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Messages - Stration

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Is there still no drop?

I'll let answer your other questions.

News and Announcements / Re: Server wipe
« on: February 14, 2021, 09:17:40 pm »
the game server will be fully wiped on 19/02/2021.

The new session will start at 17.00 UTC.
Are there plans to enable full loot drop in more than two locations?

Toxic Caves / Re: Fonline Reloaded
« on: June 20, 2020, 09:22:22 pm »

Toxic Caves / Re: Fonline Reloaded
« on: June 04, 2020, 04:56:23 pm »
My last post was 4 years ago, sooooooooo what did I miss?
PvP looting was disabled and it killed the server.

Toxic Caves / Re: FOnline Engine support
« on: May 10, 2020, 09:17:26 am »
I'll consider donating to the "keep cvet alive during the COVID-19 pandemic" fund, sure, but let's not pretend there's anything wrong with the current version of the engine.

Toxic Caves / Re: Does anyone still play this?
« on: February 22, 2020, 08:39:19 am »

Two players on a Saturday. It's very sad to see.

Even though there was no way the "no loot drop" experiment could've ended any differently, perhaps it was worth giving it a try just to make sure the idea really was as bad as it seemed.

Now that the subject is dead, further testing is pointless. Let's re-enable loot drop and bring the server back to life!

Toxic Caves / Re: Does anyone still play this?
« on: February 14, 2020, 02:06:42 am »
Loot drop was the golden time - some deny it, but just check numbers then and now (or after making loot nodrop). I would really like to get back here, but just wont. Tradeskill is overcomplicated atm too...

I stopped playing when loot drop was disabled. I didn't even create a character or post feeback about the change, I just assumed the "test" session (that's what it was supposed to be) would last only a couple weeks and then I'd just come back and pretend it never happened. Instead, we're three years in and there's no end in sight.

I just created a character, my first one in season 3, and played for a little while because I got tired of waiting. And yeah, it's just like I thought: no loot drop means any sort of progression you make feels meaningless. The sense of pride and accomplishment (lol) is just gone. It's no longer Fallout Online, it's actually, unironically, Hello Kitty Online. Running around with all of your bottle caps permanently in your inventory with no fear of losing them feels so wrong I can't even begin to describe it.

It's a great shame because the server's still the unquestioned #1 in every other way. I love all the new stuff. It's just that the single most important core aspect of the game got changed in a way that makes everything else irrelevant. Why not flip the switch and bring the old FOnline Reloaded back? I just don't get it. Where did that idea even come from? It's so absurd.

I'm not saying that having *some* safe spots is bad; I supported the addition of bartering grounds and disabling PvP in the Hub while also having every new character spawn right next to it to make the first few steps easier for new players, but holy shit. Turning the *entire* game (except two locations) into a safe zone is *not* the way to go.

I want to keep playing but I just can't. There's no longer any endgame. Why would I ever want to waste my ammo to kill someone if they don't ever drop anything? To feel the satisfaction of making them wait 60 seconds to respawn while maybe also damaging their armor a little bit? Give me a break, this is stupid. Or is PvE supposed to be the endgame now? Argh.

Three years is enough testing, it's time for the test session to end, just do a wipe already, and if you don't want to wipe, please, just flip the switch and re-enable full loot drop. I get it, people who played without it will be at an advantage. Whatever. I don't care. Two weeks and we're on equal footing, three weeks and I'm wiping the floor with you. Let's go.

Anyway, I may not be playing, but I'll continue checking the announcements section every once in a while as I have for the last three years (time flies), maybe there's still hope!

The Thunderdome / "Exploiting a bug?!"
« on: February 22, 2014, 10:18:14 pm »
You found out that low lvl char with high lvl char allows you to make caravan runs withouy falling into new encounters which was intended since 09/02/2014 update.
I did?

Why hasn't anyone told me about it?

Also, if the thing was, as you say, intended to work like this, which I only now have learned, then where exactly is the exploit?

You havent reported it, instead you were using this exploit to lvlup your main character.

Face the fact that you were eploting a bug instead of reporting it.
Are you seriously telling me that I got banned for being in the same caravan as another player that happened to have a lower level than I did?

This is the single most ridiculous thing ever.

Maybe instead of stalking legitimate players & coming up with these ridiculous theories you should go for a walk; your brain seems to be in desperate need of some fresh air.

Exploiting a bug, that's a good one!

The Thunderdome / Re: "Exploiting a bug?"
« on: February 22, 2014, 07:03:43 pm »
You were banned because you were exploting caravans runs.

You were using 2 characters both on sneak:
1st low lvl
2nd high lvl

You were doin caravans on dual log with this two characters to avoid fallin in new encounters, when some player joined your caravan you jumped out to get easy exp on another caravan.

When you moved to destination station you jumped out on low lvl char to avoid EXP and next lvl on 1st char.

I was invastigating it for more then a week to give you a chance for reporting this bug, you didnt and thats why you get banned,

Bug will be fixed with next update.
None of this makes any sense to me. Jumping out of the caravan to avoid getting experience? Why would anyone do that? Why would anyone get banned for that?

And "investigating?" For a week? Without saying a word? That sounds more like stalking to me.

Again, good luck keeping the server populated with an attitude like that, fascist.

The Thunderdome / Re: "Exploiting a bug?"
« on: February 22, 2014, 02:43:58 pm »
Or is it perhaps waiting for a hostile enco to wipe out your caravan in order to then loot the dead NPCs?

Sneaking and waiting for loot, this is all I can think you could get banned.
If looting NPCs is ban-worthy then the entire server should be banned.

Here's the "exploit" I got banned for:

1. Join a caravan.
2. Encounter the new ridiculously OP ghouls.
3. Let the ghouls wreck your ridiculously weak caravan.
4. Drag ghouls away from the bodies of the dead caravan guards.
5. Go back and, "exploiting" the fact that ghouls are slow, loot the dead bodies safely.

I had absolutely no way of knowing that it was not allowed. More than that, I still consider this to be in no way harmful to the game and absolutely not worth a ban.

Also, I was in no way warned by the GM not to do what I did prior to the ban being issued.

It is therefore completely obvious to me that I was banned not because of this so-called "exploit," but because of some sort of personal grudge that the GM that banned me apparently holds against me. I have no clue what that grudge may be, as I don't exactly keep track of every noob I might've offended at some point, but I find such conduct of the GM to be absolutely inappropriate & unacceptable.

That's about all I have to say about the matter.

Good luck keeping the server up & running with GMs like this.

The Thunderdome / "Exploiting a bug?"
« on: February 22, 2014, 12:13:21 pm »
Characters: MrSneaky, Prof. Torr
Ban duration: 72h
Description: Exploiting a bug with caravans and new encounters
What could be done to avoid ban: report a bug instead of exploiting it

What bug exactly were we exploiting?

Is having someone wait in town to keep a lookout for a caravan while you're going to your tent to restock considered to be an exploit?


Or is it perhaps waiting for a hostile enco to wipe out your caravan in order to then loot the dead NPCs?

Please enlighten us what bug we were exploiting, because neither of us has any idea. We'd love to be able not to catch a ban in the future, but that is not possible unless you're more specific, thanks!

Wait, I just had an idea! Maybe having fun is now a bannable offense here, same as it was on FO2238? It would certainly make sense in the light of recent changes!

Please let us know as soon as possible.

General Game Discussion / Re: sending pic on forum
« on: February 12, 2014, 04:13:09 am »
You can insert pictures into your posts/PMs by using the image tags.

Code: [Select]
[IMG]the url of your picture[/IMG]

Game Help / Re: somebody explain cars
« on: February 10, 2014, 10:13:27 pm »
Yes, they can be stolen.

If a vehicle is lost, it's lost for good.

When you enter a town, your car is placed on one of the parking slots, and most likely gets stolen five seconds later.

There is no vehicle-based combat.

Vehicles cannot be destroyed, but they can break down which forces you to leave them where they are until you repair them.

They normally consume MFCs & SECs rather than gasoline.

You can sell them to car dealers as well as to other players, and yes, they can be used to transport other players.

For more info, go to:

General Game Discussion / Re: Server Status
« on: February 08, 2014, 02:38:42 am »
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Auctions / Re: WTA 4 solar scorcher
« on: February 05, 2014, 03:24:53 pm »
21,000 caps, my last offer.

15,000 caps

Quit trolling his thread, min bid is 20k.
If you're not participating in the auction, you have no business posting here.

If you wish to continue to be a useless moron troll, I will gladly point it out to you over and over again. So get the fuck out and take your trolling elsewhere.
Show some respect to the OP, and kindly stop the spam. We're trying to have an auction here.

If you want to throw another tantrum, do us a favor and take it to the thunderdome, thanks!

You should know by now, Strations parents and grandparents were failtrollfags, and his children and grandchildren will also be failtrollfags. He just can not help it. Either that or he has 1IN 1PE and 1CH IRL, and doesn't understand how auctions (and dealing with people in general, and anything else probably) work.
Please take your hissy fits to the thunderdome.

I've said it already, but it apparently needs to be repeated once more: people are trying to have an auction here.

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