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Topics - Creyven

Pages: [1]
Closed suggestions / location spawns
« on: September 17, 2013, 04:16:27 am »
Make it random i die like 20 times coz i always be spawned in midle of frking mobs even turns dont save u so i sugest change this ridiclous spawn .

Yeah, get higher Perception / Outdoorsman / Cautious Nature. The problem lies in your char, not in game

Problem is i got high perception and outdor so i try it on dif characters and always is same, dude with 1 pe and 10 outdor and dudes with 7-10 pe and 70-100++% outdor always end same in middle of nowher with tons of mobs arround so i think is not char problem.

Closed suggestions / location spawns
« on: September 16, 2013, 07:26:03 am »
Make it random i die like 20 times coz i always be spawned in midle of frking mobs even turns dont save u so i sugest change this ridiclous spawn .

Closed suggestions / Farm`s and ranch
« on: September 09, 2013, 08:02:49 pm »
little idea for make ranch and farm`s  buyable like private mine .
ranch - some cow , geckons for skin (resetable)(choice in buy)
farms - some tree, aple tree , fibers , broc flower , xander rots (choice in buy)
and upgrade for bases with something like traweling merchant who sometimes look to your basse (buy all(  if he goot so much caps  :P) and sell some usefull stuff)
 , and taxxxxxx for towns (yea) who rule town goot tax (some % ) when others not rulers sell in shops in their town, (just ideas) meybe u like it :P

Closed bugs / lost character
« on: September 06, 2013, 07:51:18 am »
cant login to my craft character system say wrong login or password (i goot writed it so its imposible) when i check on base terminal character still exist but cant login to them.

Pages: [1]