very kind to "manlets" such as myself. I didn't even have to move a finger to get this stuff. Quite the lack of mercy.
2M caps mean anything haha or Nemean implants? Haha

You're a noob and a carebear. You should go look at Crazeddoctor. He's well known for bluesuiting in Reno (I haven't played in a while, so maybe he's started actually playing by now, who knows?). He'd trade implants, HPA, bozars, unique armors, all that good stuff. Seriously, the gear you have means absolutely nothing. I spent 99% of my time playing just giving free shit to noobs, and I still ended up with some hpa, at least one of each of all the rare weapons, and tons of caps. It's not hard at all to hoard things, take it from what most people would probably call a nooby carebear. ;D It takes one to know one right? And I can tell you aint shit.

PS, the heavy pvpers will trade for -ap weapons. I've gotten a vindi, a bozar, and some other tasty goods that way. You don't have to kill a single thing! Just craft for days.

The Thunderdome / Re: PVP players have SUCH a toxic attitude.
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:05:03 pm »
Blix is back  :facepalm
Rude :<
Not really back tho.

The Thunderdome / Re: PVP players have SUCH a toxic attitude.
« on: February 21, 2015, 07:14:59 pm »
I'm a new player, I went into a pvp zone naked in the hopes of seeing a multiplayer PVP fight in my beloved engine for the first time. So I announced myself in shout and went in excited. Then the spawn killing started, along with the "your mom" insults out of the blue. Idiots like GNAA Member and pretty much everyone else in "Poor Mongol(oids)" and "Bang Bang I'm a Faggot" who would deliberately go out of their way to kill me over and over for no reason whatsoever while talking shit. If any of you fucktards are reading this, go play Call of Duty you sociopathic inbred children, you are toxic as fuck and I sincerely hope that Kilgore continues adding sanctions put on your "PVP" aka shoot every 90 hp newbie that is trying to enjoy or learn the game. The difference in approach-ability and level of intelligence between the RPers and PVPers is MASSIVE, I sincerely believe that most PVPers have some psychological trauma.
You have to also keep in mind that during TC etc, it IS a strategy to have someone announce they're innocent while posing as a new player or whatever, find the enemy and tell their team where said enemy is hiding.
And yeah, a lot of people in this game act like COD players. You get used to it and learn to just fight the respectable players.

Game Help / Re: how many rockets do I need to bring to join the BOS
« on: January 31, 2015, 10:22:08 pm »
K, hauled my ass to BOS to check for you guys. He said 20 AP rockets.
Edited the wiki page too.

Closed bugs / Re: Game is laggy
« on: January 24, 2015, 01:09:16 am »
Also where can i find the controls i literally don't know how to move
You should be posting in Survival Guides & Game Help.
also <The wiki

Closed bugs / Re: Minor thing on forum
« on: January 24, 2015, 01:02:14 am »
lol blix that isn't much of bug in my opinion
But I want it to go away it's bothering me so much :<

Toxic Caves / Re: Real Life Pictures Thread
« on: January 24, 2015, 12:49:11 am »
if u insist

The Thunderdome / Re: To my fans!
« on: January 23, 2015, 11:44:22 pm »
Hey stud. Hey. Stud. Stud. Stud. Hey stud.

You think you have fans, but do you have an impersonator? Get on my level~

Toxic Caves / Re: The Ultra Violence - International Faction
« on: January 23, 2015, 11:35:01 pm »
Hello, I am looking to join your faction.

My credentials include:

-Hardcore roleplay
-Gay roleplay
-Erotic stories
-Gay drawings
-Looking Fabulous

I would be delighted to join The Ultra Vagina, especially after serving my time with the faction The Bloody Vagina. And if you aren't convinced by my listed credentials feel free to check out my porn page.

You're doing it wrong, I play hard to get with UV-chan.

Off-topic discussions / Re: Lets have a thread to share youtube vids :L
« on: January 23, 2015, 11:33:23 pm »
Also I would like to share this video of me bathing :3


News and Announcements / Re: To Reload the Reloaded
« on: January 23, 2015, 12:08:08 pm »
believe me i tryed to move to other fallout online games but they are all shit compared to reloaded (in its day)

That would be your opinion. A pretty harsh one too, seeing as the games seem to be working toward a similar goal and can learn from each others development etc.

i never did understand why the warehouse was made completely impossible

False statement.

and before you spin that line of shit that i should play anyways - No, just no, dont be fucking retarded why would i play before wipe its the most stupid shit ever

Hyperbolic straw man argument.

and after this huge rant the only real problem i have is that kilgore announced it WAY too soon

Well like he said, he could announce now that there will be another wipe after this wipe, which there will be eventually. So what is left to fear? Loss of easily acquirable gear or also as equally easily acquired XP?

well you seem like the guy with all the answers, tell me how slags have improved the warehouse experience then please, and explain why that change was even needed at all

and as for you blix, saying look - that one guy over there did it is still not a vid of you doing it, one man solos warehouse so its not impossible? maybe its not impossible, the vidieo evidence proves this, but as for you poor little blix, i see no vid of you soloing warehouse ;)

haha look at that idiot jamesfett, he said warehouse is impossible to solo! lets show him that one video of that one guy who actually did it, that will really show him up ^_^ still no content from blix though, cmon suprise me with your BG build, the only thing missing from that vid was a set of PA on his back and you all know it ;)
You're an idiot. Everyone knows I'm absolute shit at this game, I never said I personally could do it haha. No idea what you're trying to prove.
Of course, shit you're saying is entirely irrelevant. Almost everyone has PA now and the ones who don't probably don't know how to kill a supermutant.

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